Turn on pc

>turn on pc
>windows downloading by its self and installing


Other urls found in this thread:


Resistance is futile.

>Look mom, I posted it again!

How many times will you make the same thread you pathetic lincuck?


>Save you the time
windows truly is great.

it's not your computer, you're licensed to use it. MS can do whatever they want on their machines.

I formatted a usb stick to NTFS and left it under my bed overnight. In the morning it had windows 10 on it.


I need sauce on that, I forgot his/her youtube channel. Whatever the fuck that is.


Prepared for the cringe

>using windows and expecting 100% control over "your" pc

Enjoy being monitored up the ass.

I'm fucking furious. I nearly lost some really important files because of this shit. I'm mad.

Upgrade does not remove any files or software. It even preserves your account and folder settings. You are trying too hard now. Only Windows folder is modified.

"Incompatible software have been uninstalled"

So far only speccy. Version 1.29 fixed that problem. Removing bugged software to prevent BSOD and errors is an issue?

That's it?

yeah, you all faggots are mad and post angry rants on social media. but still no one sued MS over forced upgrade to win 10.
it's like you are asking to be raped even more.

>turn on PC
>login and sudo pacman -Syu
>Upgrading Windows - Your PC will restart several times

Win10 upgrade makes edge the default browser, and videos the default video player if you don't choose the small "advanced settings" button and manually select your previous programs. It also turns off everything privacy related by default, and there are some telemetry and other components which send back data to MS HQ and CANT BE TURNDE OFF AT ALL. Anyone recommending this shit is either a fucking retarded child from Sup Forums or a shill.

Can these threads please stop?

EVERYBODY knows this is just a meme and in actuality never happens.

I REPEAT: Windows 10 NEVER self-installs without your approval.

Sage and report.

You can die know.


The shill stops here.



>nvidia implementing async compute


Bullshit. I've never been on Sup Forums before and do not know your meme's but I came here to research why my computer was trying to download windows 10 by itself.

tl:dr windows 10 tried to download by itself yesterday and today on my 8.1 machine.

Are you kidding me?

>god tier

wtf i hate windows now

It's because you're stupid.

Just install me already you dumb faggot.


>tl:dr windows 10 tried to download by itself yesterday and today on my 8.1 machine.

No, windows 10 tried to schedule a download weeks ago. You approved it by not saying "no." Today, that schedule was carried out, in agreement with you not saying "no."

Much like agreeing to a purchase order means you'll get a bill next month, and don't get to bitch because you approved the entire deal ahead-of-time

Because you're stupid.

let it finish, decline the eula, roll back to 7, install GWX Control panel and/or a better OS

Something,something,you're wrong.Something,marketshare,something,poorfag,something,something,freetard.LOL,BTFO,KYS,something suicide watch.Something ,something,no drivers,something games,photoshop,autocad,and something else insignificant,but I forgot.