I'm unable to type startx, so i need a retarded login screen

>i'm unable to type startx, so i need a retarded login screen
seriously, why are people using that bloatware? i'm pretty sure stallman aren't using them, he's probably using emacs instead of a desktop environment. what's your excuse?

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Better potato than autist

ever seen 'vegan meat'? That's shit for people who go vegan just to be trendy but still want their food to at least resemble meat.
Likewise, a lot of people install linux but are not willing to learn how to use it, so they stick to tools that resemble windows like their bloatware desktop environments

Because typing startx did not work as intended on my crunchbang linux drive. Now I'm on fucking lubuntu not giving a shit.

ITT people who have never worked in a client/server networked environment.

Stop samefagging your shitty thread autist

Hey Satan !
Users do not want to type startx.
Plus, a display manager allows IT admins to run scripts when someone logins or exits their session. Scripts ran as root, but inheriting env variables from the user who logged in, making it piss easy to mount a network share or to do accounting.

>using x

this tbqhwufaggot

Because I use a display manager I can:
- press the power button
- immediately type my SSD password
- get coffee
- have everything booted and ready to go when I come back.

I'm beginning to think Sup Forums is full of lintards who have never really used Unix in an official capacity.

Define "official capacity", retarded gif poster

something other than ricin' in momma's basement.

Otherwise a display manager would be obvious to you.

>not having startx automatically execute on tty1 login

Minimalism done conveniently right.

Because I'm not running a server
What about suspending/logging off/wtv?
Im not writing commands for every fucking mundane task in 2016 AD

I don't want to type anything.

Stallman is not a role model, he is autistic communist, and I don't care what he is doing.

I don't have a login screen. I just have exec i3 in my xinitrc

>This is just a sample implementation of a slightly less primitive interface than xinit.

>Site administrators are STRONGLY urged to write nicer versions.


If having a display manager is that much of a performance hit on your system it's time to upgrade.

I'll switch to Wayland the day Redshift works on it. It helps me sleep so much that I can't go back.

Stallman actually uses gnome on gnewsense when he uses x

Lets be honest, power users got xinitrc up and running anyway.

these threads are too depressing. They really shine a light on Sup Forums's ignorance of X11.

>They really shine a light on Sup Forums's ignorance of X11
X11 protocols are a clusterfuck. Everyone is ignorant of X11