How did this happen?

how did this happen?

Other urls found in this thread:

1. White people are a minority in the global sense.
2. Globalization

neoliberalism and the march of capitalism

the poo was successfully taken to the loo

learning math

White parents told their special snowflake kids to "follow their dreams" and let them know that"whatever you do, I'll be proud of you"

Poo in loo parents told their kids to shut the fuck up and study engineering or they'll be publicly shunned by the entire extended family.

>poo is a metaphor that refers to the big problem that is mass migration
>loo makes reference to the neoliberal corporatism
>this system is doomed to get clogged and fall under the weight of his owns sins(poo)
BRAVO Sup Forums

Poo in the Loo
Poo in the Loo
Poo in the Loo
Poo in the Loo
Poo in the Loo
Poo in the Loo
Poo in the Loo
Poo in the Loo

it's fine.
here's the straight poop. this is based on real life observation, and experience.

I dislike lazy people who are given what I perceive to be unfairly good treatment. That is my bias.

People come to the university for a PhD, but they do very little work. they seem to actively try to do the minimum that is required of them so that they meet their visa requirements. they don't take an active part in any of the research, or any of the work. they even perform badly when they are working.

one of them even broke a centrifuge that cost over one million dollars because she put the wrong kind of material on it.

another time, that same person couldn't even describe what nano particles were inside of her experimental vial of fluid (protip: her """"PhD research""" is supposed to be on nano-particles, and she has a MS from some uni in Pakistan.)

these people literally just hang around until they find someone to get married to, or their visa expires (there are forums for them to find others to marry specifically for citizenship purposes with titles like "wife seeking husband"). once they're married, they drop out of the PhD program, and fuck off.

basically, if you are passionate about a field, you shouldn't feel threatened by complete morons like them

Computing became accessible to people in third world countries.

>tfw i was just trying to meme without being this fucking dense

Outsorcing was a mistake

>Be Indian
>Study computers
>Be respected by family and village
>Get decent paying job in America
>Send money back home to village and family
>village and family send over a wife
>Raise children, live american dream

>Be white
>Get shit on for liking computers
>Family and town constantly berate you telling you to play sports
>Girls laugh at you and try to one up you by launching a caimpagn to get girls into computing
>Constantly at war with women
>Get wife from 3rd world country
>Be called weird
>Child grows up as an outcast

It's society

so now this thread can be archived

liberals opened the borders to mass immigration

>be black
>grow up in ghetto
>tell deshawn you are into computers
>get robbed
Yea dude its totally societies fault and not my own.

Baby boomers fucked us over hard just to make easy money.

Pajeets heard about our fine infrastructure of roads and highways.They come here to shit in the Rolls Royce of streets.

so that's why none of them moved to arkansas

Very much like a toilet, the internet is a series of tubes so I too am very confused.

>if you are passionate about a field, you shouldn't feel threatened by complete morons like them
>implying pointy haired managers and corporate brass give a shit about your passion

"So user, why should I keep you when I can hire Pajeet and Rajeesh and save money?"

Because white people have devolved into screaming balls of dough that break into tears and fits of rage over something they call "micro-aggressions" and we are seeing their long-awaited exit from the gene pool.

Pajeets want to poo in technology because in he's country they have no future

This tbqh.

I was too dumb for medical school so I got forced into engineering. If I had failed at that, I'd be forced into Comp Sci.

white people got lazy I guess

why do anything if you can live out of neetbux

>the big problem that is mass migration
Never understood Americans bitching about this. Mass immigration is a far larger problem for India than it is for any western nation

Not american, but is a problem for every Latin American country because all the guys that doesn't make all the way to the US and just get stalled in some other country in the middle of the travel

>Mass immigration
This.MIT is full of curry-squirters.

>Mass immigration is a far larger problem for India than it is for any western nation
pretty certain America has far more immigrants (by # and %) than any other country

Except we get immigrants that are educated and can actually contribute to society. Other countries get poor immigrants.

Which is a good thing. The countries suffering from brain drain are the ones getting fucked.

White western people:
>stopped having children
>indulge in socialism
>special snowflake culture after the 60s
>are being run over by immigration in their own countries
>unexistent/destroyed middle class due to globalisation

There is like a 100:1 ratio of chinks to whites and a 90:1 of poos too.

that's only the faggots

They are all mad because they are getting outsmarted by pajeets while shitposting on Sup Forums instead of actually contributing to society.

So basically you're saying white people let this happen because they felt bad about discrimination, but when white people are the minority, the other races won't be nice like the white people were, and just say "deal with it"?

White people weren't exactly nice, all other races hate us whites.

We came first and slapped their shit, they didn't fight hard enough so we conquered their shit. Skip a few decades and white people become soft and complacent so of course everyone is now out to get us because we stopped slapping everyone's shit and ruling with an iron fist. The dogs are out of the cage, it will only get worse for us now.

Because I made the entire codebase unmanageable and documented it in my head, and it would cost you a hell of a lot to redo the entire thing, and the fact that most Pajeets won't be able to redesign the entire system I made from scratch with just unused toilet paper and Java.

>just unused toilet paper and Java.
>just unused toilet paper and used toilet paper

Is it morally right to have children if you're white? Is it cruel to subject them to worldwide Zimbabwe just because you want your race to survive?

That's what I said, user.



desu both are good points

>Because I made the entire codebase unmanageable and documented it in my head
What the fuck is wrong with you? I would fire you on the spot if I found out you did something like that.

>Get fired
>Redo the entire codebase from scratch, taking up precious company time and resources

Can't win there, can you, Goldsteinberg?

No you wouldn't.
That employee is suddenly unfireable.

I'd rather have poo in loos than women or niggers desu senpai

I'd hope something like that would be found out before it becomes large enough to be a huge problem.

SF bruh here. Indians are very bad at everything except Jira and Java. That's why you can count with your hands how many Indians contribute or are part of the functional programming family. Krishna got a bachelors in his shitty village, came here got a master in Carnegie Mellon and considers himself very good.

BUT that's the reason you see companies full of them in the Southbay (Mountain View, Palo Alto, San Mateo), and usually white people or Asians avoid them. There's your usual token India, but he usually is very bad.

Guess what?
If you hire poos, nobody would have noticed.

They did, just north west arkansas.

I never laughed so much on a single night, I miss taytay

the training and the function of STEM fields are two different things. the indians are great at taking tests in order to get certifications. it's quite another thing when they are expected to apply this supposed knowledge in the real world, and to function on project and research teams.

what does it mean to 'know' a programming language? what does it mean to pass an advanced engineering class? what does it mean to receive a CPSM certification? these things are all in fact intrinsically worthless. their only worth is in the assumed capacity of the recipient to apply the knowledge.

i could force anyone to spend years taking tests and they would pass it at some point. they would NOT be able to function. i could time travel and bring Descartes back to our time and he could learn the specifics of any field in due time. his intelligence would allow him to function, and that's what's important.

Americans are lazy but have been told all their life that their special for no reason and should focus on themselves and their own needs. Other people are told if they work hard they might make something of themselves in life and be able to support a family.

As a result Americans study the humanities and sit around doing jack shit with life. Other people get degrees in Science to make money and support families.


computer science field is more competitive than ever and albino "men" complaining all thay about "muh privilege being taken away" is unproductive

I think by 'make money' you mean, "Age 35 with no workplace experience, desperately posting on Linkedin and attending 'networking events' (full of other Indians), hoping someone will sponsor your H-1B before you get sent back home."

>degree in science
>writes trash code
yeah real contribution right there


American education

>reaction image instead of arguments

>basically, if you are passionate about a field, you shouldn't feel threatened by complete morons like them
because hiring managers are totally competent and not greedy at all

Reagan wasn't a liberal.

U mad white boi?

>not understanding how fucking badly you butchered that word
Stay in school kids

I honestly never see indians really working in the field. Why so mad?

not sure an argument is necessary. stop using words you heard your parents say please

If you are in an interview against some H1B bullshit or the normal moron that the dude was talking about (and he's right btw) and you can't land that job, it certainly isn't the hiring manager's fault.

Oakland bruh reporting in. Just avoid shops with more than 4 of them and are not part of the operations team. If they're American born they are usually good at something they really like. Like Scala or C#.

You're wrong. I actually made a management system for an HR department once. They literally have a point system based on race, gender, country of origin, social level and all that completely irrelevant bullshit.

>doesn't know how hard immigrants work to get where they are so companies know they won't take things for granted unlike the average overprivileged suburb kid

stay off Sup Forums

>actually trying to make a legitimate point after you humiliated yourself

just read the posts again, kid. I'll wait.

There is more to support now so you are going to need more people to do it.

yup, all those indians intel is hiring are much more competent than the guys they're replacing! thats why they will accept 1/10th the pay! not because no one would pay the any more...

Indians are cheaper than whites.

I was going over some resumes the other day

The White guys wanted 150k

The Indians wanted 110k

so yeah that happened

it only happens at shit schools that will enroll any poojeet willing to pay their full tuition. top ranked schools, i.e. schools that actually matter, have stricter criteria for enrollment other than whoever is willing to pay.

>the indians are great at taking tests in order to get certifications.
no, they aren't. i was a TA for a class that had both graduate and undergraduate students. all the graduate students were curry niggers because it was a CAD class and undergrads are usually expected to take that before graduating.

they did barely better than the undergrads, and undergrads did pretty fucking bad, and that's while sitting in a cluster and doing their best to cheat from one another.

people putting salaries on resumes... both should be binned.

Oh then was after the post HR interview where they stated their desired salaries

taco here.

bro, the average wage here it's like 10k and my country is a developing one with a future.

50k is like making a president salary to us, something only corrupt officials will make.

so, forgive us for thinking 50k is too much money.

Fucking white privileged scum.

is this like the indian fizbuzz

UC Berkeley Masters student bruh here. Usually they don't make to this school or MIT. Everytime a Conference happens, like the CIFP or an academic conference you never see them. So only if you write Java you will encounter them.

But you can't fire him because he's not a McDonald's cashier like you are.

Taco over the border here. Whities will fight you if you ask 150k, but they will give it to you if you're specialized in some service or data store , or if you can code and work with infra/ops. Whities feel entitled so usually they're very bad at UNIX, therefore avoid DevOps or Ops.

>white scum
>please give me a job, my race can't build a country worth living in

because fucking america is putting shitty dicatorships and making drugs illegal and giving money to mexican narco dealers.

fuck off.

Generally, Indians are far more qualified than Americans. Also, Indians are the highest paid Asians in US.

>so, forgive us for thinking 50k is too much money.
>Fucking white privileged scum.

You see, there's this thing called cost of living and it varies where you live.

Fucking taco privileged scum.

Cultural appropriation

>nothing is my fault, it's all whiteys fault
this is a good attitude and surely why your country is so great

>You're ruining my life
>Now make it better or else I'll protest assumming it's after 12

>if I do a shitty job, I'm unfirable!
This is why Pajeet is winning. They might do a bad job too, but they're doing it for one tenth your salary

If you go to a good school that doesn't teach Java, this isn't a problem.

>he made an argument that mexis are as bad as protesting as his buddies on reddit

return to hosting some edgy anonymous twitter page

i hope you realize that mexicans hate beaners like you. the only allies you will find is with other useless trash like niggers and brain dead whites that unfortunately didn't have their skulls crushed in at birth.

>be pajeet
>decide to be an engineer
>study my shit while you can see people shitting through your window
>5 years of compsci
>taking the bike everyday, dodging the poo
>bike gets stolen, go in the bus with other smelly pajeets
>graduate from shitty uni
>parents are proud of having an engineer son
>get a shitty job paying $3k a year
>full time
>meanwhile get certs on the side
>keep having shitty jobs, now I get paid $3.5k a year!
>apply for muhrican company
>get the job
>travel there
>work for the bare minimum wage and still make many times as much as in poolands
>eventually keep getting more money
>send many rupees to mama and papa back at home
>eventually marry
>bring little sister rajesha and brother dajesh to have a decent life too
>die a happy, early death with the shitty american healthcare

>be john
>decide to study compsci
>study my shit in flagship murican uni
>5 years of compsci
>moving around in the car I bought with my summer job back in school
>banging ez bitches and doing anything but studying
>eventually get a internship that daddy got for me
>parents are proud of having an engineer son
>now that I'm graduated, I get hired for $50k a year
>fucking shit salary who the fuck do they think they are
>asslick way up and eventually get paid $100k
>that's more licke it
>they switch my job and now I work at another department
>as pajeet got that job for a little above minumum wage
>waaaaaaaaaaaaah why am I only getting paid EIGHTY THOUSAND?
>go to Sup Forums and shitpost about pajeets
>die a happy, early death with the shitty american healthcare

>banging ez bitches and doing anything but studying
kek. just because your poo friends get degrees by cheating don't think natives don't have to work for their degrees. the difference is john can do a good job while the only attractive thing about pajeet is he's cheap