Sup Forums humor thread

Sup Forums humor thread

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Might as well get it over with


Ive seen it before but I rage every time.





was about to post this myself
always fails to infuriate me


manages, not fails
jesus christ i'm tired





This isn't a rage thread user

top kek

Why is that humorous? It's definitely what I expected

Windows has like 90% market share, it has obviously appealed to the mass market, including those with lower IQ scores.

Macs are premium computers so I guess people with more education and a bit more money buy them.

Linux is used by computer nerds, people who score very well on IQ tests

Literally no surprise m8

Mate that looks like a normal person with a fucking helmet and light on their heads.

Are you retarded to think that normal people do not look like this?

>What kind of retard thinks that a collar would hide a beard.

Why does a picture of someone with nice things make you rage user? Are you jealous?


We got it, linux is best at server operations

>Muh bright colors
>Using windows and linux as blue
>Must need something in between them in green

this kid
windows isn't even activated lmao

Yep, you stated the obvious there m8

post the drawing you know which one

Then that cunt that posted a shitty post should be fucking shanked by a blunt and round brick.

Jesus, that's real jpg hours.

Why? Or are you just sperging again?

How is it "Sup Forums humour" to state the blindly obvious?


Nah, but since Sup Forums allows any retard with Internet connection, someone needs to remove the unemployed, shit posting, waste of breath, retards.

Get out sperg

>13 or 14 years old
>Napster is all the rage
>buy some speakers and a sub with my own money
>jam all day
>mom asks about Napster
>explain it's like a library where you just borrow music
>Napster goes down, get Kazaa
>mom asks what that is and is worried because of the news around Napster
>explain there's no way I can get in trouble, that it's p2p and like sharing your stuff with a friend

Years later, around the age of 17 my mom busts in my room panicking with some admittance of guilt paperwork she's telling me I have to sign. I try and explain that NOTHING good will come from this, and is basically yelling that I'm guilty. There's no way I could get in trouble for any of the music I used to have. She would not drop it and I ended up signing this shit. No amount of explaining to her helped.

The joke is wangblows users

spotted the sperg


i just have this

Some logic.

>Muh OS defines how fucking retarded we our

Mate I used windows and linux/gnu.

>Get the fuck over it and get a job.

I like how he looks at his watch for 20 minutes



>first day of work
what do



There's no way this is not a lie.


this still makes me rage, just thinking about it makes my skin hot

>he doesn't have retarded nontech parents. Dude I absolutely believe it, I have personally been accused of virus games.


>all does wymyn
pinch the slut's perky nips





This is ugly but not stupid.

I absolutely despise applel, I have never in my 32 years owned nor used any of their products save for a 10 GB 2nd Gen iPod which was a gift and I used one with an external 5.5" floppy drive to play Oregon Trail in 2nd Grade. With that said, besides the insanity of charging a stylus and the mouse not being usable when charging...what is funny about this photo? I remember seeing it since it first came out and I never could figure it out and was too embarrassed to ask. Could one of you Anons please help this chronically depressed, PTSD'd out, anxious, lonely autist?


Anime source: Golden Boy
>spot the otaku

and what happened after?


>implying windows xp

This would actually be a good idea

Well at least he finally learned how to hold a soldering iron (previously he was holding it like an ice pick).

The iphone has a hump on the back (more visible from other angles), the iPad pen can only charge by sticking it on the bottom of the iPad (imagine a half-sized pencil stuck on the bottom of your phone), and the mouse can only charge by having the charger plugged into the bottom, so you can't use it and charge it at the same time (it also looks retarded).


Omg noooo.

still relevant


Thanks man! Have a badass phone wallpaper for your time!

Who remembers the pathetic arch hater?


I do kek

jokes are only funny when they're true anyway

Literally who?

we have to go back.




i knew i shouldn't have answered that 'what's your os of choice and iq' thread on Sup Forums.........

Go home spergei

$$$$$ $$$$$ $$ $ $$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$$$

Saw this exact situation walking lecture this morning. My god engineering schools have so many spergs it fucking hurts...


Sorry, my keyboard was stuck on Hebrew


If it smells like chicken you're holding it wrong





I love this one because it's so true..

This made me happy

Why don't we?

Why is $46,000/gram memetium a thing?