did she add another trillion cores to barely match the performance of a 4core intel?

>buying a shitty CPU for cheap makes it all better
Yeah, I don't think so. Zen or bust, faggot.

i laughed

>AMD Zen
>48 cores per cpu
>12 cores on a $25 semperon
>still slower than an 2500K


ITT: smarmy Intelfags and Nvidiots fellate one another


ITT poorfags still using programs from before 2008

Actually, this PC is Intel/Nvidia. I'm just not a faggot about it.

Enjoy your extra IMMIGRANTS Intel fags.

ITT: children talk about "performance" when they really mean "FPS in my juvenile vidya for Wintendo"

Thanks, we will deposit into your account soon, keep posting

I don't think you understand the purpose of having that many cores.
Hint: it is not meant for desktops.

correct me if im wrong but amd cpus would be alright for video editing / rendering / compiling ?

>I don't think you understand the purpose of having that many cores.

And neither does AMD

>tfw using xeons from 2010
>tfw equivalent performance per core to my old 8320

>tfw using overclocked fx8320
>tfw 60 dollars cheaper than i5 4460 at the time
>tfw I made the right decision :')


Yeah, the 8 cores can sometimes match an i7 4770.

At times the higher clocked models can really fly.

topest of keks

i'll have what this guy's having

>Not for desktops
You couldn't pay me to put that shit in a server if that's what you're implying

Wow a vidya that nobody plays
sign me up

People actually buy AMD processors, that fact will never cease to amaze me

Where do they get the money to keep going? Government contracts? Cheap deals with prefab companies?


Microsoft and Sony.

They got the left over contract after NVIDIA turned them down.

Wow a game that was absolute shit
Sign me up

whether you liked a game or not has no bearing on benchmark results


The game in question is running on an engine slapped together in 2002 and optimized for Nvidia GeForce4 cards from the same era.

AMD actually had better performance on Fallout 4 for a couple of months before bethesda fixed some serious bugs for nvidia users.

really, because my 980 ti raped that game

>pure autism

You're an embarrassment to Sup Forums

Does it hurt to live?

That's not a point in anyone's favor.

Isn't that a good thing? An honest, neutral, opinion?

No but intel will pay you to.

Intel would pay me to put an AMD processor in my server?

>dangerously good deals on 2012 32nm cpu that wasn't even anyhow best when it come out
truly, all-out mayhem

and they're still producing it?


Do they sell the cooler stand-alone? I don't want the shitty cpu it comes with.

I like how retarded people are in this thread.

10 years ago when i was a poorfag i bought several amd products from athlons to opterons. Good times when i made due with what i had. There is a market for value buyers and AMD makes it possible for them to enjoy a decent computing experience they can afford.

sure there is, i'm using 8320 myself. I'm just suprised they're still selling same product after almost five years, five years is a lot of time in this business.

And a 8320 is still very fine because CPU's have been stuck for years now.

Uh, all stock coolers with the exception of the ones on the slotted CPUs have been top-down.

>CPU ad
>Posts the cooler

AMD is as flop as Daikatana is

HAHA, get it, because it runs so HOT...

get back to Sup Forums faggot

>linuxfag mad because he can't get any games for his hobbyists os

That sounds kinda hot

Housefire levels of hot

They're really fucking good at it, actually.

>Knows what Daikatana is

Back to faggot

(Fire extinguisher available separately)

Yup, it actually came bundled with my GeForce 256, I had no choice, still sits somewhere in a box like new.

When are we finally getting Excavator APUs on the AM4 platform with 2400MHz dual-channel DDR4 RAM? That should be a great stopgap until the full set of Zen chips come out, and it should run Indie and casual games under Linux pretty well.

Pick one

It gets announced at Computex.

Well, according to your chart, Bristol Ridge should come out in June.

>get Phenom II X2.
>it unlocks to a Phenom II X4.
>a quad core processor for 90$ when an i5 2500K was almost three times as expensive and that kind of money would have bought you a Celeron.
>it still runs great, can even overclock on the stock cooler.

Intel is running a monopoly on the high performance market, higher prices for negligible performance to the normal user, I'd shill for AMD any day and put the rest of the money into something that will last me for sometime, case, PSU, HDDs or SSDs.

that wasn't an opinion

This was my plan in 2011 but mine didn't unlock, so I was stuck with the dual core. I have since purchased a 4670k which I used then gave away to family and then a 5820k. If that fucking 555 unlocked I'd probably still be using it and probably would still just play poorfag games and be happy instead of getting pissed at shit games like BF4.

ITT: a lot of intelshills who don't do virtualization and hence don't see the point of having multiple cores of >8GB RAM

Let me guess, you bought a GF256 for video editing/playback or some other bullshit, and obviously not to play games, a videocard that is for games specifically.

Back to for being a lying faggot.

It was a great budget build and still is, getting the four cores stable and running was fucking fantastic.

and the 8350 is now almost in the same price range as an i3.

What the hell is wrong with playing video games?

What? Blender, Realsoft.


APU's on the new platform might be nice with GCN 1.3 color compression and hispeed DDR4 RAM.

FM2+ APUs were very bandwidth starved.

Nothing at all, the faggot I'm replying too is the typical narcisistic Sup Forums faggot that fell for the meme that you have to hate videogames to be cool here, because he is too afraid of others thinking he is a manchild for having fun with something "for kids".

Then why didn't you buy a videocard more appropiate for that sort of task, like a Quadro? Nop, you had to go for the card that is for playing games, because you obviously don't play them or you are just too stupid (maybe you could not afford it?), but wait, the GF256 was pretty fucking expensive in 1999 anyway.

Lying faggot, whose approval did you need so badly?

On the CPU side of things, if Zen-based APUs finally have IPC up around Ivy Bridge/Haswell I think they could finally start to make a lot of sense in solid all-around budget builds. Fast DDR4 is getting more affordable but it still is a bit pricey.

Lookin to upgrade to a Zen based APU in 2017 since I dont game heavily anymore.

By 2017 when Zen APU hits the market fast DDR4 should be cheap.

>tfw 3570k
I really want an 8 core Zen chip. Don't fuck it up, AMD.

2500k here, I have been looking for an excuse to upgrade for ages.

>proud of (DX11) drivers being an absolute mess
>falls behind a 4Ghz i7-920 in 90% of cases
Come on now.

Watch the news, I have insider knowledge, the gtx 1080 launch has bankrupt AMD. They will be closing shop in a few days.

They've confirmed (mostly) that they'll be doing 6 and 8c chips. Whether more cores will be an option for very high end "prosumer" type stuff remains to be seen. Personally I want to see them sell unlocked 12 and 16c SKUs just as a good and proper fuck you to intel.

Their modules are 4 cores each.

The issue really isn't if they can add MOARCOARS, but rather if they can manage the power draw properly while doing so.

A 16 core monster isn't practical for consumer use if it has 200w+ tdp.


> practical
> 16 core for consumer
Come on now.

12/16 core CPUs would be MCM units and outrageously expensive, binned for server applications. Zen was confirmed as being 6/8 core standalone and 4core APUs. Whether or not they will sell 4 cores with the GPU disabled, there's been not a single word on it.

Here's what's going to happen, it could be one of two things

>Zen and Polaris are hits
>sell enough to recoup two years of losses,
>recoup ~20-30% market share on both sides
>2018, the year of Navi and Zen+, AMD has enough profit to justify new standalone 4/2 core dies and new 10+ core dies with a full new GPU product stack


>Zen and Polaris, while competitive, do not break the Intel-nVidia mindshare
>Some market share comes back but,
>Profits are not all that great
>Still a struggle into slowly downward spiralling loss
>We see more moves to a semi-custom business with a few products designed solely for professional use
>AMD slowly moves away from desktop/general user products
>We get more high end parts, more parts tailored to laptop, but never will we see a full line up that covers all price points.

Well OK I admit, that's a bit silly.

The target and needs to hit is a 4/6 core with sandy bridge IPC, with lower power draw then skylake, at $99.99 USD

THAT would actually save AMD.

The 6c chips could be ones where 2 cores on one or split between the 2 modules has failed validation.

200W TDP for a 16C chip is acceptable considering what you're getting out of it. 200W for an 8c chip on the otherhand now that would be bullshit. There's also the fact AMD has some very good power control IP that they developed in getting a handle on the fuckery that was the construction cores that I have no doubt that they'll stuff into Zen.

>12/16 core CPUs would be MCM units and outrageously expensive, binned for server applications.
The CERN slides seemed to indicate that AMD is doing 16C dies for the server market like intel does, with a 32C MCM option. I was simply suggesting that AMD could take the chips that arent the cream of the crop and sell them as consumer units.

As for Zen not being a hit, I know ALOT of people would be all over an affordable 8c/16t chip @ or above Haswell performance.

>$99 USD
Nigga what the fuck are you smoking?

AMD CPUs are fantastic at anything that is programmed well to scale to N cores. All games have the potential to do this but game programmers just don't do it.

you forgot to mention how you couldn't even overclock intel cpus unless you paid a premium for their bullshit

it's like paying a mexican extra for purposefully wasting more of your time to finish his work..

then there's the fact that AMD motherboards are usually half the price and just as good...

wait, did AMD release some new info about ZEN?

That's dumb dude. 4c would beat an i3 and those are $160

You left no room for debate there for him desu

Literally the only thing these shitty amd cpus are good at.

>w-when are we going to get 8 cores for less than 10 grands intel-sepai?
>w-what's that? bend over again? well I guess X99 is worth it...

When AMD makes a 32 core that's faster than Intels 6 core models.

my GPU has like 1700 cores man get on my level.

Running at 600-800KHz

it does, actually.
price/perf is something that adults would consider seriously.
