Can't watch tv after watching a dvd? How about you push the fucking input button you stupid OLD CUNT



Can't move out of my basement? How about you get a job you PIECE OF SHIT.

Can't hear without your hearing aid? GUESS YOU SHOULDN'T LISTEN TO YOUR 80'S MUSIC SO LOUD GRANDPA

Old people realize they missed the boat on tech. They have enough money to pay someone from Comcast to come by and press the input button for them.


They may have raped and pillaged the future of our civilization for their own benefit, but at least we have the internet and dank memes

This makes me so fucking angry.
>devastate the economy for their self interest
>durr millenials entitled to everything

>too lazy to use a computer
>you're ungrateful if you don't do "tech stuff" for them; if something breaks, it's your fault.

>spend all their days with their eyes on a smartphone
>your generation doesn't communicate no more, you only live for your PCs and smartphones

In the meantime, they totally failed in educating GenZ which is turning out to be a bunch of spoiled degenerate druggies.
I've literally seen baby boomers chat on whatsapp with one another while being in the same fucking room.

I worked for my country's biggest cable company's CS and I would get 50 calls a day from old people needing help with switching input which is... okay, but the problem is that they spend 10 minutes finding the button even though I describe it perfectly and look up their brand remote to guide them

Why bother learning how to do something if you can make someone else do it for you?

I feel like the elderly don't have an excuse anymore, smartphones, DVD players and modern computers have been around for years now, they should know how to use them.

My grandma has had Comcast and a DVD player for more than 10 years and still doesn't know how to turn off the tv, only the cable box.

She got viruses on a Chromebook. And she's been using computers for 25 years

my grandparents can do shit I can't do so it's all relative. Yeah my granddad can't set his fucking digital clock but he can repair any pre-2005 vehicle and can lathe any part known to mankind.

>tfw your gramps has two masters degrees in EE and theology

Feels great man

>>devastate the economy for their self interest
Are you just parroting bullshit you heard on the internet?

>In the meantime, they totally failed in educating GenZ which is turning out to be a bunch of spoiled degenerate druggies.
I think you are.

>viruses on a chromebook
Holy kek, how the fuck does one even do that? I can't believe there's chromebook virusez, but then again it's a hacked up Linux distro basically.

Most old people are useless. We will one day be those people. Have some sympathy for your fellow man.

Trying to express an opinion?
or just shitposting like me

What opinions. There's nothing opinionated about those two statements. He's presenting bullshit as factual statements

Oh lawdy gramps, tell me more about how you already had 3 houses, 2 kids and no mortgage when you were 24 because I simply lack the motivation to achieve all this.

>I think you are
Nope, in a household composed by 1 baby boomer, 1 millennial and 1 GenZ I'm the only one with a stable, healthy relationship, no drug abuse and a uni/work situation going on at 23.
Guess who decided to follow their friends' and brothers' example and start an affair at 53?
Guess who got arrested multiple times for drug possession and is taking a sabbatical next year with 10 or so of their friends because >muh internal journey?

Kys, my man.

Also inb4 >being poor white american trash.
Educated european middle-high class.

Not rly, not all of us, and not all of the old dudes are shit.

My grandpa is hell of a bright ass, he is ex military pilot, and been into electronics and shit since young age, /diy/ as spirit etc.
He can navigate himself thru almost everything, I remember when I got into my first year of CS, he got into my books and few months later tried to explain to me most of the algorithms and stuff, trying to help me. And he got excited about programming, I think he still does some stuff with some micro controllers and stuff at home idk.

Anyway tl;dr, its the stupid wagecucks that are useless when old, the drunktards and the partyheads, all this stupid kiddos will suck dick pretty soon

Go blog somewhere else. I don't give a shit about your personal life. What I want is you to give evidence to your previous statements. HOW exactly did a generation fuck up the economy and did so for their own self interests?

tv remote controllers are annoying. every model has a completely different controller

>HOW exactly did a generation fuck up the economy and did so for their own self interests?

Not him, but at least in Italy, where I live, boomers created most of the public debt, and are still benefitting from unsustainable privileges that milennials can only dream of (the so called baby pensions for example).

Ok, kid.

So what's a baby pension entail?

You could receive a pension after working for 19 years, IIRC. There are people who were 39 or so when they did that. Also a lot of these people continued to have another job under the table.

They are pretty retarded, yes. When I used to be old I didn't have these problems so I don't understand why old farts have them. It's just lazyness tbqh.

So you're telling me he is doing whatever he wants to do without behaving like the stereotype you want him to be? So sad for him. Not.

>create debt
>create more debt
>create even more debt
>don't pay taxes to fill that debt
>dedicate your whole fucking life to moving money from your account to those of big corps
>lol bye gonna start taking my pension now, I expect you to pay for it and don't forget to pump money into a medical system that only exists to keep me alive and consuming resources until I'm 110

Also, did you notice how we went through 2 financial crises from the 90's until now? I wonder who was at the wheel during those years.

I don't even care about the shit you left us in, we're smarter than you and we'll manage.
What I can't stand is how you act condescending and smug about it.

How's that reading comprehension treating ya fampai?
Go be old somewhere else.

>be at work
>because I'm young I'm unofficially the tech guy
>seventy year-old lady always has trouble with her work laptop which still runs fucking Vista because nobody wants to teach her to use 7 or 8
>she beckons me over because it won't turn on
>trying to establish whether it's been running off the battery, I ask her where the power cord is
>I don't know what you mean
Fucking really?

>When I used to be old
I can't believe nobody's called you out on this yet. What does that mean? Are you dead now?

I love old people! I get free parts from their shit and can charge them out the wazoo for fixing the smallest shit.

I thought you were just shitposting but seems like you seriously believe I'm a boomer browsing Sup Forums. My fucking sides.

>Also, did you notice how we went through 2 financial crises from the 90's until now? I wonder who was at the wheel during those years.
>Wall street = baby boomers
Okay retard.

Right, we are all necessarily under 40 here, I should not think that retards like you might actually be BB.

>>wall street = baby boomers
>financial crisis = wall street and nothing else
>wall street not managed by baby boomers anyway
Well ain't that ironic.
I'm gonna end this argument right here and go be productive.

How is this ironic? The notion that Wall street is representative of baby boomers is retarded, yes.

>wall street fucked the housing prices up
>hurr durr it's an entire generation's fault!

>I'm gonna end this argument right here and go be productive.
Good riddance. Better yet just kill yourself.

>Why bother learning
Is you ask yourself this very question at one point in your life, you should kys.

My mom uses HeyTell. It drives me crazy every time I hear her recording and re-recording the same message over and over to get the perfect take when she could just make a fucking phonecall. Technology was a mistake.

>mfw my great-grandma who remembered the fucking ww2 as she was sent to work in western germany learned how to use a mobile phone at 82 as well as fucking text messages

I guess your old folk are just lazy ass bitches

My 70 year old grandfather decided he needed a laptop two years ago, and now he doesn't need any help at all. In fact, once I showed him how to use the mouse he needed no help at all.

Meanwhile my 40 year old mother decided she can't understand computers in the 90s, and hasn't touched one since.

There's nothing complex about using a computer or doing any basic tech related thing today, it doesn't require specialty knowledge, it's just basic problem solving. Some people either have the will to do it, or they give up right away.

baby boomers are the worst generation

If you stay alive long enough, you too will be old one day and then you'll understand how shamefully childish you once were.

It really depends on the person, like the posts above say. Some old people are super savvy, some are completely helpless.
People who are incapable of learning deserve to be made fun of.

In some old folks, cognitive deterioration is quite drastic and there's nothing they can do about it. I've seen it happen. Raging and/or snickering about old people's incompetence when you're in your teens or early 20s at most just underlines you're a kid with zero understanding about life. It ain't going to be a smooth ride til the end. Many things are not in your control no matter how invincible you might feel now.

>80's music

Spotted the underage.

I'm in my 30's, and I can't stand incompetent old people. Especially when they stop me from what I'm doing to tell me about how wonderful their church service was or how well their pretty niece is doing in school.

I don't care if they "just need someone to talk to."

bystanderfag here

To be honest, Wall Street will probably always keep pulling the same shit it has been pulling since forever. Sometimes it will work for the better, sometimes for the worse. It's not a matter of who's running it because [spoiler]there's nobody's at the wheel[/spoiler].

>How about you push

That's too many steps, user.

I didn't run through that god damn jungle while my buddies died in the muck so that your freeloadin' ass could give me orders. WHERE'S MUH DAMN PILLS?!

30 is young. I'm 29 myself and I've noticed my mum started to feel less sharp when she was about 55-60. Same for my dad.

Sometimes it's bitterness and frustration that fuck up your personality and outlook on life, sometimes it's neurological degeneration (or both).

Be careful what you hate now. Your last years on Earth could become a thousand times worse if they're filled with guilty feelings for having despised what you've become.

I'm going to die before I'm seventy, who cares?

>fights in a pointless conflict that accomplished nothing
>expects kids to be thankful to them

>Are you just parroting bullshit you heard on the internet?
They were given proper tutelage, mentorship with the previous generation with only a high school education, IF that. Now they don't because that costs time and time is money, and are also working against the clock to flood the labour market with uneducated shitskins whose presence in the economy will drive wages down across the board.

move out of your fucking parents house cunt i mean i technically live in my parents old house but i pay the property taxes and they live in florida

>OP is one year old
>his angry grandma is screaming, standing in the mess he made with the food
>WHY IS HE SO FUCKING USELESS? Can't put food into your mouth? How about you just grab it with your hand and aim inside your mouth you stupid BRAT

>random Sup Forums user feels unexplainable rage towards old people doing old people things

well, i guess this is what they call subconscious learning

it's not about gratitude, it's about superiority
someone who was running around for weeks in the middle of nowhere while other packs of guys running around were trying to kill him is clearly more fit for survival than random kid who spent his entire life in absolutely best conditions to live possible

he'd dick-slap you, but it's so last year