Why arch has so many updates?

Why arch has so many updates?

I know it's rolling release, but in just a few days already have over 200 new updates.

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Because you can't be free as in freedom if the edge doesn't bleed some, my nigga.

Welcome to an OS that evolves,rather than stagnates.

I can't update anything anymore because I broke just 1 dependency it's fucking stupid

Welcome to a hobby OS maintained by autists like .

>I broke just 1 dependency it's fucking stupid
Which one. This is easily fixed 99% of the time.

How'd you know?

could not satisfy dependencies:
gtk2-patched-filechooser-icon-view: requires glib2-patched-thumbnailer

Fixed mine with the comments below the dependencies.

Sorry but how exactly did you fix it? I don't see anything in the comments that might help.

The problem is that you are manually downloading the PKGBUILD and running makepkg -si, if you do it that way and the package you want to install depdends on other packages only available in the AUR the depdencies obviously can not be satisfied automatically -- you have to do it by hand.

If you want to avoid all this bullshit use an AUR helper, like yaourt or pacaur.

Fucking hell, how do people put up with that? I get sick of Debian testing because the updates come too fast and voluminously.

just use debian unstable with apt-listbugs

lets you update once every couple weeks without having your OS go boom

so x breaks more

I smell desktops...



>he uses linux seriously


Well, there goes the old Arch has outdated packages meme.




Actually I have been depending on yaourt for practically all my software installs. I try to reinstall gtk2-patched-filechooser-icon-view and glib2-patched-thumbnailer with yaourt -S but at the end of it all I just get

error: missing 'glib2>=2.46' dependency for 'pamac'

Which is annoying as heck because these installs take forever.







ITT, we discuss why arch linux users start posting their desktops when they know they've lost an argument...


is he happy because he finally installed arch?



but arch isn't free as in freedom









Nice thread


Basic shit breaking four times a week isn't evolution. It's pointless wankery.














use glances instead of top


what is this font










you building a math library or something?




install gentoo









mines still going strong for almost 2 months now without a single breakage.

probably because i don't use the AUR...

What's with the flood of riced desktops? I'm pretty sure there's nothing stopping you from doing the same shit on any Linux distribution. You're just being an attention whore.

he does it in every arch related thread lately