I barely remember anything from highschool math (and barely knew any of it when I was in school)...

I barely remember anything from highschool math (and barely knew any of it when I was in school). Are there any good book to learn algebra, trigonometry, or calculus?

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It's too late for you senpai

Didn't read through all of it, but Algebra Know-It-All seems to be really good for starting from the absolute beginning (how to count, bases, etc). They also have a book for Pre-Calculus (which would cover trigonometry) and Calculus.

I just torrented a bunch of books on KAT

I'm interested too, I'm tired of knowing nothing.

>wants to learn high school maths
>looking for book recommendations
How about a textbook designed for high school maths?

Any math book that emphasis that its "applied" or "technical" mathematics.

These will teach you HOW to use math, not how to derive proofs.

Honestly, in "street" life, all you need is trig and a basic understanding of how and why calculus works.

Calculus for the practical man. Richard Feynman himself recommended it. The pdf is floating around I but could not find algebra for the practical man or trigonometry

This. God damn OP.

some books are definitely better than others.
it is good to ask this question and get advice.
try to pick a book with an available solutions manual.

You will not be able to memorize any of it or work properly, because pirating is stealing - it's a sin.

He's right you know, when you pirates a math book from the interwebs all the refrences to '∿' and '〜' become 'YARRR'

Only legit copies have the correct math symbols without the eyepatch bit set on them.

khan academy


Sup Forums-science.wikia.com/wiki/Math_Textbook_Recommendations

Algebra for dummies is very good

Algebra and trig is also known has pre-calc. Pick up any pre-calc college course online if you need instruction. otherwise, any pre-calc college text would be good.

mathtutordvd.com is the best resource I've come across.

There's torrents for it online.

I've been using khan academy. I recommend it OP.

Download mathtutordvd.com/ from kickass as torrents. Helped me alot

Khan Academy is good but if you're more about time management and going straight to the point books are always better - Khan is time consuming and you end up with same thing you end up from a book - except it takes much longer - main advantage I see - it's it being free while a book costs.

If it helped you, maybe you should tell people to buy it - to support the author... not pirate it and fuck him.

On KA you can go straight to the stuff you want. However, Khan does require mastery before it says you're good to go.

Yes but that's like forward or behind my point - even if you pick w/e you want ( you can open w/e chapter in a book as well ) - it's slow process, time consuming so to speak and not always gives the best or most practical examples.

A book style is more academic, more professional - but again it costs money.


torrents are free