Why bother with boring, lame self-driving cars, when it's all about SKILL and SPEED?

Why bother with boring, lame self-driving cars, when it's all about SKILL and SPEED?

>Pick up your date in your self-driving car
>She's not impressed with a box on wheels with no controls
>You just sit there being an autist instead of driving
>She gets bored halfway through mini-golf, calls Chad who picks her up in his non-boring sports car
>Chad fucks her hole several times while you trying to hole-in-one the windmill

Self-driving cars are Lame and Boring and for Cucks, why do you want one, Sup Forums?

No one gets impressed by how you fucking drive a car.

Grow some balls and get a Bike.

>he rides a bike
Hey kid Sup Forums is 18+, you're not old enough to get a learners permit even, come back when you get some pubes

No, Tesla is cool

That's not a strictly self-driving car, it's mainly an electric version of a sports car. What Google wants to make is a cuckmobile. What idiot would want to get into a car with no controls?

Thats Bike with a capital B, you slapdick. Obviously he means a motorcycle. Derrrr

I appreciate the technology and engineering behind self driving cars but personally i prefer 20+ year old cars and bikes for ease of maintenance and more direct control over what you are doing.

That's motorcycles btw.

>he can only afford a motorcycle

>why do you want one, Sup Forums?

I don't. I have the skill, papers and balls required to drive a fucking car.

Exactly. Unless it's just a sophisticated autopilot feature that you can turn on and off at will, you're at the mercy of some faceless programmer somewhere and have to hope it doesn't fuck up.

I enjoy driving cars and riding motorcycles. There is an inherent sense of freedom that comes from it.

Even ignoring the fact that he meant a motorbike, bicycles are very popular..... They're cheap, fast, safe on the environment and there are hundreds of kilometres of dedicated under and over road bike paths implemented with dozens of cafe's and stores on each one for a morning coffee by the river before work.
And parking is free.

It's pretty based.

>Not fucking her on the way to her parents house while botnet drives u there
Well ok I guess, live and let live

I want to fuck a Chad so bad man

>Implying I'm a poorfag and I don't also have a cage.

anyways it was fun chatting with you, off to play with my Vive now you pleb

That's not true, girls don't dig fast and raw cars
>user your car is really loud and uncomfortable
>Where is the Bluetooth
>What is that loud rattling
>Chad's car is so much more comfortable
Chad drives a shitty golf
Everything has its market senpai some like doing hektic skids while the others are faggots or cucks and busriders

>Not having a pajeet driver
Girls are more impressed if they know you can afford to live deliciously.

>he can't drive his own car

>he can only drive virtual cars

I see some good normie uses, like being able to go to the bar without needing a designated driver. Honestly I'd like a car with an autopilot feature so that you can drive when you feel like it, and have the computer drive when you don't.

If this kicks off, it might reach a point where manual driving will become illegal.

Over my cold dead body I'm gonna keep driving my car until we run out of liquid dinosaurs or I run out of sr20's to swap, whatever happens first

You can drive your car at the go-kart course grandpa. You don't have the right to endanger others with your meatbag driving skills.

I don't have a car since they're stupidly expensive in Denmark.

When I get a job I'll probably have to get one just to be able to get to work in a timely manner.

>new cars are really expensive to buy
>old cars are really expensive to own
Unless I get some $5000 piece of shit, I guess.
>tfw no '87 Nissan Patrol

I seriously see this sentiment becoming a thing in the future.
>"You're just being selfish driving manual! Think about muh chilluns!"
Dark times ahead

I'm sure you'll fight it. You sure as hell won't be alone either, but I think driverless vehicles are the future. I believe it will be implemented in such a way that will only work if everyone, or most, are on board. That means complete removal of manual driving.
I see this becoming the new "gun control" issue within the transition to AI vehicles.

Why bother with lane self driving cars when they're a horrible solution to the problem they're meant to solve?

Complexity -> Bugs -> Death with questionable liability
>okay, so we ban unpredictable human drivers and only have smart cars that communicate with each other
Reduced complexity but still bugs and unexpected scenarios

By the time self driving cars are feasible and can actually perform with superior safety and efficiency, they will have cost much more than city redesigns and better public transport, and better driver training, licensing, regulation, and re-evaluation would have actually GENERATED money.

So, do you know, how these fucking nerds are destroying the world? Four words. Cool factor over reality.

The bullies of old were right to scorn scifi.

>why can't I smoke in public fuck others I have a right to my own enjoyment!

But user, humans are buggy as well

You're one of those losers that wants to see traffic cops keep their jobs, right? Sorry, not gonna happen.

Do people actually care about people smoking in public? It's completely legal where I am and I've never had an issue with it. Sounds like the same kind of silly babysitting people are trying do by banning "manspreading" and shit like that

Chad will not be able to drive an classical car because they're going to be banned.

By then socialism will take over and chad will either serve in army far away from you or chad will work in manual labor in a dark, again very far away factory.

You as a nerd you're probably going to be an engineer and spend all your time with ladies.

Which is why you reduce complexity in ALL high risk systems.

Multiple high speed vehicles? Let's bring it down to a single, well maintained train and design the town so it's easy to walk to wherever, and reduce the size and capacity of the roads while reducing the amount of drivers and traffic flow.

Also, interactions are complexity, so you want to isolate each system. The train is in its own tunnel, it can't fly off a bridge or off an open track, and one train only ever uses one tunnel, no sharing. The roads are fenced, crosswalks are bridges. Bikes have their own dedicated paths.

But instead of designing a better system, let's try and replace fallible components in the current system with ones we believe to be less fallible because they're designed by those fallible components. It's like putting new spark plugs in a honda civic to make it go faster.

>Wanting central planning
>Not letting the free market flail around and try and fix it while screwing everyone over, aided by the government banning anyone who interferes

With all dem jams I'd rather sleep in my car than waste fucking 2 hours a day driving. Or fap. Hell, anything but driving. Cars are a commodity and driving is a chore(people get paid for that, you know).

Prius btw, because FUCK mechanics.

driving is a chore
biking is a shore
walking is a chore

i don't want to spend time doing anything but work and hobbies

fuck reality

>inb4 "but muh experience" "but transportation IS my hobby"
fucking cislords are you even millennials

-sent from my iphone

>driving is a chore
>biking is a shore
>walking is a chore
Exactly. It's delay between activities.

Until you run into a very large hill

>have a high end job where you interact with people
>arrive sweaty
>"hurr durr fatass"? don't shit yourself. even professional athletes sweat. being in good shape means not collapsing after the point where you sweat.
>well uh guys its uh my bike lifestyle i'm just cooler and more in tune with nature and my "earthy" body aroma just adds to it

A Prius doesn't need maintenance?

What manner of sorcery is this?

No amount of speed or skill can anticipate something like a truck driver failing to stop light. I'm not saying that's likely but it would be less likely for a driverless truck. No amount of skill can make up for the fact that other drivers may be unskilled.

>missed the point
Sleeping is a delay between activities. Activites you don't like are delays between activities and not actually activities. Taking a shit is a delay between activities you would not be able to do while taking a shit, even with diapers.

Do I need to put it in less subtle, sarcastic, snarky neckbeard autist faggot terms for you? You are a child. Part of growing up is accepting that you don't want to do everything you have to do, and that you should either deal with it or find a way to enjoy necessities.

I am 23 years old and I am calling you a fucking child.

And then we come full circle;
Driving is FUN
Biking is FUN
Walking is FUN
And most people share at least one of those opinions.
That's why we need a system where driverless cars can exist beside standard cars; because many people enjoy the act of driving.

Of course it does. I meant that electrical transmission > mechanical.

>le 2 laughing grils meme

nice try, user, but I'm bait-proof.

But pooping is fun.

user, if I could manage without sleeping or shitting, I would.
If driving itself is an activity, like sports, then it's alright. Everyday driving though? Nah.

This is how you end up with America-tier civil design.

Literally anything you want to do requires a multiple kilometer drive and if you can't drive you might as well commit sudoku.


I knew it, the rodge is alive and became chad

Hell, I already sleep like 4-5 hours a day simply because of how much I want to/have to do. Sleeping less would probably kill me.

no amount of programming can predict that every time
no sensor will ever be 100% reliable

and if you ban the humans, what happens? you think inter-car communications will always be received in time and always reflect reality? those dirt sensors again? you think there will never be deadly latency? an accidental race condition from shit programming?

what do you actually do? you build a car that can fucking survive that, or you eliminate the intersection problem entirely. instead of a crossing, it's an overpass. intersections are primitive poorfag shit.

Sorry dude but you have a CVT. It's a mechanical system.

I'd disagree. Everyday driving, at least where I live, is pretty fun. It has the pros of taking a walk (fresh air, sun, nice views, music if you prefer it), but with the additional benefit of going fast. Sounds fun to me.

Then how do I have recuperative breaks?

The fuck are you on senpai, lithium mining is worse to the environment than petrol cvts are unreliable expensive to change and less efficient than a n-speed automatic and regenerative breaking is just another point of failure, the Prius meme needs to die

Everything except actual exercise. Unless you count footfucking your manual drive as exercise.

>By the time self driving cars are feasible and can actually perform with superior safety and efficiency, they will have cost much more than city redesigns and better public transport, and better driver training, licensing, regulation, and re-evaluation would have actually GENERATED money.
Except you're overestimating human drivers. Humans are actually pretty shitty drivers, make a lot of stupid errors. In fact, Google's self-driving cars appear to be safer than humans already. In all their history of testing, all accidents they've been involved with except for one was caused by abother car (= human)

You haven't seen hundreds of them driving about the city yet.

Exercise isn't a 24/7 requirement.

It's about control, people have the same retarded fears with air travel, even though you're more likely to die on the road than in a plane.

user have you ever heard the story of the mile high club? The first member of the mile high club was the guy who invented the autopilot.

I'd rather feel in control and die than live a dull and safe life, as I am not a woman

Sadly, the government doesn't want to lose their taxpayer dollars.

Lel, it's like the guys that made graphene-reinforced rubber to make thinner condoms.

>Not getting blown while landing a plane
Fucking casual

>I enjoy endangering others and if you don't, you're just a pussy

That's true. But even then, you're still getting most of what makes a walk fun. I'm not trying to argue that driving is the greatest thing on the planet, just that it can be considered fun, even if it is just regular, everyday driving.

>retarded fears

it's not retarded to distrust humans and human-made systems. being liable for your own death feels deserved, like you weren't worthy of life in the first place. like you were a leech that was ultimately unfit to reproduce. if someone else does it, it's theft.

We depend on technology for many things in life today, some tech that we can't even seen, much less want to know about. Google drive would be just another thing on that pile. If you feel in control, snap out of it. There are so many things out of our control right now, we just don't know about them.

If you don't want to be endangered, stay off the road. Take the train. Build impact-resistant fences and walls along your sidewalks and build bridges for your crosswalks.

Computer controlled or not, one of a multitude of fast moving objects with free reign over a 2d plane are going to collide with something, eventually.

A vast majority of the danger actually comes from people like you, who don't like driving and try and stay safe through retarded methods like excessively low speed and acceleration, thus creating what is nearly a stationary obstacle in traffic. If we get people like you off the road, we get less populated roads with similar drivers that can relate to each other, and therefore a less dangerous life for you and a less dangerous life for the people who want to risk it for the speed and freedom.

I admit, self driving cars could do that, by taking you out of control and putting a speed limit breaking, fast cornering, rapidly accelerating AI in control. But the equation isn't complete, because there's still a larger number of vehicles, aka obstacles, in the driving area.

So, get off the road.

And let's double down on this by upping requirements for driving, to the point of semi-digital cars that automatically restrict speed and acceleration based on the current driver like a futuristic P-plate system, and separate licenses for manuals and automatics

>Efficient and safe travel for all is less important than muh joyrides

t. quadriplegic

>> root self driving car
>> sudo apt-get install initial-d
>> drift up to date
>> "Hey baby wanna go on a ride"
>> panty-drop-sequence.sh
>> eurobeat starts playing
>> drift past some chads using 3 GHz self driving car reaction speed
>> do some extreme downhill drifting
>> G forces cause panties to fly off
>> "let's do it fast and furious baby"

I agree, I shouldn't be driving. Unfortunately, not driving means being a homeless NEET in most of North America.

Yes, but EVs require even less maintenance. And the Tesla business model not only give a fuck-you to mechanics, but to middlemen dealerships.

And to owners

>DLC for your car (unlock a few kw!)
>Car is connected to a public computer network
>Tracking device
>Locked down OS for your car

Captcha related

There is a point where joy outweighs safety and efficiency.
>Don't go outside! Sunlight is dangerous and causes CANCER!
>We should just live underground and use high speed rail systems to get around!
>Sidewalks are inefficient!
>Don't let your CHILLINS walk above ground! Do you want more kids to DIE FROM CANCER?!
You just have to accept that there is an inherent degree of risk in the world, and that trying to minimize it to the point where you are decreasing the quality of many people's lives is absurd.

YOU should just live underground and use high speed rail systems.

I'll stay up here enjoying my now SUV/crossover/corolla-free roads where everyone drives 5 over the speed limit and drifts into parking lots

I'll die by the time required infrastructure appears in my country. Prius just werks. I wonder when will fuel cell cars appear? Not the hydrogen ones.

>tfw drive the mx5 slut with 5 previous owners
too true

I love my old manual shitbox with no traction control, abs or stability control but I do look forward to self driving cars

you see, non car people don't like driving and pay more attention to their phone than the road itself and they're a danger to my beloved shitbox where as robots don't get tired or distracted and likely won't rear end me or won't fuck up a 4 way stop by going when it's not their right of way (seriously non car people, why is it so hard to understand!?)

>Not experiencing the joy that is road head.
All control, all pleasure is yours for a time.
Pure exhilaration m8

>Why bother with boring, lame self-driving cars, when it's all about SKILL and SPEED?
But you still drive an automatic, right?

I hate to break it to you, but the guy in that picture's gay. Anything but a Chad

My Sat nav almost always fucks up roundabouts, telling me it's the next exit when I've already passed it or just getting the number of exits wrong.

How the fuck am I supposed to believe self driving cars will navigate complex multi-lane roundabouts when it's orders of magnitude more complex than what my satnav does?

How the fuck are self driving cars going to know the difference between a rock in the middle of the motorway and an empty mcDonalds bag?

This is true, but it's obviously going to be better than an human.

Also, on top of everything else you see to be forgetting that you can optimise the fuck out of computer driven traffic while you can't with human driven traffic. For example, if every single car in a line were to pull off at a light at the same at the same speed at the same time moving together as a block, vs waiting for a traffic wave to reach you. So much better.

This is before you even get into the fact that you wouldn't even need lights since computer driven cars could fly through intersections at near top speed with all cars adjusting their speed just enough to avoid collisions.

Please go live in a cave or something you luddite.

>when it's all about SKILL and SPEED?
is this a thinly veiled /o/ technolo/g/y thread?

Your sat nav is outdated. Google's self driving cars can recognize a person from very far away

Can they well the difference between a harmless piece of paper and a rock?

>why do you want one, Sup Forums?
So I don't need to waste my time doing an activity that is just difficult enough to keep me from doing anything else. Also I simply don't particularly like it, it's no fun to me. It's just something I do because I have to. Given the choice I'd prefer to let me car drive me to work while I drink a coffee and read the news.

>driving my 130k Tesla P90DL
>pick up my date
>Make her wet with 0-60 in 2.8 seconds
>Let her give me a blowjob while the car drives itself over the highway

Life is good

>muddy puddle
>sensors get covered
>car slams on the brakes
>the force causes the girl to bite down hard
>your new name shall be reek