Are there any laptops under $300 that have REALLY fast boot up times? Or is Chromebook the fastest?

Are there any laptops under $300 that have REALLY fast boot up times? Or is Chromebook the fastest?

If you have a $300 laptop your life is not very exciting, so why do you worry?

I just want something on the side I can use that's quick, I don't give a shit about storage space or video card.

Chromebook is the fastest because it has a ssd.

SSD and Debian. There you go, super fast boot.

>have a thinkopad x220 with a 5400 rpm hd running Xubuntu
>it loads up much faster than my desktop with an ssd running windows10

My laptop boots debian like 5x faster than win7, without an ssd

T420 plus $100 ssd

>chinkpad with nothing but os and browser vs. pc filled with child porn and 'muh cryptkeys'

I noticed my laptop with an SSD booted up way faster than my desktop even though they both ran windows 10. I think it has to do with the motherboard/bios than the speed of the SSD at this point.

Are you american?

I've got a Lenovo ideapad 100s that's served me well. Shit all for memory, though.

Disable all the hardware you don't use in the BIOS and it will cut down the init time significantly.

your laptop is probably an M.2 (pciE) SSD
your desktop is probably a SATA (II/III) SSD

the difference in speed between the two interfaces is very much tangible.

I upgraded my laptop to a 950 Pro ssd and it actually boots slower now because it has to wait on all the PCI-E shit to be ready before it can boot.

Not a dealbreaker for me because I practically never reboot but worth noting!

It's not m.2, but it's still a PCIe x2 slot or something. It was made before m.2 took off. I get like 700 Mbit/s on the laptop, and 500 on the desktop.

such as what?

this kind of suggestion is great until you actually have to make a decision to not enable bluetooth or wifi or something. there's very little that you actually want to disable in a laptop for boot. if you could delay or defer it, that'd be great, but that's not the option.

Obviously I meant read/write speeds.

I sure hope you mean megabytes/s

Maybe. I'm not too focused right now, maybe I mixed up megabits and megabytes.

disks writes generally measured in MB/s not Mb/s

I'm going to sleep and keep my earlier post in mind:

Anything you aren't using. Just turn shit off it isn't hard. Cut my bios init time in half.
