HP would be Samsung+Qualcomm+TI on steroid now if Fiorina split off its industrial division and then shit up the rest of the company, trying to turn it into a shittier version of Dell.
Carly Fiorina
Other urls found in this thread:
It was Lew Platt's idea to create Agilent, OP.
She's a dumb republican, what did you expect?
Why are conservatives so low-IQ?
I understand your frustration.
If John Sculley was still the CEO of Apple, Apple would not even exist.
Also Sculley > Fiorina
Dunce cunt
Rude desu senpai.
It's because he's a neet fag who's never had a job and doesn't want his supply of free government money to stop. Welfare voters are the cringiest people in the country.
>women in charge of anything
Nice misogyny, you shitlord.
>implying that anyone who isn't down with conservatives/righties is automatically on welfare
honestly i'm on your "side" of things, but claiming that ppl only swing that way for the gibesmedat dough = same thing as pulling a "facts have a liberal bias" (- stephanie miller) deal where all conservatives are dumb angry white manbabies.
if you try to argue back with me i'm just gonna have to reference donald trump somehow to make you look even worse by associating you with the modern hitler.
(the worst part about taking the piss = after you run away laughing like a maniac you're left standing there with a bunch of piss like "now what am i supposed to do with all this piss?" =)
>t. unemployed neets living with mommy
>b-but I'd be successful if I just applied myself! I'm smart I swear!
>f-feel le bern!
>both sides are equally bad! I'm an intellectual for not picking one XD
Is this another shitty forced meme leaked from Sup Forums?
why do Bernie supporters always look like such losers
>look like
someone should just toss a grenade right in the middle of that crowd.
nothing of value would be lost and America would probably save money on the welfare queen lives lost
Typical low IQ Bernie bros
At least people in the got out of their houses, unlike you.
Liberals are empirically proven to have higher IQs on average than conservatives, you memelord. Stay frustrated.
Provide evidence for this claim
But IQ is a social construct, right?
Carly Fiorina will go in history as one of, if not the worst CEO in Silicon Valley history. That stupid bitch has turned everything she's touched into a heaping pile of shit.
>why are people discussing politics directed to the political board? It's just not fair!
Kill yourself.
After working for HP during Fiorina's tenure, I'm inclined to agree...
Fuck that cunt.
>trump/reddit/neet/frog/faggot posters
Please stop.
Ah but if you had the reading comprehension of a fourth grader you would see:
1) That wasn't even my argument
2) No one in this thread made that argument
3) it was the liberals who started talking about politics
Christ and these idiots want us to pay for their college degrees
>thinking ANYONE here cares about your fucking reddit drama
Holy shit I don't care about politics at all, BUT WILL YOU FUCKING REDDITORS PLEASE LEAVE
No one here gives a SHIT about the fucking bullshit subreddit wars you colossal cunt. Fuck off.
redditposter please
I'm not going to lie, I did browse fat people hate when that was still a thing on reddit, but after they banned that I had no reason to return
RIP fph
>all the Sup Forums reactionary cancer leaking ITT
Tell me again why we haven't deleted Sup Forums yet.
didn't she kill her daughter?
But conservatives are the low IQ ones, user.
the company was already going to shit before though, it pretty much died with hewlett and packard
though god damn, it probably wouldn't be nearly as shitty without that fucking Compaq merger, literally everything I or anyone else have hated about modern HP gear is from Compaq.