Macfags on suicide watch

Why should people buy Macs when chromebooks are more powerful?

Because chromium is a heavy metal which is toxic to the environment. Apples are organic and all-natural so spend a little extra money to help save the planet.

* vs ( + 1) * ( / 2)


McDonalds outsells gourmet restaurants so your argument is that Chromebooks are better, right?

lock this thread please

Isn't this exactly the same situation as ios vs android? 1 manufacturer, few phone models vs multiple manufacturers who just license the OS.

macburgers are better than the shit you get at gourment restaurents

the botnetbook isn't a real computer

t. obese neet

>chromebooks are more powerful

because think how stupid you would look at starbucks with a chromebook
and we all know looking like you know how to do something is better
then actually knowing how to do something.
and besides what would your friends think when you are using a google poorbook

oh, it's one of these threads again

Ackshually Starbucks is the only place I've ever seen a Chromebook outside of a retailer. Maybe they're common on college campuses but I'm years removed from lecture halls.

> breaking: poorfag shit is sold more than premium brands, more at 11

No hard drive or ssd space

Expandable storage isn't a big deal when you have multiple USB ports and card readers. The bigger ball-buster is that ChromeOS file management is an abortion.

I can use Thunar on mine just fine.

I didn't know Thunar was the native ChromeOS file manager.

>hur durr chromebooks are for poorfags
Both are luxury gadgets, the Cromebooks are useless facebook machines, and Macbooks are overpriced.
So both are for people who have money to spend on things that aren't necessary or cost more than they should.

If you're actually poor you'll buy a generic cheap laptop, and not spend more than you need to on shiny overpriced Apple products, or toy Chrome OS laptops that are intended to be your second or third computer.
And if you're poor and have some sense you'll buy a used business class laptop like a thinkpad or elitebook, because cheap laptops are fucking awful.

But a "Facebook machine" is really all that most people need in the practical department. What can't I do on mine, play games? Now THAT is a luxury. My e-mails and work files get handled just fine on here.

It is just own preference. No one forces you to buy. Choice is great.

Holy fuck get off this board cancer.

I didn't know that Firefox/Chrome/Opera/anything not IE was the native Windows web browser.

Are you going to start talking about belly-buttons and four corners?

Chrome OS for x86 desktops when?

Because they are gay.
I see no other reasons.


You are toxic to heteros you fucking faggot, kill yourself you stupid piece of shit.

Enjoy composting your aluminium, nigger

It already exists

>What can't I do on mine, play games? Now THAT is a luxury
Never said anything about games, but Chrome OS is a glorified browser, it's not a real OS.
You can't install an alternative browser, offline office program or anything really.
If all you need is a browser and some plugins for it fine, but there's no way in hell it can be your only computer.

Also fucking captcha

It's buggy chink botnet. I want the proper one from Google.

You should go outside some more.

>Never said anything about games
I know, I did. I'm bringing up what actual luxuries are and the sufficiency of "glorified browsers" for everything else.

>If all you need is a browser and some plugins for it fine
Welcome to the practical needs of some of the most common jobs and lifestyles out there. What's the most common job in the US, truck driver or some shit? He needs to check his e-mail and, at most, log into his company's web portal. Bring on the glorified browser.

Good, this is going to cement the status of Apple as the patrician choice.

>truck driver
Most companies have separate E-Logging devices that track your hours and deliver load information straight to the cab, we just need lots of porn, so a browser is more than enough


Truckanon can verify, but I'm pretty sure truckstop hookers aren't impressed by Macbooks. Might want to steal them though.


>truckstop hookers
Lot lizards give no fucks about anything really


Gas the masses

Becuause im a richfag and they make more pussy

This. I genuinely want to dual boot chromeos on my thinkpad

Fast Web browsing, light on resources, and most importantly decent composting and good fonts by default

Underrated post.

What the hell are you talking about?

You could try it right now, nothing's stopping you.

Chromebooks will become somewhat usable when they get Google Play store

Yeah, I'm just seeing that now
Cool. I guess if it works out I'll be done with mobile Linux for good

I don't have a laptop, but I have it installed on a low end machine and it handles it well.
Doesn't work well on nvidia or amd gpus tho, you best stick with intel graphics.

Hm, shit, my laptop has Nvidia Optimus
You think it'll just install the Intel drivers and ignore the card completely? I'd be fine with that

So sales == processing power now?

compared to macbooks, hell yeah
even the acer cb3 has a better processor than the current macbook airs do at 1/5th of the price

google pixel = macbook cost with significantly better hardware
also it looks better

No idea. Make a bootable USB and try it.

Pajeet is saving money for a loo in which to poo.

>i am telling you that if you post it all day we will deposit $1 into your paypal

God, I want a pixel so bad

chromium actually should work just fine with nvidia drivers, many models of chromebooks use nvidia mobile gpus in them

Neat, the issue then is Optimus
I'm not going to use it if battery life is worse than real Linux

the pixel is just boner inducing-ly sexy

even the pixel c, which i absolutely hate because its using android, still looks fucking beautiful compared to the surface or iPad pro

I'm just telling you my experience, maybe there was something wrong, idk.
But I got no vsync and shitty performance with the compositing.
Meanwhile on the Celeron machine it's buttery smooth.

>tfw year of the Linux desktop is actually happening
>tfw it's because of Chromebooks

I think Chrome/Chromium OS has the potential to be what the "linux desktop" was meant to be. I just wish there was a way to use the gentoo package manager within chrome OS.

>The US is full of low class trash who have no idea how shitty the products are that they are buying.

i know right? danm macfags

>Many devices and manufacturers lumped together by the OS the use finally surpasses one manufacturer with a few devices

wow no way

>le apple is gourmet luxury products argument

I realized the only way for Linux to ever have a good "desktop distro" is it to be completely created and designed by a multi-billion dollar corporation. Chrome OS and it's desktop environment feels like the only desktop linux distro I tried that wasn't buggy.

No screen tearing like I get with Ubuntu and it has cool multi-touch gestures like OSX.

> not an argument because I say so

>Sub $1000 notebook market was the biggest computer market in the U.S by long shot (IIRC it's been something like 70% of the total market)
>Apple barely makes anything that fits into that market
>Somehow surprising that when Google takes that market by storm they become bigger than Apple who mostly limits themselves to 30% of the market
Next you're probably going to tell me water is still wet...

There are plenty of good distros m8.
The reason desktop Linux doesn't penetrate the mass market is because there's no multi-billion dollar company behind it like Google.
ChromeOS honestly feels sluggish as shit on half the Chromebooks. The multi-billion dollar company behind it didn't help one bit with the quality.

>The point of the chromebook is to be less powerful so you rely on google's servers and services more, thereby giving google more data to sell
>more powerful


That's not linux, that's just google being incapable of making software that isn't shit, bloated, and harmful.

It's also google not going applel mode and declaring everything but their newest carefully selected set of components unsupported. It's easy to keep your OS smooth looking for the plebs when you can just blame them for not buying the newest crapbook to go with the newest crapple OS.

What the fuck are you talking about?
Intel Macs have been very well supported.

You don't have anything to hide, do you user? You're not antisemitic, sre you?

>ARM-based Tegra K1
>Better than an i5
I think you mean GPU because the K1 does have a pretty good GPU, but CPU wise we're still talking about an ARM chip and they can only compete with really low power Intel x86 (as in even lower power than the regular macbook)

>google pixel = macbook cost with significantly better hardware
When compared to the lowest end rMBP the higher end Pixel wins in screen resolution and RAM, but comes with a pathetically small 64 GB SSD, the exact same CPU and GPU, and USB Type C instead of Thunderbolt connectors and no HDMI out.

As far as looks go the pixel is just a 13" MBP with sharp edges rather than rounded ones.

You haven't used el capitan on anything 2010 and older, have you?

>OSX still supports Intel macs all the way to 2007 models
Not completely stellar, but not completely crap ether.

>iOS supports all iPhone models going back to the 4S from 2011
Which is stellar seeing how most android phones from that year stopped getting official updates at least two years ago.

It still runs decently on my MBP from 2007 after the SSD upgrade. I think you're just used to SSDs and are mistaking the slowness of mechanical HDD's for bloat.

When mechanical HDDs magically get slower when you install a certain OS regardless of their actual age, it's because of bloat. There's more to load from and cache to disk. No rotational velocidensity involved.

>a pathetically small 64 GB SSD
Otoh, you can install all the 30 apps ChromeOS has a thousand times and not be close to filling it.

And like two whole anime seasons

>paying $1000 for a chromebook

Uh oh better give google all my pirated music and anime

That would be a good long term decision. I need to be punished for stealing the right to free money for life from all those hard working artists anyways, might as well get it over with.

>paying $1000 for a fucking great computer with full gnu/linux capabilities
Sounds like the professional Sup Forums move

You can store media on an SD card like a normal person

Consumer Electronics =/= Food Industry.

Thanks for trying, though.

>with the practical hardware of a $700 computer

This guy gets it

Nice $PS1

Yes, I love data loss and worse write speeds.

i liked my chromebook. it did everything i needed for basic schoolwork and internet horseshit, no lag, no bloat, no compromises. it's probably MORE capable than what 75% of global computer users actually need.

It's always :^), no paths. That's what the pwd command is for.

but broooo

dat 64gb of storage and no games ;^)

Can this shitty forced meme leaked from Sup Forums please die?

>Can this shitty forced meme leaked from Sup Forums please die?
Not an argument.


The principle is the same, luxury brand vs. cheap brand

because schools are buying a lot of chromebook for children.

No. A question. Took you a lot of effort to realize that?

How's the font rendering on chromeos? Is it near osx level?

No, it's way past it.

That level exists everywhere

>x86 chromebooks