Accounting major here.
Thinking of doing Computer and Information Systems.
School does not offer CS, and i'm not great at math anyway. I would want to go on to become a Software Developer.
Accounting major here.
Thinking of doing Computer and Information Systems.
School does not offer CS, and i'm not great at math anyway. I would want to go on to become a Software Developer.
> I'm not great at math
Turn back now.
>i'm not great at math
You best fix that before you start.
software development is about problem solving, which you probably lack if you aren't great at math.
>Accounting major here.
> not great at math
yeah "Information Systems" aka librarian is perfect for you
Ayy, I posted this on int yesterday.
I'm doing computer info systems. It's only like 10% programming and 90% business. I'm halfway done with it.
Here's the difference: accounting = guaranteed job. (my friend did 80k starting with 1 year of interns)
CIS tho, I have no idea! But apparently there's some positions online that hire people for 50-70k starting as java devs.
Also you can do CIS just fine being SHIT at math. The highest math you take is business calculus, which is some baby nigger basterdized version of actual calculus. But you might wanna learn calc someday.
God every one of them is so fucking perfect
Where can I find babes like these?
Not falling for this bait.
Like you need math to code video games.
>i'm not great at math anyway
You should be comfortable with calculus level math. You dont have to be a math expert. But if you dont like it at all then you're not going to like cs or software development either.
read about business analyst positions
>like you need math to code for games
ever heard of a random number generator? that uses a little math.
CIS degree literally has one math class Accounting does not (discrete math).
woah Math.rand() ,so hard
Was under the impression software development/programming didn't really use math.
Do you actually use Calculus on the job?
>Do you actually use Calculus on the job?
No programming uses similar mental processing to math. If you dont like math at all chances are you're not going to like programming either.
looks hard to get an entry level position on these. good luck
It's not I don't like math at all, but Calculus and etc. is a bit over my head. This program won't even go up to that though. I've coded a bit in Java and HTML, seemed enjoyable to me
I was of the assumption accounting and coding are actually pretty similar, I'm also a creative guy which accounting doesn't take advantage of. I'm fine with basic math, following procedures, all of that
>Computer and Information Systems
>Sofware Developer
you mean "coder". you won't be a software engineer. you will be a code monkey.
you might as well start learning javascript now.
Says right in the picture user
Well, I was thinking of supplementing with self-teaching. Do you really learn much coding in CS? What exactly do I need to learn to be a software engineer?
Also, to people actually working in this. How many hours do you generally work? Are there many tight deadlines? Is it stressful?
If you're bad at math you will never be good at software development. You will never be able to formulate efficient algorithms or program anything that isn't trivial
Aka you will be a code monkey, rewriting other people's code to production code, or programming trivial top layer stuff
everybody is scared of CS math. It's not bad at all. It's some baby calculus + linear algebra + discrete math. Discrete math is fucking easy. The hardest it's going to get is linear algebra, and even that's not too bad.
Coding doesn't require "math", programming might, computer science does.
Op don't do fucking information systems. It's been dead since the 90s. My father majored in that shit and hasn't done anything with it.
nigga you're a babby, if the linear algebra and calculus in an accounting major is hard for you then you should be flipping burgers
Literally all I have to take is precalc and statistics iirc for accounting. What are you even talking about?
Honestly, I can't handle the autism coming from you guys, I probably should stay away from developing. Seems like a dead end job.
Why did you quote "accounting major"
We're not all math geniuses m8 it actually requires very little besides arithmetic
if all you have to take is precalc and statistics then your accounting major sucks dick and you're mentally challenged, go to a better school you'll end up a code monkey anyways
This isn't true in the slightest. Knowing tedious math and being able to "think like a programmer" are two completely different things.
I hope you are familiar with linear algebra. Writing shaders is going to be interesting otherwise.
op here
accounting actually makes me want to kill myself
should i just get good at math? for CIS i can do 3 years at a CC and the last at a private uni, making the bachelor's cheaper
i just want to be a software dev, i heard people do it without degrees even, my school has a 95% placement rate in IT-related shit for this major
also are software devs any happier than accountants