How do you pursue a cyberpunk lifestyle in 2016?

How do you pursue a cyberpunk lifestyle in 2016?

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You don't.

I'm gonna build a solar heater this month and i'm also getting a solar heated water tank soon.
Getting a bit off the grid feels good.
Also set up a home security system that runs on solar panels.

>Not using wind
What are you gonna do when the sun goes out huh Jo?

Perturbator and Lazerhawk are crap though.

batteries, and it works anyways when it's cloudy that's just memes

Use a wrist mounted raspberry pi as your computer

you stay inside all day and shitpost
make sure your battlestation has purple lighting

>tfw no cyberpunk bar to hang out with your hacker friends from Sup Forums

>hurr durr smoking is cool

it's like vintage vaping nigger, noice as fuck

I didn't say that, mein Kamerad. Smoking makes you an obnoxious faggot.

>meeting in meat space

Anyone here listen to Death Grips? They have some amazing cyberpunk themes through their music.

>chimp yelling over shit "beats"
yup, that sure is cyberpunk.

>listens to pertubator or lazerhawk

maybe the faggot nouveau children of Sup Forums who wannabe /cyb/

Real cyberpunks listen to Crystal Method, Juno Reactor, KMFDM, etc. etc.

Best Cyberpunk album of all time btw.

>listening to music makes you a cyberpunk

KYS, bitch nigg.

you mad?

sorry i dissed your shitty new retro wave shit, nigg.

>Not listening exclusively to the original GiTS OST

Ok, poseur.

-git gud at pentesting
-get money and biatches

The more you try to label yourself as this, the less you are it.
Pursue what interests you and the label follows.

>not realizing GiTS OST was influenced by early-90s US Industrial Music

get the fuck outta here faggot.

Kein Mehrheit Für Die Mitleid. Good shit.

WHAT A HAXOR, you could have made something deeper... or did you ?

no. le funnay banaynay is good.

quite neato, breh. Also post more!?

wind is caused by the sun you dolt

what you need is a water wheel :^)




Zero Cool theme


a few others. check out dj Shadow, not entirely /cyb/ but some are.

just look up 90s electronic/industrial rock in general. it will forever be more /cyb/ than any of this hipster indie (retro/pale/vapor/etc)*wave shit

I pursuit the pale lifestyle for now and dont circulate stale /fa/ images.

off-grid cabin
cosmetics and contacts
and the latest Google smartphone so the authorities wouldn't think you're hiding anything :^)

>just look up 90s electronic/industrial rock in general. it will forever be more /cyb/ than any of this hipster indie (retro/pale/vapor/etc)*wave shit

I like both and don't see the issue except you being an obnoxious hipster faggot.

Exmilitary was shit and fell apart after the first few songs

>argue for days concerning what 'real cyberpunk' is all about
>never come to an agreement
So kinda like regular punk

Not him but ones a cheap immitation that doesnt innovate.

Also vaporwave different in a sense, although barely any of it is anything more that a slowed down song or mislabeled chill wave. Pale wave is also a clothing style, not a genre

be alive in 2016

Synthwave has nothing to do with industrial rock, and most industrial rockers are just Skinny Puppy/Ministry copycats

>Not him but ones a cheap immitation that doesnt innovate.

Your opinion, man. The synthwave artists that he was talking about are actually pretty innovative. Not sure what you mean by cheap. Listen to them and then to actual music from the 80's they were inspired by and you'll see a difference. Also, synthwave is the only legit genre out of those, others are memes so I've no idea why you're even taking them seriously.

Synthwave isnt industrial, but its nothing new and will never come close to the complexity and ground breakingness of something like rydeen.

That aside, drawing inspiration is fine, listen to that new flux pavilion album. He incorporates that old school style without purely imitating it

Synthwave is pretty much just Amiga videogame music

I like perturbator though. I like new retro wave because it does feel more 80s dystopia than anything else. Industrial is kinda shit.

Synthwave is video game music, its shit and nothing new

Lel. Nice pic ;)

not true 80s dystopia. just faded replicas.

take a look at running man/ blade runner/ etc. then go back to your pertubator/lazerhawk.

you will notice a huge difference.

That would be neat. There is a steampunk bar in my city, it's pretty comfy as well.

Perturbator just has a bass synth note going for him. Hes alright but it doesnt capture 80s dystopia very well

I like both and listen to both very often. I have a vinyl of blade runner OST, and I bought copies of Perturbator's stuff. You're just being a hipster fag again.

I thought cyberpunk was a just a subgenre of dystopian sci-fi.

the closest to "real" cyberpunks are just people who follow the whole hacker subculture and those who apply DIY punk ethic of the 70s-80s to technology. And the latter are more like clean-cut castrated "hipster-geeks" than "punks"

the absolutely disgustingly shit-tier version of cyberpunk

Sadly i know that community a bit simply because they overlap a bit, but god-damn the steampunk community is simply full of LOSERS and i mean that in the traditional form. fucking weirdo's who think they're tough shit in their isolated communities the old fucks are just middle-management tier losers who probably cuck out their wifes-said wifes are just plain degenerate whores and they are into the "goth and fetish scene" almost every fucking time. gays, trannies. fuck that. i'll stick to /cyb/

at least here in vegas, sin city probably amplifies the degeneracy 10x so don't take my word as defacto.

Do you like taking showers only in the afternoon?

Hipster has lost its meaning, imo it now means i liked this before it became commercial and watered down to appeal to the masses

Steam punk made no sense though and they cant even create working shit in the same way cyber punk can. Most steam punk is cardboard tubes painted to look copper stuck to shit and a unsettling affinity for dr who

When your point is "that reboot of an old music style that everyone likes right now is total unoriginal pretentious shit, go listen to real stuff like blade runner ost kid or some industrial from the 90s" I think the term hipster is pretty suitable.

You can enjoy both without being an obnoxious poser about it.

you do know that the water tanks are connected to the tank in your bathroom and you can still heat the water normally right?
One tank is enough for person anyways unless you live with like 5 other people.

>You can enjoy both
Yes you can. On rare ocasion i'll put on some "lazerhawk"

but you can't label it cyberpunk because that is not what pertubator or lazerhawk is. it never will be.

He was right in a sense though, and it is unoriginal. Its like how i could write a 80s pop song using 4chords and a band, aure it would sound alright but its unoriginal and would be tainted by the fact its a generalisation.

but you can't label it cyberpunk because that is not what pertubator or lazerhawk is. it never will be.

Just your opinion.

heres a hint. if it sounds like hotline miami ost it's videogame music, not cyb-punk music.

>i could write a 80s pop song using 4chords and a band

He thinks Perturbator's or Carpenter Brut's music is technically simplistic.

Shows your knowledge of electronic music production. Opinion discarded.

>just because it's in a videogame OST it's videogame music guys not real music xD

Most of those tracks were written before the game came into existence, silly. Dennaton chose some tracks they liked and contacted the artists.

>le reel cyberpank
Can you fag just post some /cyb/ music or fuck off to whatever hellhole you come from?

Its an analogy or whatever. I could write x using y. Pertubator is simplistic though, sure old synths take lomger to program but that doesnt mean its more complex.

You draw your conclusions too fast.

>Its an analogy or whatever. I could write x using y.

Congratulations, you just summed up music entirely.

>Pertubator is simplistic though

By that logic every electronic genre that uses regular rhythms and is below 180 BPM and doesn't have Venetian Snares-level programming is simplistic.

>le 80s reel cyberpunk awesomeness !!!

>kung fury is the only cyberpunk i need to know! ftw! lol.

>synthwave rocks! and i live in the bay area with my hipster cafe shoppe and star wars themed bars. i am the ultimate hacker nerd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>kung fury
>star wars

Neo Tokyo is pretty neat, too bad the learning curve on it is steep as fuck.

Yes, sort of. Simplistic isnt bad par say, but it usually implies lack of innovation. Additionally the melodies in pertubators music are shit house and he never breaks away from 4 4,like most electronic artists. Im sure this is actually pertubator im replying to though so i expect his next release to be in 6 8

that's literally every synthwave faggot. check out yelp for images of these places. I can bet your one of those faggots too.

tfw born too early to be a true cyberpunk

>Additionally the melodies in pertubators music are shit house and he never breaks away from 4 4,like most electronic artists.

You sound like that core guy with an ibanez in a beanie who strokes his 7/8 licks and goes "guys this is teh shit lmao xD if it's in 4/4 it's shit! let's try guitars in 5/4 over beats in 7/8 now"

I see nothing wrong with melodies, might be just you. They may be simplistic but that's the fucking point of the style he's drawing inspiration from, this ain't classical guitar.

sad that the only real nigga is the nigga with oakland hat.

realest of them all. i'd rather listen to future, kendrick lamar and drake before i listen to that synthwave shit, those hipster faggots.


Might be true where you live, every person I've known IRL here that likes synthwave here has a pretty diverse musical taste and is knowledgeable about production. Might just be murica.

You don't pursue memepunk. Our daily lives are already memepunk dystopian, there is no need to even read gibson anymore.

Fuck memepunk, I want an Utopia.


that shit fire bruh.

bumping in the whip atm. tbwh familia.

Nice profiling, when you have nothinf to say you attack the poster and not the arguement.

were at least 200 years away from mass effect utopia

this is lit!!

Finding and bruteforcing DVRs gives the true cyberpunk feel, trust me.

My point was that 4/4 does not automatically equal simplistic/unoriginal/uninnovative. The only people who think that are the ones I described.

Found out about this act quite a few years ago. Are there any more japanese EMB acts out there?

Yo seriously after listening a bit closely to these mixtapes.

this is more cyberpunk than anything posted here. check out dem sick trap beats. reminds me of hengsha

seems like they influenced by some good ol' new wave.

a bit between New order and Duran Duran.

pretty good.

but i agree. shit's lit senpai.

I'm looking for them too, this is what Sup Forums gave me. They also posted this:
But it's kinda different.

Damn this shit is so fire


Mass effect isn't utopia, it's an old school space opera scifi. Posthumanism @ Friendly AI is Utopia.

You shouldn't. Cyberpunk belongs to the cyber-consciousness of the late 80s extending into the 90s.
Cyberpunk is out... Cypherpunk is in.


Der Eisenrost made soundtrack to Tetsuo. This version isn't as gritty as in the movie but I didn't find an album version of it anywhere on youtube otherwise.

The intense metal percussion reminds me deeply of 80s SPK.

this is sad, but true.

cypherpunk is in all form the shit these retrowave faggots are all about.

they aren't cyberpunk. cyberpunk is the grandaddy and cypherpunk is the snowden/lazerhawk/retro-80s shit with the modern twist.

That got me curious. Turns out that embedding text to the end of a png is as easy as:
$ echo "TEXT" >> png.png

Afterwards, a simple cat or less to the png reveals the text at the bottom of the garbage output.

Kind of underwhelming.

-That's- not the one I had in mind. I was speaking about an album version that's near exact movie version and has no additional noises unlike the one I or you linked. It lasts 7:50. Was uploaded to youtube maybe 5 years ago and removed somewhen later. I only have a shitty downsampled version of it that I used for hldj micspam.

Cypherpunks are activists who advocate the widespread use of strong cryptography (writing in code) as a route to progressive change. Julian Assange, the editor-in-chief of and visionary behind WikiLeaks, has been a leading voice in the cypherpunk movement since its inception in the 1980s.


How come Asian folk drumming goes so good with cyberpunk?

What anime is that from?

I've seen both in my area (Paris), some are sysadmins/programmers that listen to diverse muscial things, others are just fucking faggots that follow whatever's popular but not enough to do the hipster about it.

>live in Tokyo
That's how