Project Ara Lives: Google’s Modular Phone Is Ready for You Now

Looks like a makeup container.

Google Glass 2.4.2

Pointless shit like smartwatches..

Now poorshits can upgrade their lagdroid piecemeal

Smartwatches aren't pointless. I like bicycling and the Moto 360 allows me to navigate to my destination without having to pull out my phone; something I definitely do not want to do while commuting on the road with cars around me.

I use this alongside GPS navigation while driving if I'm in an unfamiliar area as it shows which way I need to turn next. So after I make a turn I glance to see which lane I need to try and get in. Nice because I don't need to look at my phone.

Even if this comes fully to life the actual market and audience is going to be very small

I can tell you get no pussy lmao

You can't really tell it apart from a normal watch.

>his girlfriend doesn't wear a smartwatch too

I feel sorry for you man, I got 99 problems but that ain't one.

>girls don't like smartwatches

Where did this false meme come from?

This actually looks really cool but I'm not sure if it will take off because I doubt normies will choose it over the newest ifone

Apple watch is dumb, I think square/rectangular watches look like toys.

Why is she wearing the large men's version?

Yeah, rectangular watches haven't existed for decades and been worn by the most successful of businessmen and businesswomen.

Looks dumb as FUCK
Round watches are cooler

Voice guidance is superior to that shit. It's a shit gadget. Watch batteries are supposed to last for years.

Ignore the mechanical nigger.

i could give her my large mens version if you know what i mean senpai

That is good fucking cool!! I would love to do this, biking is awesome. What else can you do with it?

>I like bicycling
Are you gay or just Dutch?

You can reply to text messages without ever touching your phone.

For me the most important thing is being able to see notifications from your phone without looking too rude. You can glance, see if it was something important, and then excuse yourself if needed or ignore it if that's acceptable.

There's a lot a smart watch can do but also a lot that they really can't do. Anything where you need to type is just pretth much a no-go. So like posting on Sup Forums is pretty much out unless you want to use voice input but holy ass burgers. Texting works ok - I use an app called coffee that has a bunch of canned responses in a tree format so you can respond to _nearly_ anything.

I've also used it successfully to make sure everything was framed up correctly when using my phone to take a picture of me and my brothers as the camera feed can stream to the watch.

Don't expect a smartwatch to become something you can't live without - it's very much an accessory for your smartphone and not a replacement.

>The Ara frame contains the CPU, GPU, antennas, sensors, battery and display, freeing up more room for hardware in each module.

Looks like goldmembers phone...

I'm tired of gas prices, high maintenance upkeep and the auto insurance industry.

Ain't you worried a nigger will steal your bike?

So there actually isn't anything for you to swap out

This. What the fuck? So you can only switch your camera and RAM? What's the point

Well it's android after all

Thanks for all of that bro.

I am still wondering if I should get one or not.
Some of them, like the one that you own look very nice.

Are there any more capable watches coming out in the future?

Probably, mine has a quad core processor and 512 MB RAM though, which is plenty for what a smart watch does. You can even play some nice augmented reality games with it (more of a novelty thing than actually fun)

The only thing functionally missing from my Moto 360 is a speaker, but honestly I am kind of glad it doesn't make any noise. I prefer it knocking/vibrating my wrist. Also I assume the resolution on the screen will get better over time - currently mine has 360x330.

Some watches have cell radios in them so you can make calls without a cellphone (again, a speaker would maybe be nice on a watch that has this functionality) I just don't know that I would ever want to talk to my watch in public. Seems super autistic

Hey friend, hows Apple doing?

Did you really think any amerijew tech company was going to give you a way to buy less shit?

No, you by more, and if you're concerned about waste, you mail your old stuff back for recycling. Forget the waste involved in mining and manufacturing, of course.

It's useless if it uses Android.

Quite good thanks for asking

Instead of what?


Where do you live where driving is expensive?

Yurop, probably. That's also why he complains about maintenance. If he were american he could get around in a 2000 corolla for $1500 up front and $20 a week after that.


>not posting the JLC Reverso

Yea a speaker can actually be pretty shit.

I might wait a few months, if I do get one.
The resolution aint bad huh? On such a small display.

Firefox OS :^)

I drive 200 miles a week and spend £50 - £60 on fuel.

I do that in a day and spend maybe $30

Still looks like shit

>yellow Toyota
Lol 'muricanz

It's fine but I mean if you look close at all you can see the pixels. I'm just a huge fag though, my phone has 1440p and my laptop 4k so I'm spoiled

Yuropoors are color blind as well

Thank fucking god.
Maybe now I can get a fucking landscape keyboard.

UMPC here we come.

Now, now... go be a good american and buy a new screen because the one you have is clearly high on acid, if you don't see that as yellow.

Ara watch with modular parts when?

What's wrong with biking?

If you are in a small area it's way better than having to deal with car. Our cities should more like pre-modern Tokyo for example with all the cleanliness and space benefits you get not having carts or cars as a modern equivalent.

Superior gook SAMOLED 100% sRGB here. Can confirm car is teal.

Actually now that I read the entire article...fuck this and fuck Google.

I want to replace my fucking battery.
I want to decide how much storage i fucking need.
And yes I want to pick my fucking processor and RAM.

This... abomination... is not the modular smartphone we were promised. This seems to be a very blatant attempt to bury the project and ensure its failure. Thus ruining the idea forever in the future. This is the death of modularity and customization, and thats EXACTLY what its intended to be.

Im glad they stole my idea so well.
Too bad im poor, and they wont give me a cent for it.

Still, great stolen idea / 10

The world resources are limited, there will be a point where this will need to happen. People who is brainwashed to think «if i dont have the latest iphone i dont have penis» will surely find a stupid excuse to diss it, but at some point their poor existence will have to admit the hard truth.

Technologic trash needs to be minimized as soon as possible, in this way, companies still profit without raping the planet so much.

Oh shut the fuck up...people for hundreds of years have been calling for a lack of resources and its never fucking happened not once.

However the idea of a lack of resources has been used to do terrible shit. Don't be a useful idiot.


No wonder cyclists keep wandering out in front of cars, they are too busy looking at their wrist phone's

THE ORIGINAL WAS NEVER FEASIBLE. Sup Forums told you back then.

Glad they gave up on the original concept.

All I want now is a public apology from the engineers responsible for the original for ever implying that would be feasible.

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Jesus man I drive nearly 400 miles in a week and spend £30 or less.

what does a car being yellow have to do with America

That car isnt even sold in America or made by an American company

>Tfw fell for smart watch meme

The article doesn't seem to specify whether you can attach additional chips, like old gameboy carts with additional processor power. I would imagine you would, but it certainly needs confirmation.


Cool, my first cellphone also was modular.

>modular phone
>not modular anymore

those shops are so fucking bad

Fuck off muriclaps don't you have burgers to eat
Also your street layout is horribly inefficient for walking and bicycling. How does it feel that your whole life us build around cars?

Yea I getchu.

> If he were american he could get around in a 2000 corolla for $1500 up front and $20 a week after that.
Literally me in real life, holy shit

>How does it feel that your whole life is built around cars?

Honestly, it feels pretty bad, senpai.

My life is built around anime desu

>Also your street layout is horribly inefficient for walking and bicycling.
Micronation Detected

>not knowing where you're going
How often you cycle to brand new places???