ITT we make Sup Forums approvd insults. I'll start

ITT we make Sup Forums approvd insults. I'll start.

If you were a method in C, you would be fgets. Get it, because fgets sounds like faggot?

I told this one to my CS professor and he had a weird look on his face. Probably because I burned him pretty bad even though I only had a C in his class. Anyway, feel free to use this one.



Thanks. I think this is one of the better threads on this board honestly. Too many of them are Linux 'fanboys' (using that term lightly because they don't really like it, they just can't afford Windows or iOS) bashing on better operating systems.

>fgets sounds like faggot
maybe like 'faggots". you know, with an "s".
try harder, op.

If you and your family were a method in C, you would be fgets.

if you were a java string, isEmpty would always return true because you are a hollow vacuous excuse for a human being and you should just kill yourself

If your name would be Jobs this thread could be c++ancer

haha becauce c plus ancer is like the thing that got him

I might use this one. also
// this code goes unused
if (yourDickLength > OneInch){
getsLaid = true;

ITT : new friends.

Have a nice stay anons :3

I'm not new, I've already been here a whole week.

Although I guess you and I are new friends, so that could count. Do you want to talk on Reddit?

this is like THE worst code I've ever seen.

if (user.GetDick().GetLength(INCH) > 1) {

> calling methods to set a variable that is in the same class
I get that you just took Java 201 but you don't need to make everything else another class. If you want I can teach you to code better.

Sure why not? Hey and by the way can I add you on Facebook? Are you into pepe and memes stuffs as well? zomg!! Mom I met someone like me right here.

> facebook
Dude, come on, I thought you were cool and now you ask for Facebook? Nobody uses that.

But I do have a dead myspace from like 2005 so....

If I wanted humor I'd ask you when the last time you had a gf was.

Honestly, only like 4 months ago. I mean, by Sup Forums approved I meant pertaining to tech, not something that is a universal insult to people working in CS.

What? All my friends in school use Facebook. I have a couple of chav teens whom I stalk.

stop posting this. it wasnt funny the first time you posted it

It was hilarious. If you were a method in C, you would be fgets.
> friends in school
Underage and b&, sorry man :/

>underage b&
Hmm so that's your comeback?

Heh but you seem nice guy. Good day user. Also stop making these stupid threads and you'd be a champ.

> stupid threads
They are fun, don't be an fgets.
> comeback
Honestly, you say school, so that sounds like underage m8.

You teach C for a whole semester and at the end some retards come to you saying C has methods...
Fuck you OP, I totally understand his reaction.

>me at uni
>java project
>did it in C ansi because java is garbage
>that tfw when feel when tfw

Even the ones teaching garbage OOP-oriented languages know it's shit, don't mix god tier language and your shitty OOP languages.


> C
> God tier
> not C ++

The only sane way of doing c++ is the C way. Why would you use that garbage langugae?

fgets is basically a method though, since it acts on a pointer to a FILE object. Just because C doesn't have classes doesn't mean it can't be OO.

>hurr it's the same
I don't give a shit about that, in C we call them FUNCTIONS so if you're talking about fgets in C you call it a FUNCTION but not a fucking METHOD.

The only garbage here is you.

>ho shit he is right
>gotta find something instead of admiting my defeat
>u garbage