>literally everyone eating shit from their own hands
>developers using razer keyboards and apple gear
>literally everyone eating shit from their own hands
>developers using razer keyboards and apple gear
>developers using apple gear
That's pretty accurate desu
but why? I'm gonna kms
Because apple software and hardware are objectively the best for software development
>autismo memes
most devs at my company use apple laptops t b h
>sv hipster web dev shits using apple products
stop the presses!
Because there's a mass amount of them deployed and it serves as a good 'base' to test shit on. If you're writing code and it fucks up on your Toshiba Satellite A423-5223++ 2015 2nd Edition Premier Plus for US-NorthEast, you've got the added uncertainty of "Why doesn't it work on my machine? Could be it be... my machine?"
Fucking everyone has a Mac. If it runs on my Mac and not on your Mac, then you probably have a software conflict because we're all using the same hardware base and OS version and drivers. Troubleshooting done.
nice b8 m8
love those absolute statements i'd like to see you be more effective in osx developing windows apps then in windows for example.
Their literally the consoles of the PC world
>Thermal throttling
>underpowered crap
I guess thats why all pajeets these days are uselss.
Would be easier for devs yes if all were running on the same platform & device, but no this is not the case in reality. Get in touch with it.
Why Mac?
>just werks UNIX
>16:10 displays
Have you been to Google, Amazon, or IBM?
They ALL use MacBook Pros.
ITT: retarded idiots arguing about trivial shit again
Computers are A FUCKING TOOL
Some people like using different tools.
Then run linux and buy a 16:10 monitor
> not paying for overpriced hardware
> customizable hardware & software
> win
I do a lot of .NET stuff for work and just fire up a Windows 7 VM whenever I have to. That way I can still develop APIs or whatever else in OSX and write native wangblows apps.
>just werks
>16:10 laptop
I have been to Google. There were a couple of guys with thinkpads.
Linux is not POSIX compliant and therefor not a suitable substitute for UNIX.
if youre a developer and not interested in learning new stuff
> linux
you should get out of the game
yeah nice try ivanov but apple are pretty much the kings of laptops, and especially dev machiens
Why not 21:9?
>cinematic experience
>king of laptops
>dev machines
Yeah if your a meme hipster socal brogrammer who writes html sjw crap
>king of laptops
Depends on what you need your laptop for. There is no single "best" laptop.
>buttmad redditor in denial
>macbook pro 2016
wins all prizes, gets 5 star ratings from all tech mags and benchmarks
>toshiba x4fa89huad83hie 2016 15'' windows 10 edition
2 hour battery, shitty screen and made out of chinese plastic
You mean 3:1
You mean 8:5
n33t fattass gamer actually.
you mean 1.5:.5
you man 4:2.5
you mean .75:.25
you mean 2:1.25
Boring show with shitty jokes. Music is nice, though
you mean 5:1
one in five. no one here gets out alive
>but why?
Pretty much everything linux has to offer to devs is also available for OS X (i actually can't think of anything that isn't so someone else do it) + the stuff exclusive to OS X
you mean 10:2
>post silicon valley thread
>thread dissolves into shitposting instantly
you mean 20:4
you mean 4:3
>completely alone
>absolutely no sunlight detected
>changes hardware and software every 3 months
>every 3 months
you mean 12:3
you mean 6:1.5
you mean 3:.75
you mean 1:.25
All my respect for Google, Amazon and IBM: LOST.
I will work at a real technology company.
Got a better brand for a laptop?
Because Lenovo and Dell fucking suck
>forming an opinion of a company based of one random person on the internet.
Google, Amazon, and IBM wouldn't bother hiring your kind of scum anyway.
>Computers are A FUCKING TOOL
this. damn, it would be nice if we had a board where this was the sticky and people talked about doing stuff with their tools rather than just arguing about buying and trying out new ones.
>Got a better brand for a laptop?
>Because Lenovo and Dell fucking suck
Lenovo is decent. HP is also good.
>it would be nice if we had a board where this was the sticky and people talked about doing stuff with their tools rather than just arguing about buying and trying out new ones
>You have X brand tool? you could do it better with Y brand tool! It's 2% more efficient at performing the task that %tool% performs!
and, we're back at intel/amd, nvidia/ati flame wars.
yes son, they are a tool, but why limit yourself to a shiny stone when you could use a hammer
I'm you're average Gentoo loving Thinkpad user, but if my work was going to offer me any laptop at their expense, I would go for a MacBook Pro.
>inb4 apple
more cinema-like.
I prefer to have the best aspect ratio ever.
>inb4 aapl devs using thinkpads
you sound triggered my friend
maybe, but i don't think it's fair to think that all (or even most) conversations about computer projects need to devolve to talking about hardware and software.
warning: silicon valley spoilers ahead
I thought episode 4 was great, but was kind of sad to see Action Jack go. Did anyone else also kind of like him, even if he was a bullshit-spouting asshole?
Don't kid yourself, if we had a /powertools/ board people would be killing each other over whether flathead or phillips head was best.
feel free to give an example where this isn't the case.
i got my phd in applied machine learning last saturday. in 4 years i don't recall ever arguing about hardware; all of my interactions with colleagues and advisors were about thinking about problems and how we could use existing tools (or build new ones) to solve them. sure, sometimes we had to think about whether something could run on a laptop or needed to be sent to a big job machine, but nobody was wasting their time arguing about operating systems or new nvidia cards or whatnot.
Developers everywhere use Mac, QA uses ThinkPads
I have a Fujitsu because I'm not a retard. Lifebook T734 is awesome but I basically got it as the end of its sales life (newer models released like a month later)
It was doomed from the start when OP assumed that every developer uses a $200 chinkpad running gentoo and not Macbooks
He was a good character, but it feels like he left early
Something else must be going on
Did you miss the part where the main character who uses a MacBook shat on Steve Jobs?
First gen razer keyboards were good. They used cherry switches and have good construction. Friend have first gen blackwidow tournament edition - its one of the best tenkeyless out there.
I am very smart, they would love to have me.
Maybe CERN, maybe EFF, maybe GNU.
All of my developers use Visual Studio
Unless they're doing C# i pity them
This. People just love to argue
No we wouldn't. Flathead is objectively superior.
phillips master race
I thought that bullshit square was pretty silly
I was being serious, there is literally no reason to own a phillips head anything. There is no argument here.
C# and VB exclusively.
i feel sorry for them
gr8 b8 m8 i r8 8/8
We make bank off of it so
>why do webdev tryhards who make fart and web apps use macs
Most devs prefer a POSIX UNIX. They used to run SunOS but it went under.
>Most devs prefer a POSIX UNIX.
Who why would they switch to mactoddler OS instead of staying on UNIX?
Are you retarded? Slowlaris 11 only comes GNOME desktop. Oracle doesn't care about the desktop and OS X is the only POSIX UNIX that's available.
nice meme
>Mach micro kernel
>Fully POSIX-2014 compliant
>Basically FreeBSD userland
How is it not UNIX?
>replacement kernel specifically made as a unix-like replacement for a unix-like OS because it wasn't unix and wasn't allowed to be called unix
Mactoddlers in a nutshell.
>Gr8 b8 m8
You're a special breed of retarded. Clearly you don't know what POSIX is.
>mactoddler doesn't understand the difference between unix and posix compliance certification
>calling anyone else retarded
>replacement kernel
kFreeBSD is also a Mach kernel, and so is Hurd. There's nothing wrong with XNU.
>wasn't allowed to be called UNIX
You do know that Apple is actually allowed to call their OS an UNIX, right?