How do I make my Linux look cool?

How do I make my Linux look cool?

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pick one

Pick one and only one

Take what you currently have, remove gradients, remove rounded corners, make everything the same shade of gray, use the acyl icon set, open a terminal with neofetch and add lots of anime and little heart icons and tildes~ wherever you can

Tools: nano, firefox, wpgtk

sudo uname gentoo

Thanks, this looks like a good place to start.

install gentoo xD

All of those look awful

xDDD gud 1

Install GNOME

Replace the icon for Whisker Menu with this.

install pantheon or kde, they sorta look good

wipe the installation, install openbox and a good openbox theme, then put a desktop background on there and install pypanel, bam it looks like one of those desktop threads

install windows 10 autistic manbabby faggot

i like using dwm and dmenu, but I like it because it doesn't fill up useless pixels on my old shitty laptop

Install Kaos.

>install windows
>name PC 'Linux'

Like this OP

Install Window Maker

>cool linux
pick one


Find aesthetic themes that appeal to your eyes and apply them to your desktop, either through a custom theme made by you or finding themes that fulfill these interests

Cool is an entirely subjective aspect and asking a bunch of autistics that all have different opinions on style and personal taste will only end in arguments.

Window maker is neat though, ever seen a "moderniZed" "material design" Windowmaker theme?
Puts those i3 ricefags to shame

How do i get le minimalistic firefox CSS? Moko CSS is tottaly broken here on xfce

Write your own.