980Ti: $550

>980Ti: $550
>1080: $699
>difference in performance: insignificant
>still no hardware Async compute
>still shit performance with DX12

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rippeperoni nvidioni

Pretty shit. Hopefully the 1080 Ultra/Ti will be better.

I bought a 980 TI like 4 months ago. Do I kill myself?

no,keep it until they release the 4080

But living is so hard nowadays..

>68.6 vs 50.4 = 16% increase
>34.56 vs 29.44 = 17% increase
>30.3 vs 25.5 = 19% increase
>154.64 vs 131.96 = 17% increase


Around 17% increase straight out the gate isn't bad. 10 bucks a frame in witcher 3 ain't great. But its an enthusiast card, it isn't strictly a frames/dollar kind of choice. If that were the case, you wouldn't be looking at either card.

>17% performance increase for 127.3% of the price

Anyone if a 1070 is worth it over the 980ti?

Ars Technia and Anandtech's benches say that the 1080 is 30-39% faster than the 980ti in both dx12 and non dx12 games. And where are you getting a 980ti for $550? They're 600 at the very least.

The issue isn't how much or how little. It's the that decent 4k performance still isn't reachable.

Polaris 10 is more worth it

Something wrong with your testbed?
> At the risk of being redundant the GTX 1080 is now the fastest single-GPU card on the market, and even at 4K it wins at every single gaming benchmark, typically by a good margin. In practice we’re looking at a 31% performance lead over GTX 980 Ti – the card the GTX 1080 essentially replaces – with a similar 32% lead over AMD’s Radeon R9 Fury X.

yeah, 4K is still a meme, and VR games suck ass

>if nvidia cannot into it, it must be a meme!
Remember goys, async compute is only a meme!

I thought 1080 wasn't $699?

the reference model (renamed to founder's edition) costs 100$ extra.

If you want a 1080 for the MSRP, you have to wait months for 3rd partner cards to come out.

how facetious to say the card is 699 then
fucking retards

the card being benchmarked and reviewed everywhere, is $699.

There is no $599 card as of yet. We'll have to see what the partner cards will end up being (performance and price wise). you might get an underclocked 1080 with a shit cooler for 599 eventually.

there is no $599.99, thats the price for partner cards, meaning the partners are going to tack on an aftermarket cooler and charge you $650.00 at the very least. Stupid goy

I thought reference cards were inferior to products of other brands. Why would this cost more?

Because 3rd party vendors are totally going to make sure their top tier cards are underclocked with shit coolers. Ya know like they usually do.

Fucking retard

not all of them you retard. but the better versions will cost more, some even going above $699

some partner cards will be better than the 699 reference model, but some might be worse.

>I thought reference cards were inferior to products of other brands. Why would this cost more?
They come out first, and have a lead on the market for weeks or months depending on demand and how much difference an OEM applies to their aftermarket design/cooler

Hence calling it "founder's edition", it's literally a tax for early adopters who will not fancy themselves "collectors"





You fucking AMDrones are on the same shit everyday. The fucking 1080 can do Async Computing but you have to turn it off for better performance.

>The fucking 1080 can do Async Computing but you have to turn it off for better performance.

Well memed

Of course it is, they'll gimp 980ti drivers soon so it's slower than a 1070.

They did it for keppler.

what do the colors represent? why not include in image?

I thought gimping was a maymay. So I shouldn't update my drivers in the future?

you're fucked if you have nvidia.
>game comes out
>uses new api / feature
>can't run on old driver, instant crash
>update driver, gimped performance
>you're raped either way


>Practically speaking, very few people will run prolonged stress tests on a regular basis. In other words, this isn’t really going to be a problem.

Your pathetic trolling had failed, try again AMDPOORFAGS

>he doesn't play graphics heavy games for a long time
>he doesn't play games during summer

What is 290X/390X HOUSEFIRES

Runs 95C all the time & burns house down

This runs 15C less even after heavy gaming


are you just pretending to be a faggot nvidia fanboy? because that's as bad as an actual nvidia fanboy, since that would make you an amd fanboy, and brand loyalty is literally cuck tier retardation

AMDPOORFAGS break down in tears when present with FACTS that they can't counter

Pretty much this.

AMD is trying to give up a majority of tweeking drivers to the developers. They gave the devs better access to the GPU(Mantle/Vulkan/DX12) so that AMD does not have to tweek drivers every time a new game comes out. Nvidia would never do this; It's how they make sure they are in control of your cards.

A local retailer just dropped the price of their 980ti's by the equivalent of 190$ On special
It's very very tempting.. The cheapest I've ever seen this card in my country.

what is the price now? I can get a new 980Ti for 550 euros here

Same. I'm in the US but the 980ti down at $540 is looking pretty damn tasty.

In in South Africa, and the Rand is ridiculously weak at the moment.. But the card is usually R13000, I can get it new (MSI overclocked variant) for R10000. Even for me to import from Amazon (usually cheapest option) would cost more than that

>gtx970 ahead of the 780 ti
>gtx960 ahead of the 780


the problem is that when you buy it, and the 1080 and 1070 are out and about, Nvidia will gimp the 980Ti with drivers

The 1080 will be better than my 750ti ftw, so I'm down for even the 1070

I know, I know. The 980 ti of today's days are numbered.

Isn't this just a meme?

see see

Why, 980ti can run doom at max settings on 1600p at above 60fps


More like
>still no single GPU solution
Still a meme

You don't have to use the new drivers though

Probably the limiting factor on that game are heavy bad implemented visual effects.

Explain why the difference in top cards is -/+ 1-3 FPS

yes you do. see:

All this AMDone damage control. Hopefully someone competent like Samsung buys off AMD after they go out of business when the GTX 1070 and 1080 comes out.


Polaris is a low end product. Even AMD admitted it. It can't compete with Pascal.

medium end. we'll see come 27th of may

This can't be happening. Why does Nvidia always win?

>no AA

Nvidia won.

>implying the top tier cards ever cost less than the reference

Muh Async

First you complain about bench markers using AA at 4K, then you complain about the lack of.

either way, AMD don't evne has anything to compete agains t the 980Ti let alone the 1080, what do you people want people to do? buy a Fury X?

What a joke.

>not even 60fps

God damn I can't wait for Vega to shit all over this in October. Wonder what nVidia fanboys are going to say then.

God damn I can't wait for Big Pascal to shit all over Vega next year. Wonder what AMD fanboys are going to say then.

Vega comes out:
>w-who needs 4K at 60fps? 4K is a meme lol!

try $450. Learn2Ebay

>buying GPU from ebay
enjoy your bitcoin farmed POS

I bought a 290x on ebay, put a cooler on it, overclocked it myself, and have been running it buttery smooth and cool as ice for the last 12 months. Eat shit.

>I didn't get fucked this one time

jokes on you faggots I'm waiting for both

literally no one has farmed bitcoins with 980ti's. nobody.

if you buy a 980ti on ebay right this minute its from some spoiled rich kid who bought one last summer, played dota and cod on it, and is selling it for a 1080. that card is going to be fine nine times out of ten

enjoy getting gimped by driver updates then

>760 better than a 280x
>960 better than a 290x
Looks like it's a shit benchmark

Project CARS is just straight up broken on AMD cards. I think it's the worst example of AMD being unable to figure out Gameworks in history.

screencapped this gold

you mean 117% performance for 127% the price.

you're representation of the data is just as shitty as the nvidia shills.

>still no hardware Async compute
still no hardware Async compute
>still no hardware Async compute
still no hardware Async compute
>still no hardware Async compute
still no hardware Async compute

nVidiots on BTFO status

>Nvidia won.
They fucking better considering its going against last gen hardware

Wasn't it because amd cards can't handle physx so it was put on the cpu?

Yes, you're right. Not technically gameworks.


Can you just not update the drivers?

>you mean
Yes. (Assuming you meant '127.3%' by '127%')
He also means exactly what he said, because those two statements are identical. If they don't mean the same to you, you have bigger problems

Very stupid to have a game depend so heavily on physx in my opinion, not just because of amd performance though.


>autism: the post

Yes you are

AA makes little sense at high resolutions

1080 Uses Much Less Wattage Power

No, Nvidia and their paid shills are just being sneaky as usual and comparing it to stock 980 Tis with their boost clock suppressed in order to widen the gap. Once you start overclocking both cards the 980 Ti rapidly gains ground, since it has more CUDA cores and Pascal is nothing more than a die shrink. In the end the 1080 manages a 15% bump based on a 40% raw clock speed increase alone.

You're the fucking retard if you think that AIB partners are going to price their premium cards lower than Nvidia's shitty housefire blower. At absolute best you might get an even shittier plastic blower for $599. Anything like the Gigabyte G1, Asus Strix or EVGA SC/FTW will be priced bare minimum the same as the reference card.

I still remember when waiting for next gen cards involved getting more frames per dollar expended. Now we've got a card with a 1:1 or even inferior fps/cost ratio compared with older cards with the new Doom being the only exception. What a shame

Someone post the nvidia 980 housefire meme picture

I don't have the 980 memes

>paid shills
Anandtech? Grasp at a lot of straws?