How do I uncuck my shit?

How do I uncuck my shit?

install gentoo


Start over with an OS that isn't a spyware and remote control platform.

Read sicp


Open a command prompt and run: shutdown -a

Ltsb N

Upgrade to Pro or Enterprise edition if you have to use Windows 10 for DX12. (You probably don't.) Install a real OS otherwise.

Windows 8.1 actually.

Came with the laptop.

Nigga just tell it to ask you to check for updates. Pre-10 Wangblows is easy to control on the surface.

I'm a fucking hacker.

Eat my dick Sup Forums.

I just forgot haha. Started using an old laptop.


typing that image name must have taken a lot of effort...

>File name


Disable it in services.msc. then run it when you can updatw

>Being this fresh off the boat

>he doesn't use mac

>He doesn't use windows 3.1

I have to try and use a demo of a program made for windows 3.1 in one of my classes on 8.1.
It is hell.

>he uses mac