Shoud I use Kubuntu


>should I use something?
If you like it, use it.

KDE is shit


But I heard It was very customizeable

THAT DOGGY IS SO CUTE! I want a dog damn it! :((


People who use kubuntu become kde haters.
When you see someome say "kde sucks" on a chinese cartoon board, you've spotted a former kubuntu user.

dogs are for blind people only.
>can't live without you
>bad smell
>cost too much
>shit everywhere
>ugly af
never ever that piece of shit

>tfw poor with tiny apartment so no doge
>seeing qt's walking their dogs all the time
>knowing if I had a dog as well I'd be rolling in pussy
this is suffering

At least they are loyal and can protect me, cuck
Enjoy getting raped by nigger at night with your shitty cat

Cute doggo

> dog smell everywhere.
> dog hair everywhere.
> dog shit everywhere.
K Dog Environment.

Lets discuss dogs instead

And dog related technology.

Man I miss my Irish Setter, may she rest in peace.

Pic not her but goddamn they are majestic dogs


It's realy sad when dogs die

Manjaro KDE

I'll give it a try

I'm sorry for your loss user

my dogger is on his way out, looks like his kidneys/liver are deteriorating