Literally a meme

literally a meme

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Oh look, it's another retarded nvidia thread! Can't wait for the 200 replies in 5 minutes

>750Ti still on list
>Geforce fucking 210 still on list
How is that website related to the EOL?

Wow they scrubbed it lol

The GT 210 and 750 Ti are still in production, yes. They're niche cards which fill the role of ultra-poorfag builds and shitty prebuilt upgrades. I don't understand your point.

This card does the work much better than 210 though and 28nm is dirt cheap these days

I have a 750Ti myself, it's a good card. But why the 210?

They 1070 is going to replace the 970, the 1080 is going to replace the 980, same thing happened with the 680 and the 780Ti.

It does, but they still make the GT 210 for whatever reason.

The only reason to buy a GT 210 is that it's the absolute cheapest card on the market (about $5-10 cheaper than a GT 710), and thus the absolute cheapest way to add a HDMI port to an old workstation or something.

900 Series Microsite > GTX 970

got a chip-refresh with the chip of 950/960, underclocked, for HTPCs due to hevc 10bit hw-dec support

Do yo have any source for that?

I remember reading about this somewhere, apparently the 750Ti is super popular in China, together with Windows XP, which is why Nvidia still released drivers for XP, they even have a "icafe" driver team specially for China.

That was GTX 750 only not Ti.

GTX 750 Ti is EOL & discontinued practically with the GTX 950 75W replacing it.

It's still 30 to 50 bucks more expensive.

nice shitpost

and so the driver gimping begins

jesus fucking

Also cheapest option if onboard video dies