Hey Sup Forums I built this: thehivemind.online

Hey Sup Forums I built this: thehivemind.online

What do you think?

Other urls found in this thread:


>can't get results for "nigger" and "adolf hitler" cause safesearch

I don't understand why we'd need a website for this. You should make the results clickable, though.

that is a great point

> Works only on chrome
> Stopped working after two-three tries

Time to fix some bugs, OP

I saw you post on /gd/ ;)

I didnt post on gd - did someone else post on it?


BTW results are now clickable - thank you for the good idea

Any more ideas / feedback is welcome

Just some more info on this: I started building this yesterday, and I am now done with it

Never mind, it was someone else also making an earth with some stars around it.

Typed sum shit into that weirner shaped geometry you call a type prompt and the font cursor moved as I typed, but the words never fuckin' appeared. I then enter like I should, and you know what happened...nothing!

Oh ok cool, thank you for the heads up though.

If anyone could be kind enough to upvote my post on HN it would be great as I it would really be pleasant to receive some more feedback on it. If not no worries. Thank you.




Is it open source

I just gave you my feedback, son. i'm allergic to upvotes!

I cannot reproduce your problem, but there must be UI problems that need solving. If you can be more specific I should be able to fix it now .

Regarding the weiner shape, I was trying to get it to match stuff... any ideas how to improve it? Maybe the search term you entered is censored?

but ill give you some upvotes because you r nice

yes my dear friend

nevermind. i was using seamonkeys...chinese version need better brows


thanks senpai! I hit the frontpage of HN! That is all I wanted ^_^


ah thanks man, kudos goes to the different components I found and roped togeher, I am cleaning the code now, and will paste the github link in a moment.


Rather, it is called the Chilling Effect.

OP the shit barely works

On mobile it's a light blue ellipse, and when I tap on it, it redirects to wwww.thehivemind.online/




What is wrong with twitter? Is it not cool anymore?

Maybe due to the slash I will look into it thanks


cmon give me hint on what to fix first

which mobile? I havent even considered looking at it on a mobile yet =/



The results that are more than one line long don't fit

same here. the cursor never moved at all and nothing showed up.

hahahaha great catch, yes that is some code I actually cut nad pasted and havent had a chance to refactor yet ^_^

fixing now


its meh...

Comment: does not work.

browser: IE11
problem: can't type in search bar. wtf, Admin?

lol hi mao zedong

>Loli is censored

It it said most mainland Chinese speak simplified Chinese.