Linux so irrelevant it's listed as "other"

>linux so irrelevant it's listed as "other"

Other urls found in this thread:

but servers, NAS, TVs, supercomputers, routers, smartphones, etc...

I think Linux/Unix is like on 90% of general informatics devices.
Op pie is about end-user computer market share

>Other alongside Vista and older OSX versions


Unless you're poor, stupid, mentally ill and/or NEET the GNU desktop linux just sucks for normal people with families, social lives and jobs.

I used GNU/Linux as my only OS for 6 years until I finished university and got thrown in to the real world.

Are you looking at percent of total OS's that phone home to the NSA's database?

I think you have that statement backwards

>that image
Some shit requires half a brain to use, so it is no wonder that not very many people take the time to learn how in regards to GNU+Linux.

>to use

I dont need to 'learn to use' an OS, I need to 'learn to use' shit that runs on top of an OS. that's how real life works, kid.

Linux has been and will always be ~1% of desktops.

if you take all the devices running an operating system linux is the most used with 20% market share.

nope, that's just about servers. (and it's more than 90%)

>OSX has lower market share than Windows XP

you need to 'learn to use' everything, including the fucking OS. just because you learned to use it when you were 5 doesn't mean you didn't have to learn to use it.

also many linux OSs are just as easy to use, if not easier compared to any windows version.

You see

Windows is like a plastic butter knife and Linux is like steel kitchen knife. With windows kids feel always safe to use and have fun with it playing to be chefs, doing things like cutting tomatoes or maybe onions, even if they do it in a slow or clumsy way, but meanwhile they feel happy and satisfied with themselves. Then when they see you cooking with the steel knife they starts wondering how it feels, then they starts whining that they want to cook like you and want to use the steel knife instead the small plastic one. You say that you cannot do that because you're busy but you'll teach him later. The kid gets angry and start whining more that he want the knife now and don't want the plastic one anymore, you tell him that to use the knife he must practice and be patient, meanwhile he should start with a smaller one. The kid gets more angry and tell you that he don't need your ugly and stupid knife because the yellow plastic one is more cool, and more safe, and he can do the same things, and that this one is not allowed for adults to use. Then you laugh in a light way like thinking 'that's cute' and you just say ok.

Later in the night when you're sleeping, the kid takes the steel knife and starts playing with it. He feels very exited, this one is heavier, shiny, it cuts things very easily, now he feels like a professional. Then he try to cut harder things, or trying to cut the vegetables in small cubes. During his play he mistakenly cuts his finger and starts crying very loud. You wake up and hurry up to see whats happening and you cure his finger with a bandage and cleaning the injure. The kid starts blaming you saying that this is because you didn't lend him the knife when he asked, that you never have time for him, that your shitty knife is dangerous and you're a retard for using it, that he didn't need anyway, that was your fault for always treating him like a kid. The only thing you do then is hug him and say, 'ok but promise me that you'll not try to use the knife again until being more grown', the kid just nods with his head while a tear walks over his face.

How are they easier though?

>Don't use X because most people use Y and Z

>>linux so irrelevant it's listed as "other"
There is no "Linux".
You'd have to break these 6.7% down into all the distributions and things like Solaris etc.

Look at the picture. Who would want to do that?

>You'd have to break these 6.7% down into all the distributions
You already can break it down and only 1.65% of that is Linux machines. They are all still desktop Linux, 300 flavours of shit or just 1 they are Linux desktop.

I want normalfags to leave.

Holy fuck this is the most autistic thing I've read on Sup Forums for weeks. Good job, you fucking loser.

>get absolutely blown the fuck out
>m--m-m-m-muh looser m
>mm-uh autism
As expected

You don't create these threads to bully GNU/Linux users, have a joke or for posting anything of value; you create them to justify yoursselves.

You expect other dumbass Sup Forumsedditors to confirm that GNU/Linux is a waste of time, so they can feel secure in the crowd.

The daily anti-linux thread is the daily drug that makes that bad fee-fee go away.

Prove me wrong

Linux is only good for very specific applications like that. I think they're talking about computers people actually use.

Linux is great for programming, webdev, administrating systems, pentesting and scientific research. From the beginning its userbase was scientists and programmers.

its not

I never understood why it wasn't more popular.

If I join your club do I get a free tin foil hat & get to sit in the emp shelter you're mummy let you build in the bedroom?

>computers people actually use.

You mean operating systems people use because that's what came already installed on their computer.
The average person is afraid to install Windows, they aren't going to switch to Linux no matter how good it is.
Unless it comes pre-installed for them on some shiny device.
Like Android.

Of course I will even tell my mum to buy hotpockets you love so much in exchange for you letting finish inside you from time to time

No, I actually don't give a fuck because I'll use whatever operating system is comfy to me and I'm not a child so I don't care what other people use.

I was scrolling down and seen your posts, I wasn't even interested in the threads content and had to stop because you're such a fucking retard.

No its talking about desktops. If it was talking about computers people actually use it would include mobile OSes in which case Android/Linux would be a pretty significant piece with other GNU/Linux based devices likely warranting at least a named bit.

>Most smart appliances
>over half the servers
>Every cluster, every supercomputer
>Most smartphones and tablets

>Very specific
Linux reigns supreme.

I ask this in every new thread and it never gets answered - because windows shills are just storm posters not actual helpful people...

Where can I buy cheap windows 10 keys? I'm from eastern Europe and I'm not going to pay 150$ for windows 10.

Is this ok? I would've wanted the retail version.

Since when Vim is an OS, retard?

My thoughts exactly, some design decisions in Windows are so bad but they haven't changed for years. For example, env. variables are impossible to find if you don't know where to look. And registry, why does it still exist? MS is basically selling the same product with new label (well, with new botnet now).

it's so hard to learn "*, "+ and add p or yy

having several clipboards is fresh you noob

If you're happy to grey-market it anyway, why not just pirate? It's really easy.
$60 if you want to install Windows 10 Pro directly, $45 if you want to install Windows 7 Pro and get a free upgrade.

>why not just pirate?