So, I'm yesterday's user, I finally installed Arch, but I don't know what interface to put...

So, I'm yesterday's user, I finally installed Arch, but I don't know what interface to put, I was thinking in KDE Plasma, but I want something minimalistic, what do I do?

Awesomewm or XFCE if you want a DE.

Also, create a regular user account with sudo permissions.

Sorry, but, how do I do that? The two things. I'm new to Linux, I wanna learn.

Just follow the Arch Wiki ?
They'll teach you how to install a DE quite easily.
Did you install it or did you just booted Arch from a USB Key ?


Then I'd personally recommend Fluxbox or OpenBox, both are easy to rice.

What would you choose for a newbie like me? Fluxbox or Openbox?

I was a newbie too, I wouldn't recommend Fluxbox for the newbs but it definitely helps learning.
OpenBox is easy as fuck tho so maybe you should choose it.
If you don't mind having less functionalities then choose Fluxbox :)

Ok, how do I install it? I looked it at the wiki and says that i have to be a normal user and not a Root user, how do I make a normal user (administrator like)?

I'd recommend cinnamon, XFCE is fine too, if you don't like DEs, try i3

That's in the wiki, too.

Go and fucking read the wiki then kill yourself.

a WM will be most 'minimal'

KDE is a good shell, so is XFCE

I want a DE, but minimalistic, like /wg/desktop threads, but without the anime stuff.
No shitposting pls, I'm fucking reading the wiki atm.

You will never, EVER decide on a DE.

You will keep switching and tweaking but always be unsure of your decision until you give up and go back to Windows.

WM's like awesome, bspwm, and i3 are minimalistic as hell and easy to rice. If you're into looking at the same 3 WM's mentioned above look at /r/unixporn

man useradd
pacman -S sudo
man sudo

MATE is the only DE anyone should use

Create an user account first. Never use root account for non-administrative tasks.

Then install MATE with lightdm. KDE/Plasma and GNOME are horrible nowadays, stay away from them

this desu senpai

mate is pretty nice
not really as minimalistic as rices in desktop threads, but at least its usable and intuitive

I made an user, but I don't know how to make it sudoer, when I make the command on the wiki, it says that sudo don't exist.


You wanna eat the spoon too?

No, I only need some advice on how to understand the wiki and other things.


I see you didn't set up a user account and add yourself to the sisters file.

This is why smartphones are cancer