How do I get rid of those lines in this monitor?

How do I get rid of those lines in this monitor?

print screen or screenfetch

Is the monitor broken? When do the lines appear? Install compton.


The problem is in the monitor. I was wondering if you guys could show me how to solve it in the datasheets.

It's a cheap ass Vista era monitor, what do you want us to say? Get a job?

Trash it.

yo shit broke nigga

ask gramma for a new one this christmas

Dismantle it, test all the electrical components, replace /resolder if possible.

This desu senpai
Cheap monitors are never worth it. I bought a sub-£100 one by some unheard of chink company to tide me over during a monitor emergency, its picture quality degraded to unusable after a couple of months and it completely died shortly after.

How insulting, you're basically calling him jewish

I bought a 50gbp acer monitor 2 years ago and it's still working just fine.

Fair enough but Acer isn't unheard of. Was it on sale?

I'm sure you can find a second hand monitor for $10, just toss that one out.

Don't remember. Monitor broke, I drove down to the best buy and told the dude "Give me your cheapest 24" 1080p" and I was out the door in 5 min.

It's funny to see how Sup Forums can't handle tasks at component level.

It's a problem with tcon or the drives. Anyways I'll have to replace the screen.

Do you like being bald?

install gentoo

I bought a perfect condition acer 23" 1080p monitor on Craigslist for $60 the other day. If you're willing to wait/negotiate more you cpuld get something similar for less.

Apply pressure with thumbs and fingers at either end of the line. It may get you another few weeks but basically you plan a new screen

Guys my monitors has a slight constant flicker that goes away it I firmly press and hold in that position the power and signal cable towards the monitor ports.

Any idea what needs to be fixed?

install gentoo on my cunny user

Replace the matrix.

You fixed it! Good job user

Ive been using the monitor that came with my Dell Dimension 4600 since 2004, and the only problem is that I can't have it too bright or it shuts off.

Enter the Matrix.