Jesus fucking Christ, what did the poos do to this company?
Jesus fucking Christ, what did the poos do to this company?
Other urls found in this thread:
>The more you use Allo the more “you” the suggestions will become.
Built-in personality profiling
Two new messaging apps no one will use and which Google will kill even if someone makes the mistake of using them.
What are these, exactly? With the exception of Hangouts which I do know/use.
I feel bad for Google; they keep trying and keep failing. Why the fuck did they make Allo mobile only and it doesn't even work similar to iMessages? I don't want a WhatsApp or a FB messenger replacement; I want an iMessages replacement.
Their app for messaging, video chat, SMS and Hangouts. In that order.
Hory shet
Seems redundant. Why wouldn't people just use Hangouts? It has video and messaging, hell, even video chat.
Hangouts recently lost support for SMS in favor of the dedicated app called Messaging. They will probably take away voice and video capabilities as well, once the other apps are launched.
Android fragmentation
Jesus why? I ain't downloadin' that shit.
Good, the SMS implementation was a fucking mess in hangouts.
>They will probably take away voice and video capabilities as well
Welp. Time to move to Ubuntu mobile OS.
Hangouts is largely a big pile of shit. Google appears to fixing hangouts by making new and separate apps. This is probably better in the long run
Well if you install the Allo APK, it is called "Messaging" Probably will be the default texting app in N. Looks like this actually will be the iMessage alternative we want on Android.
I think they're trying the "Wii" family of naming, where you call it something that can be expressed in all languages no problem
it's the most retarded thing ever though
who are the poos
>I think they're trying the "Wii" family of naming, where you call it something that can be expressed in all languages no problem
I have some friends at google and they say most of the employees just take shots and drink beers all day because there's bottles and kegs all over the offices.
After about 4:00 only.
Whatever man. People still smoke weed all over the parking lot and have sex in their cars. Another person i know did security there and blew lines all the time in the little security office. That company lost the contract though.
Sex? With whom? It's like 72% straight men and 20% women.
Weed, I can believe.
I can also believe security guys doing whatever.
Idk but my friend said he'd see people fucking in their cars during grave.
google NYCfag here
we smoke weed inside, on the top floor where all the artists and creative types work
zero fucks given
From what it appears it's going to replace hangouts and messaging. Imo this was well needed as both were shit. Think of it as the definitive imessage/FaceTime for Android.
It's poo. Hangouts has always been crap. Allo/Duo doesn't bring anything new or revolutionary or things worth using. End-to-end encryption is the most interesting but Telegram already has that and is less likely to steal your information compared to Google (that is known to do so).
Telegram's encryption is a joke. Inconvenient, doesn't work on desktop, doesn't work with multiple devices. As far as I know, iMessage does it better. I hope Allo will too, though I doubt, considering the fact that end to end encryption will be just an opt-in
I only use Telegram's encryption on mobile-to-mobile so it's perfectly fine with me.
>wanting end-to-end encryption to work on multiple devices
Also doesn't Allo only work on mobile as well?
Your daily reminder.
I moved from Google. I know use none of their shit after all this fucking fragmentation of the company. Now Alphabet is the parent of Google, and all Google's "products" last only a year or more. Not to mention all the useless ways of sharing everything. Also, what's with all the child-like themes? It's getting worse. I moved my email to Tencent's QQ (moving to China). QQ actaully is a useable interface without all the slow flashiness, et cetera. Many other options out there besides Google services these days. Better in my opinion.
>>wanting end-to-end encryption to work on multiple devices
Why not? Apple did it. It does require more resources, but it can work well enough (again, iMessage).
>Also doesn't Allo only work on mobile as well?
Hm, probably. A shame. Why is there not a single good video and text chat app with end to end encryption and a good desktop program?
don't recognize them
Always remember that google is an advertising company not a technology company. Their new "products" are just this seasons advertising campaigns. This is why they kill off things all the time without giving a fuck.
Hi moot
is there a better universal SMS app? better yet are there any infographics on recommended android apps?
Telegram rolled it's own crypto, idk why anyone would trust that shit not to be either vulnerable as hell or backdoored as fuck. Signal is a superior crypto communication app
You stupid sons of bitches really don't get it? This is the most linux thing one could imagine, de-bloating applications and breaking them up into separate applications that do only one thing but do it really well.
Just fuck off my Sup Forums...
>Hangouts recently lost support for SMS
This is false.
>Why wouldn't people just use Hangouts?
I use it with total of one (extreme geek) contact and it's a piece of bloated shit.
Hangouts hasn't lost SMS support you fucking cuck, what are you on about?
>non square icons
fuck you google
Are there new nexuses coming out these days?
how does his dad know that his sons stomach is hurting?
If the icon isn't a square with rounded corners I won't touch it.
>is there a better universal SMS app? better yet are there any infographics on recommended android apps?
Look, no bloat guys!
Hangouts is awesome. No idea what Allo is and I'm not interested.
Every single product you've mentioned is led by a white person. The stupid material design shit is also by a white person. At least under Pichai they are open sourcing a fuck ton of stuff
he has superpoowers
Knock knock
Who's there?
Allo who?
Allo who akbar
>hey man, duo me later!
doesn't flow as well as
>hey man, facetime me later!
so in that sense, it's already a flop
Why does Google always do this?
Just jump to another half ass service instead of improving and revising the one they had that ALREADY DID ALL THIS SHIT
Google makes the shittiest apps with the shittiest design with the shittiest implementation with the shittiest privacy policy.
Shit. Nuff said. I hate Apple but I recently tested an iPhone and fucking hell the software iOS is so fluid and light years ahead of Android.
Anita is so tiny.
I've tested an iPhone and used a newer iPad extensively. It's not that dramatically different from a high-end Android device you fucking fanboy.
Hangouts already has a tarnished name outside the tech community.
Tried to get my friends to use it when it first came out and everyone hated it. Only used it again a couple years later because we needed to do a group video call and skype was still charging for that.
It's pretty hard to convince someone to go back to a turd when you promise that the turd has been polished.
telegrams encryption is solid. 10/10 sekurity rating
>"Worse is better"
>Telegrams encryption a joke.
Kek. Do some research
This has been standard in every google service for years now.
Allo u der
Just want to pick her up and shag her over the kitchen table.
> Implying it will do it well
How does google get the information from if it's end-to-end encrypted? Or is google the other end?
B-But you can change the font size! It's revolutionary!!
Probably end-to-google-to-end
Microsoft firewalls work that way
So.. SSL
but what would be the difference to regular encryption then?
so why not decouple the encoder from duo, and let you choose your x264(/5) encoder, or replace it with your own codec
and also allow you to choose different encodings for allo's text messages!
i'd rather my "one thing done well" be messaging in general; text, voice, and video in one application.
you can't say allo in japanese
nor can you say "duo" (technically, if you don't count the cludge in katakana)
Alright faggots, I'm posting from the Google i/o thread () with some speculation and developments about "Allo"
You are chatting with %3$s by SMS for free
is a string found in Allo's leaked APK (
The name of the app is "Messenger" (same as the stock Google one). the string above might handle SMS messaging
>Google is investing heavily in RCS
>Tombstone is reference to SMS's dying use
>The name "Messenger" might imply it's going to replace stock Messenger on Android
>Because it's only tied to a phone number, we'll have some iMessage-esque equivalent on our Android Phones (Web app/desktop app WHEN?)
Some nerds on XDA took it apart and are exploring it with mods. It won't obviously work yet since this is a leak. The thread can be found here:
Here's a video of Allo with the authentication bypassed via Xposed
More news: The stickers in Allo have been leaked. They're the exact same ones in Google's Messaging App (Gallery here
TL;DR: Allo is likely going to replace Messenger in the coming months by integrating SMS and RCS functionality. With encryption and private messaging, I'm excited.
we /fusiondance/ soon
But the messaging app is pretty decent tho
What is your problem with the new Google messenger apps? It is a step to make it easier to communicate and just logical. Google did a pretty good job this year imo.
Because they made us believe they were going to allow three seperate messaging apps on stock Android, TWO of which do the same thing, and the third one is gimped as shit for the time it's releasing in. Though this user has some interesting finds
They were just stupidly obscure about things and now there's tons of backlash.
RCS should have been the big announcement at I/O. That's not just an iMessage killer- if it gets proper adoption, it's an SMS/MMS killer too