it's over, the Pajeets won the CS meme
It's over, the Pajeets won the CS meme
Is Tim Cook really 6'3"? Everyone else looks taller than him in that picture.
is it true that Pajeets poo on their finger and dot their forehead?
>it's over, the Pajeets won the CS meme
No lol pajeet can't CS. They won the software engineering meme
hello pajeet
it's called perspective, they are all closer to the camera than him
software development is a containment meme designed to get dumb fucks hooked on a never-ending upgrade cycle of dumb shit. perfect for destroying things like india.
it's like how zen is taught to chinks to keep them down, and thinking 'nothing' is the true thing to aspire to because they are poor as fuck and their government doesn't feel like feeding them.
>He's got a swastika on him
Oooooyyyyyy veeeeeeeyyyyyy
Why don't companies give me the option to undercut Pajeet instead of just replacing me? If it's between taking a pay cut or being unemployed, I would seriously consider it. Just come up to me and be like "Pajeet here is willing do your job for this much money, can you beat that?" and I say "Sure thing boss." then he tells Pajeet, "Sorry Pajeet, he countered your offer." Capitalism is about being willing to do what your competition is not.
>Why don't companies give me the option to undercut Pajeet instead of just replacing me?
Companies who hire Pajeets don't do it to save money, there are ulterior motives.
Elaborate? I thought all businesses are amoral entities concerned only with dollar signs.
Yes, he is a god among gay men.
>Elaborate? I thought all businesses are amoral entities concerned only with dollar signs.
Business are amoral entities, but are not monolithic. Let's say a manager can obtain a bonus by firing Bob (120k$/yr senior programmer) and hire Pajeet instead for 50k. The company will lose money in the end because Pajeet will make a mess, but the manager still gets a fucking bonus.
Like governments, as they grow companies become inefficient messes.
That's why they don't stay going great forever.
They are all trying to exploit what ever they can through globalism these days. It's not good enough for a company to just turn a good profit, they have to keep increasing their profits exponentially to keep investors investing.
They end up doing stupid things that are going to kill them in the long run but the guys making those decisions figure they'll walk away filthy rich by the time the ship goes down anyway.
Actually, in the U.S. it's against the law to fire an American to hire a cheaper H1B visa worker.
Now ask yourself why the Attorney General's office doesn't rape every single company doing it.
>Is Tim Cook really 6'3"
He isn't. Steve Jobs was 6'3".
because Obama hates white people?
man that swastika can cause him some trouble.
No, because the multinational corporations that do it are the same ones the DNC and RNC run to for campaign funds every 2 years.
>muh corporate free "speech"
So we need Trump, essentially?
Or Sanders. But even then, the corporate-political class still controls the Congress.
The real problem is the effect wealth inequality and high campaign costs have had on our democracy. There is no practical way for someone to run for any national (or state, in some cases) office without millions of dollars for their campaign. Even if regular voters help raise the money for a candidate that puts them first, corporations are better organized and funded, so they'll support the other candidate and win almost every time.
A new President won't change much, Congress and state legislatures have to be purged and the rules changed. The problem is that the people who are able to change the rules currently benefit from these rules, so, absent a huge popular movement, there's no motivation to actually change the system.
The 1960s was the last great revolution in America. We saw millions of new people become involved in politics, and we were able to radically change the system. This terrified the establishment, so you ended up with programs like COINTELPRO, where the FBI and CIA were actively undermining these movements. The politicians put their immediate need to stay in office over a larger political movement that was modernizing the country.
You see the same thing with terrorism and drugs today. The political need to look tough on terrorism and drugs supercedes the need to actually fight correct the issues.
Why? Only a retard would associate manji with Nazi.
Go take a walk with that symbol on your shirt I dare you.
I'm Indian so it never affected me.
Isn't being gay illegal in India? Why is Cook not arrested yet?
If anyone took that law seriously, iphones would be banned in india before Cook.
Nothing to see here, just Tim Cook trolling for curry dick
cook confirmed for nazi nigger cuck
Thats how desperate Tim Cook is to get back marketshare from Android, he is begging Indians to make iPhone apps, when are they going to replace Cook with an Indian like they did Balmer at MS?
Upper caste Indians are Aryans
nice try pajeet you all smell like curry for us
Many upper caste Indians are srsly Aryan, bro
Impure aryans though, they all carry inferior dravidian blood. This will happen to you if you don't build the big fucking wall.
there's no such thing as 'aryan' race
Hitler mistook linguistic origin for race and it's wrong
this tbqh senpai, aryan is an ancient sanskrit word that refers to people who can speak sanskrit.
>there's no such thing as 'aryan' race
But they are literally (indo)-aryan. Not aryan in Nazispeak.
Germans (the white ones) and many upper-caste Indians are the same people
indo-aryan arent a homogenous race that region is raped from hell and back by god knows how many ethnicities
Upper caste indians are, literally, whiter than those of a lower caste. Also they have higher IQ, and sometimes, blue eyes.
How tf does he hate white people? Ffs he flied to Argentina to congratulate them for electing a right wing president.
>blue eyes
no its green , you are referring to saraswat brahmins the purest among us.
Aryans can't poo in loo and the two most developed states in India are both in the south, while the poorest area (northeast) is Aryan. There's literally nothing good about being Aryan.
Why are there no upper-caste Indians in the US?
What caste are you?
North Indian supremacy is a meme. The south has historically been more developed due to the Indian ocean trade. North Indians move to southern states like Kerala for work for a reason. 100+ year old racial theories are just plain retarded.