When your internet friends are brainwashed nvidia sheep and don't realise AMD is better bang for your buck

>when your internet friends are brainwashed nvidia sheep and don't realise AMD is better bang for your buck

>when user is brainwashed by Sup Forums memes and thinks AMD is better bang for your buck


Bought a GTX 960 and now I want to replace it.
Still like the HEVC encode decode for reducing the filesize of my chinese cartoons but with the 400 series having HEVC encode/decode I wanna sell my 960 fast.

>buying low memory AMD cards
>not realizing 4k resolution is the next step
>being a fool

>when paid shills reply to your thread

>buying 3.5+5 GiB 128 bit Nvidia crap
Are you retarded?

>pretending paid shills didn't start this thread in the first place

I'll buy a graphics card with more memory when I upgrade to 4k. I'm not going to get a graphics card for 4k when all I have is a single 1080p monitor.

>falling for the penis amputation meme

>when paid shills reply to your thread to pretend they're not paid shills

I heard your mom was a good bang for a buck.

>tfw you have no friends on the internet or real life

>being so poor to buy hardware because "bang for buck"
But man, my 4 FURY X in CFX are amazing... probably faster then any nvidia configuration.

I wouldn't say AMD is best bang for the buck, more that they aren't cancer on the tech industry and always innovate while Nvidia has gameworks and proprietary shaders.

After Vega though, Nvidia is cucked.


>spending more than you can sensibly afford just to prove you're not poor

Enjoy not getting anywhere in your life friend

>needing to prove you're not poor
If you do that you're just stupid, not everyone is a poorfag and some people can actually afford the things they want.

>spending more than you can sensibly afford
No, I just want the best performance hardware can give, without worrying about material value of that hardware. I don't like to talk numbers but I guess I could buy around 15 TITAN X'es for a months pay on average.

No hate bro, chill.

AMD being more bang for your buck depends on what cards you are on about from sometimes Nvidia is better and sometimes AMD is,

currently with the new cards nvidia looks pretty damn good so far with the 1080 and 1070, cant wait to see what AMD's new cards are like to counter Nvidia's new cards

>currently with the new cards nvidia looks pretty damn good so far

You mean they're just a regular update?

the 970 beat the 780ti when overclocked, the 980 was close to two regular 780s in SLI but off by about 10%.

Shit is just regular hype mining for plebs to spend loads of money on their high-mid range shit till they release the enthusiast shit after a while for $1100

seriously fuck kikvidya on principle

>bang for buck
>1080 and 1070

>reference designs
>$100 more than aftermarket coolers
>bang for buck

reminder that founders edition is just a reference card that costs more. it's not higher binned chip or anything special.

i think the 1070 is going to be Nvidia's best bang for buck card,

knowing AMD they could beat that, but nvidia do have one card that definitely has some bang for your buck

>50 rupees have been added to your AMD account

Is there a vr edition if that?

I'd get an Nvidia card if they didn't overhype their shit and cucked over games with gameworks.


How many people did fuck that ass?

>nvidia looks pretty damn good so far with the 1080 and 1070
holy shit, are you serious ? Looks like OP is right. NVidia shills are stupid.

won't work well with vulkan and DX12 because they don't have Async compute.

They'll loose frames and won't even scale well with an SLI setup, they're so afraid they don't even want to release 3 and 4 way SLI

yeah they are even making it so to do 3-4 way sli you have to opt in

i do think the 1070 is good compared to the usual nvidia cards though

when OC'd it'll beat a 980ti as usual. but it's not a decent card for SLI.

It's a 980 replacement at best.

Good work Pajeet, keep working like that and we'll have to add 1 rupee to your normal salary!

>tfw you only care about bangs and not about bucks

>sucking Nvidia's dick this hard

why?? I just respect AMD more, even though they disappointed me with the Fury X and Radeon Duo Pro. They're trying new shit instead of trying to set up a monopoly

>sucking AMD's dick this hard
Keep it going Pajeet, we may have to add 2 whole rupees instead of one.


internet """"""friends""""""