Being poor

>being poor

Gaymen on a laptop? I think we know who the retard is


>buying a gaming laptop

fucking imbecile

those graphics though

>he doesn't have a girlfriend to play split screen rocket league with
Game consoles suck so we'd rather have a laptop we can do everything on. My mom has a "gaming" laptop because she looked for one that was high end with a dedicated graphics card

>consoles and laptops are the only option

Confirmed retard

>people shouldn't have laptops
or just
>I even stated they were the only options in the first place

980m is in msi's all-in-one desktops too, senpai

What's wrong with it other than the small screen?

It costs more to be able to simply pick it up and go to a friend's house. Also Sup Forums has no friends so OP is actually chad

I'm poor, sue me.

That's it? The whole issue with gaming laptops is that they cost more?
Must suck, being poor.

>wasted money on a gaming laptop
>uses nonfree games
>uses nonfree operating system
L o L

Thank you for contributing to my bait thread friend

Says the guy with a 1080p monitor in 2016, also nice filename.

Gaming laptops are literally worse performing. You can't find a laptop as good as a desktop.

Daily reminder that "gaming laptops" and "gaming desktops" are almost always owned by fat autistic hairy manchildren

Stay on where your filth belongs

Women only play videogames, especially childish meme games, for attention, she's probably cucking you right now and you know it.

>tfw poor

see , gaymen alone should have been the first thing pointed out

i'm afraid to get a 1440 monitor because i'm paranoid people are gonna break in and steal it.

>want to buy 1080
>only game I play regularly is spacestation 13, a 2d game


>Realtek audio
lol gaymers

>Not being poor but being too Jewish to spend money on high-end parts

>Feels pretty much the same, man

Q8200, DDR3, 8800 GT .

go to bed rick

There isn't a gaming laptop that can perform as well as a desktop.

Laptop cpus and gpus are crippled so the thing doesn't melt.

>tfw have to stay thin and shaved for streaming
At least I get paid to be autistic.

>full hd
>not 4k

Good job user, save as much money as you can and then use it for something that is actually important like a house or a new car

>There isn't a gaming laptop that can perform as well as a desktop.
What's the battery life of your desktop?

>What's the battery life of your desktop?

Poorshit detected.
ThinkPads are the only true master race.

Desktops have more fans.

>He fell for the 32Gb of RAM meme

>only has 1 980
>only 1080p screen
>only 75 hz
>only one screen
so pleb my eyes would probably bleed if i looked at your screen

>master race

Choose one and only one

>being poor
maybe someday you'll be able to afford better OP


>expensive computer
>only 1080p 75hz
get fucking good kid

>not using a superior ram disk
>buying a gaymen laptop

I may be poor, but I'm not a retard.

>buying a new car
>not leasing
>not buying a slightly used car in perfect condition
>being a good goyim

>75 hz

>1500 dollar laptop to play Rocket League

This tread is getting stupider by the second

Why are you so poor?

>...GTX 980M...

D.. Did you pay money for a gaming laptop?

>wangblows 10 home


Fucking poorfag

Go back to poor manchild