How can I make money fast so I can make it to Defcon this year Sup Forums ?
How can I make money fast so I can make it to Defcon this year Sup Forums ?
I want to cum on her face while she's sleeping.
isn't that placed with with bronies and undercover cops now?
>Federal law enforcement agents from the FBI, DoD, United States Postal Inspection Service, and other agencies regularly attend DEF CON.
Who's this semon demon
are they trying to hire people or just there to be faggots and arrest folks?
You should start by listing your current skill set, OP. How soft are your hands?
Also, contemplating attending bsideslv this summer. Is it worthwhile? I won't be able to stay for Defcon, but am willing to travel if bsides is worth a damn.
Can I start like a GofundMe or is their any place to go and get donations to attend?
I wanna see what all the hype is about it see if I can meet some talented people who can work with me on future projects.
Leave your parent's basement and get a job.
Defcon is the shittiest fucking tech convention you can go to. The talks are 90% bullshit ads in disguise and most people there barely know shit about real security and just show up so they have an excuse to dye their hair and get away from their IT Help Desk jobs. Fuck Defcon. I say that as someone who has been to the past 10 of them. It's a fucking joke. It's clownshoes.
Save up for Black Hat, if anything.
>talented people
they will never work with the lot of your kind.
Also, this
The only reason you should be going to DEFCON in the year 2016 is if your company is paying you to go. It's just an excuse for corporate netsec dweebs to go to vegas and get drunk on their company dime.
what about the CCC conventions in germany? I heard those are legit
What's the general consensus on BSidesLV then?
What's with the dark spots on parts of her legs
user did you piss on her?
depends on how good you are at sucking dick
Possible dalmatian? mold?
Yeah CCC is badass if you can afford it. My company has only sent us to one but it was full of insanely intelligent people doing really cool shit. Black Hat still has good talks and the people there know their shit (mostly) and aren't just there to show off their LOLMEME utility kilts and Arch Linux installs and fedoras. DEFCON is just fedora wearing faggots who think they are hackers and a bunch of bitter old dudes drinking and complaining about how shitty DEFCON has become. It's awful.
BSides LV is good. The guys on my team generally go to the BSides LV talks and skip almost all of the DEFCON talks because the talk quality at defcon has gone downhill drastically in the past 4-5 years, plus each talk has like 1-2k people in it and its a nightmare standing in line for a spot.
DEFCON is way more about the "hollywood hacker" bullshit stuff like in Mr Robot than it is actual practical talks. Last year they gave an hour talk to a dude who put a wifi pineapple onto his dog and had it walk around. That was the entire talk.
BSides LV still has a pretty good track record for getting talks that are relevant and technically sound. DEFCON has really lost that in recent years.
Thread reported to the FBI
what percentage of the CCC talks are in English? I'd love to go to one but I don't know any German so I figured I might need to prep myself before going lol
German is easy. About as easy as French or Russian.
Nice, yeah I'm really looking to just network, hear some good talks, and ultimately just learn some shit. I'll probably hit up BSides and book it back to Dallas for Quakecon that weekend.
>How can I make money fast so I can make it to Defcon this year Sup Forums ?
Get a job.
Is that Cara?
There is no legal way to easily "just make money fast".
Anyone who tells you else is full of shit.
>United States Postal Inspection Service... regularly attend DEF CON
Have you tried a job?