Invisible computer

Hi Sup Forums, I want to build an invisible computer, I want to hide a pc into a room with an empty desk and use a laser keyboard and a projector as the only display, so when you enter to the room you would only see an empty desk with a chair, when in reality it's my studio. What do you think of it? Would it work? Or is it a foolish idea?

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Sounds cool.

Make it, then post pictures in a battle station thread

but how'd ya hide the projector? I know nothing about those things.

I'd like that, but first I would like to know if it would be productive/useful or just a prototype with little functionality. That's why I ask you guys. It can even have gentoo if you want

In a wall, or some drawer. Basically in some furniture

"Hide" is just a way of putting it, it should only be out of sight, for example in the ceiling

Just do it

The "laser keyboard" will probably be utter shit and not really usable like any actual keyboard.

It's not perfect but it can type well enough, at least that's what I've seen on youtube

B-but I don't like to be the first in anything

Instead of a laser keyboard, why not get a small bluetooth keyboard with a trackpad and keep it in a drawer?

the only issue i can think of is that laser keyboard sounds like its fucking cancer to write on

the laser keyboard will make it unusable. And i'm not some /mkg/ fan, I'm using laptop chicklet keyboard or the cheapest one from Tesco.

There's only one choice.

Because that's been done

U can do it with Linux I think

>buy used x220 thinkpad
>install gentoo
>keep thinkpad "hidden" in a drawer when not in use
You now have an invisible computer setup that would actually be worth using

It doesn't look that bad in this video, what do you say?

lmao, guy is typing at like 50wpm MAX

plus he probably can't touch type using it

The power source is not in question here, of course he can do it with a laptop like the x220, but it's not comfortable for long hours of use and concentration, that's why we are discussing what setup should he use

Get one of those big all-in-ones with a touch screen. Attach legs. Cover it with a blanket.

It's not productive, but it's a cool thing to brag about

Laser keyboards are a meme. They provide no tactile feedback and beating your fingers continuously on a hard surface will eventually become tiring.

A projector from the ceiling would be more trouble than it's worth to implement into your area of work. A short throw projector would solve that problem, but would make your projecting device clearly visible and would require at least a meter of space away from the wall. Even ultra short throw projectors require some space between them and the wall, but they can get really expensive from there.

You will never truly have an invisible computer, unless you build every single part and peripheral of it into your desk. And even then, a keyboard and trackpad would be visible at all times.

I hope you don't plan to do any coding or to write. Your fingers are gonna hurt.

get a vr headset and put it into a drawer, then integrate some hand movement sensors into the surface.

Why can't we have nice things

You could embed a leap motion controller or something in the desktop, you can use it as a mouse and typing with it must be doable at least.

What a shit reason to no do something. Do you really think this hidden computer idea has never been done before? If you want to use something as shitty as a laser keyboard (and not have a mouse or trackpad, because you don't want to have anything in a drawer for some reason), then go right ahead.

> get an odriod/rpi
> stick it along projector
> wireless keyboard+track pad
> wireless headset
> ???
> profit

You'd have to run the projector wires on the wall and make some kind of compartiment where you can hide it in the ceiling.

But the rpi has low power/performance and is ARM

>learn woodworking
>hide most of PC within desk
>construct piece of furniture to hide projector in
Or you could not be a massive retard and just have a physical keyboard and monitor.


I'm neutral to this. Literally never been a problem for me.
>low power
The projector is going to draw a ton, so the low power may be an asset here
>low performance
I concede this point, especially since I've never tried it with a GUI.

My advice is to start with a RPI as a low cost proof of concept for this project, and if it turns out that the laser keyboard and projector work well for you (in that order), build a bigger machine around them.

Install this as/in your desk:

Installed 12 for a client years back and they seem to be holding up.

well,thank you for the input

Dude this is awesome.

Problem is that you'll hate the laser keyboard. Before you go any farther try one out.

Alright I will

OP have you actually used one of those lazer keyboards? I remember seeing them in mid 2000s on gimmicky tech websites. I have not seen one for the better part of the last decade which leads me to assume they are shit.


You could wire a button under your desk to the pw switch header on your motherboard, which would be built into the draw.

>Not having your computer hidden on the otherside of a rotating piece of the wall in front of which is an empty desk.

And it's activated by a book with a button in it, hidden in your bookshelf.