Why is Sup Forums so antisemitic?
>Hurr Indians in technology are a Jewish plot to take muh jerbs
>Hurr if you buy X brand I don't like you're a (inferred to be Jewish most of the time) shill
Why is Sup Forums so antisemitic?
Why are jews so bad at grammar and spelling when they are obviously so good at technology and banking?
when's the last time you were outside of Sup Forums?
Fuckoff Sup Forums. Nobody cares about Jews. Stop trying to make everything about Jews, this is about Indians.
>Nobody is actually antisemitic, it's all Jews pretending to be antisemitic (but I totally don't hate Jews when I come up will all these nefarious conspiracies I blame the Jews for)
gee. i wonder why a company would layoff workers in america and move itself to israel?
Because Jews have the highest IQs in the world?
hong kong, singapore, south korea, and japan
No, that would be Asians. Israel's IQ is 3rd world tier.
whites only
>Indian meme hate is actually about jews
Go to bed Mr Goldberg you shouldn't be posting when the sabbath is so close
Then the rest of the white world is 4th world IQ tier
>its social justice to call out whites for having high status jobs
>you're an anti-semetic, Holocaust-denying Nazi if you think its not a coincidence that jews control 90% of Hollywood production studios and 50% of the banks
So what you're saying is that Jews somehow control the world is mysterious ways, earn a hugely disproportionate amount of Nobel prizes, but are actually pretty dumb?
Finns are the smartest "whites" but then again Finns weren't considered "white" throughout most of their history due to their Mongol ancestry. They are Eurasian to be more exact.
>because they knew our parents, grandparents were from Finland, they'd go and put their fingers by their eyes and make slanty eyes and say "Hey, China Swede, hey China Swedes."
the china man's face says it all
Some time a couple of years ago a bunch of shitters discovered Sup Forums. They saw everyone on Sup Forums using words like nigger and kike ironically, decided they were in good company, and set up base in Sup Forums. But they've slowly been leaking to other parts of Sup Forums, like Sup Forums and Sup Forums.
There are some good Jews out there, but their reputation is ruined by those who have a huge victim complex. That's why they're such a big internet meme. They bring attention to themselves, so people decide to mess with them.
Newfag detected. Sup Forums is a containment board for a right wuing section of Sup Forums that's been there since the beginning.
google "Nepotism"
Huh OP. That's an interesting article. Thank you.
But how are they so successful at nepotism if they have third world tier IQs? Do you really think someone worked their way to the top of government/corporations by being stupid, only to use their power to give it to stupid people? They wouldn't have remained in power for very long if that was true.
>third world tier IQs
because IQ bullshit is a meme.
the standard deviation from the normal IQ isn't as huge as the "certified" charts show.
most every one is in the range of 90-110, it's literally a handful who go beyond that. probably not even 0.001% of the world's total population.
for the entirety og human civilization, people have been getting their work done because favors and knowing someone.
Indians are not semites.
Look who skipped his Jewish school.
This board actually changed quite a bit in the last year and half
how come even russians are 400% whiter than you?
most high caste indians have some kike-genes in them. especially the brahman and merchant castes.
hence, caste system -
>oy vey, low caste "goyim" is animal, he is "untouchable".
>honor kill your daughter is she marries an untouchable animal
>BRAHAMAN [aBRAHAMic Jew] is the epitome of mankind, others are animals.
if anyone here really thinks the jewish menace is a relatively new thing than he knows nothing about world history.
No wonder they've been expelled from almost every country for the last 2000 years
Sure thing goy. It's just a coincidence that Jews have accomplished so much (even if they got into those jobs because of nepotism, they still have to be smart to be more than mediocre in terms of accomplishment).
Actually they've been tolerated in India for a long time.
Nice try filthy jew.
The actual question is
Why do you take anyone serious here
>Jews have accomplished so much
granted they have been very good at manipulating the world into getting what they want. doesn't mean they took moral, honorable ways to do it.
this is actually a relatively new history.
i have been mulling over the lost jewish tribes and why the Indus Valley civilization suddenly got destroyed without an outright battle and it seems the two may have some relation.
India BRAHMANS could be son's of aBRAHAM.
or ABRAHAM could have been aBRAHAMan who went west.
One thing is for sure, abrahamic menace has a very long history.
Because science.
Actually, eastern Asians BTFO Israel.
Our daily jobs are very prone to be subject to stuff like outsourcing. Because of this we become cautious for our own sake. It's an eye opener to the globalist market. The Jew part is mainly a dark joke, but it represents a true concern for the modern IT employee.
I wonder how they come up with these "IQ statistics". Does any gov anywhere do standardized testing on IQ? Sounds like a lot of BS.
>due to their Mongol ancestry
Fuck off now with your Sup Forums race science.
I'm not racist, but it's a meme so I have to say it now. I don't even have real opinions anymore.
i don't see why it matters
Sup Forums misunderstands the entire concept of heritability
the jews and east asians seem to think it means genetically caused.
that's not questionable, it's just wrong.
Yeah. Having done several IQ tests having a good education really fucking helps. Especially mathematics.
Why does OP support globalist Schlomos?
Why is OP fine with Israel robbing Al-Quds from the Palestinians?
Why is OP fine with Zionism?
Why is OP such a faggot?
No, it hasn't been there since the beginning. Sup Forums was relatively apolitical. Sup Forums actually attracted stormfrontery. And obviously, the economic crash drove a bunch of retards to the right, because that's what happens in these situations.
All of this combined to fill Sup Forums with racism and general conservativefaggotry that is a lot less ironic than it used to be.
Also IQ isn't a particularly effective metric for anything, being based on psychological science from the 1910s. There are some correlations between things and it is a rough guide for estimating intelligence in a very narrow way, but generally, IQ is about as useful as palm reading.
>but generally, IQ is about as useful as palm reading.
nah. it has a correlation to quality of life.
You had better fucking deal with it, kike.
No OP, i don't hate Arabs, Syrians, Armenians, Jordanians, Yemeni, Omani, and other Semite people.
Only Jews.
Please don't monopolize the term as if Jew filth are the only Semites in the world. It is discriminatory against the other majority.
we're anti-semitic because jews are anti us
divide and conquer
jews did WWI to destroy white lives
protocols of the elders of zion ; never forget
Protip: Israel isn't 100% jewish. But I can guarantee that only the cream of the crop are going to be working for Intel.