Have you ever tried to impress a girl with cool tech you own? How did it work out

Have you ever tried to impress a girl with cool tech you own? How did it work out



Yes. I showed her my rooted and decked out Nexus 5 running the latest version of Android N and all its glory. I even showed her how I got xposed running on it and my collection of favorite modules root apps and how I can change any system setting on the fly. Hell, I even demonstrated how to use the wireshark APK on Android on the public wifi we were using.

>but does it do facetime?

I once tried to impress a girl by beating up her ex boyfriend as she asked. But he didnt fight back so I stopped hitting him after a couple punches.

I gained nothing from it of course.

My htc touch got me laid in 07

Sure she thought it was cool. That's about it. Women aren't sex objects you can just impress all day and hope sex falls out tho.

Yes, I show her my thinkpad with ganoo-loonix. She started screaming and called the cops, I was indicted as a pedophile.

My cfw PSP with weeaboo gaems and eumulators.
>she played oreimo and wouldn't give it back

Bypassed crap filters for a friend back in school with Tor and she told everyone
>every grill wanted me to teach them how
>got le tech master status after this
>suddenly everyone got curious about me
rip calm school life

Showed off rooted phone to some grill during idle chat on the bus
>she asked for my number
>invited me to her party nextweek
Mfw have gf, if I knew this shit worked before I'd have tried it a long time ago.
Life's a mystery

I recall showing a girl my new zx81. she was not impressed.

I turned a normal dildo into an actual vibrator using ps3 controller parts and slept with my room mate using it.

she was very impressed

I brought my ASUS ROG g751 with my razer naga and tiamat headphones to a coffee bean once to use their wifi because my house wifi was down and i needed to make it to the raid or I'd get /gkicked

One girl gave me a smile, but then i realized she was laughing ;_;

Your tough guy.

Yeah, once. She told me she knows C++ so I asked her if she used Boost for CPP, she replied "I didn't use it for CPP", but then I checked her github and saw boost headers. Turns out she doesnt know Cpp stands for C++

>I was about to link her my own VM driver

Showing off my riced android phone and desktop.

"Look! My terminal displays a cow that says something every time I open it!"
"user, I don't care. Please let me out of your basement! I've been here for days!"
"Oh man, friend zoned again "

>Have you ever tried to impress a girl with cool tech you own?

One time I streamed a movie from my PC to a TV on the other side of the house once, she thought that was some kind of wizardry.

Otherwise, no. I know better than to think a random person is going to give a shit about my technology, so I only talk about it if asked.

My girlfriend just sucked my dick after making a bait thread on Sup Forums about my gaming laptop

I have a guide that works every damn time. You must, however, follow it to the letter for it to actually work for you as you are obviously FUCKED otherwise. Don't bother denying this, I can already tell.

First of all suit up. I'm talking double breasted 100,000 fibre count suits of Welsh sheep cotton crepe or some shit. I'm talking cufflinks and a tie.

People talk a lot of shit about the fedora. Don't listen to them. Wearing a fedora despite the growing social stigma against them will show you're an independent gentleman who don't follow no rules. So wear the fucking fedora, faggot. this will top off the "modern day feudal lord" look you're going for.

You're going to want to have chamber music playing. Have Purcell's "Music for the funeral of Queen Anne" playing full blast and on repeat. Should you not be able to for some fucked up reason then "Every Breath You Take" by The Police should suffice. Remember: FULL BLAST AND ON REPEAT.

Next you're going to want to write words like "sex me up hoe" and "shit on me chest you sleazy coo" in paint that can only be seen under a blacklight. This will impart subliminal messages on her. This is very important.

Lastly you'll want to comport yourself as a good Catholic and knowledgeable Renaissance man. Have a monologue prepared regarding the failings of Eastern Orthodox teachings and the legitimacy of the Pope. Women love smart guys.

I've used this countless time and it's worked every time.

if its not pasta, r8'd the fuck out of this post

liked and subscribed

For you

Yes and it worked out, but if I'm being honest she was probably more impressed by my /fit/ body and attractive face.

This is basically me fämäläm

I look like River Phoenix with swarzeneggers body

I can get away with showing my waifufolder on my beat up old iphone

the only tech girls care about are phones and cars

aka iphone and mercedes


My current gf impressed me by showing me a networking CLI utility she made for her summer job. I was DTF instantly.

Hang yourself iFaggot. I was already wondering why I didn't see anyone of your shit threads on Sup Forums

Please don't respond to this human garbage, he's Sup Forumss worst shitposter

>visible flesh above the boobs

wow what a way to ruin a perfectly great rule 63.

fucking retarded

Haha. All that functionality and it can't hang with one marketing gimmick.

Ive never posted on /tv but a fan of Kahlan is cool by me

>Have you ever tried to impress a girl with cool tech you own? How did it work out

If she doesn't like you for who you are but for what you have, it's not going to work out. It just isn't.

*steps out of the shadows*
*claps slowly*
"well memed kid. Not bad. But this ain't Reddit town anymore. This is Sup Forums. The big leagues. "

Most don't have the mental capacity for me to even try. The ones who are smart enough notice anyway, I don't have to try shit.

Tech I OWN? Not really, although having a cool car has gotten a few compliments.

Having tech interest/knowledge/skills usually impresses girls. Not "Hey watch me compile Gentoo" but just having ability and knowledge most people don't.

My first girlfriend took that to an extreme, though. She was more Sup Forums than most of Sup Forums, and she was so happy to find a guy who equally Sup Forums and appreciated her own technical skills. Built her own PCs, installed Linux on old laptops, read scientific news articles all the time, etc.

This, most girls(people in general) aren't worth the time.

I've never talked to a girl and probably never will desu fampie.

>read scientific news articles all the time
wow!!! incredible intelligence your girlfriend is having. very Sup Forums of her!n

>Lastly you'll want to comport yourself as a good Catholic and knowledgeable Renaissance man. Have a monologue prepared regarding the failings of Eastern Orthodox teachings and the legitimacy of the Pope.

>I'm too intelligent for women
This is what Sup Forums actually believes!

I'm 23 years old and I've never kissed a girl, I'm good looking too, just have autism

go to a party and kiss a girl. literally say "I've never kissed a girl, will you show me what it's like?" or something like that. it actually fucking works.

>music stops
>everyone staring at you
>they burst out in laughter

>Have you ever tried to impress a girl

>thinking this is even remotely possible
listen, I know it sounds autistic but I'm friends with some pretty beta kids and I've seen it happen multiple times.

I always tell people that apple is for fags and windows users are cucks...haven't worked for me yet.


not him but a playstation controller vibrates so we took out the vibrating thing put it in a dildo and powered it

Not quite, but related. I met this girl in college who worked and lived off-campus in a sort of sketchy part of town. Poor as dirt, first in her family to shoot for a degree and paying her own way through it. She barely had any time to get her schoolwork done between classes and her job schedule so she'd be up at 3am doing it. Most computer labs were closed by then, getting to the open one meant being out on sketchy streets at 0-dark-hundred and travel time would eat into what little sleep she got. No money meant no computer of her own.

We managed to find her the husk of an old Toshiba laptop for next to nothing. Cutting to the chase, I got it working off of AC-only and a USB drive with Crunchbang as her OS. WiFi was generously "donated" by the weak signal from a local food place. It was horrid but just enough for her to keep up with her assignments. Needless to say she was extremely grateful.

To this day I do it once in a while when I catch an old laptop listed for peanuts on Craigslist. I'm in touch with some folks at my alma mater and there's always someone in desperate need with each new class.

I live in T-mobile hotspots area with fast data transfer and coverage. She was trying to download The Notebook or whatever 3D.women watch these and she loved.speed from my phone's data connection.

I don't know. Most of the time, the girls aren't really interested with new, top of the line gaymen rigs, but they do dig quirky/cute piece of technology

They dig my xiaomi yi action cam because it's pink and look like a toy. They also like my pi zero mini pc because I use lego case and they think having a working pc that small is geek-tier wizardry.

You didn't even get to fuck her did you?

>going to a party
>taking the initiative to talk to others
Yeah that's not going to happen

>shit that never happened the post
Not that they'll actually let autists into the house anyway.


I know PS controllers vibrate... I was asking for some more details...

>senior trip to new york city
>whole class (45ish) taking a charter bus
>bus has wifi
>but only 10 people can be on it
>use wifi kill on rooted Android to get a spot for myself
>hot girl notices, asks me to do it for her
>"what's in it for me"
>says she'll let me grab her ass
>get her a spot, grab her ass
>everytime we leave the bus she disconnects, asks me to reconnect her and let's me grab her ass when I do it

feels good man

Did you at least fuck her?

We did. It just never developed into anything because she had neither the time nor money--obviously--for a relationship. I haven't hooked up with anyone else who I hooked up (heh) with a computer though. I just pass it along through someone or hand it off without any ceremony.

kek. This.

>mfw party
>neighbors having party
>loud hip hop music
>ruining my sleep
>put empty beer bottles in bag
>break them in my kitchen
>go outside and spread glass by neighbors house on sidewalk
>go back in
>call the cops
>report loud party
>report people throwing bottles on street
>report drug use and underage drinking
>"ok, sir. We're on the way"
>please hurry
>police show up
>party gets shut down
>drunken chad screaming shit postures aggressively at cops
>gets taken to the ground
>pandemonium as cops make more arrests
>normie party goers BTFO
>mfw watching from a crack in my blinds

Nice senpai.

I'm working on learning electronics and I have built a mechanical orchestra out of floppy drives and hard drives. Turned the hard drives into speakers and I feed them square waves.

I have 16 floppies and 2 hdds and just recently figured out how to make a a scanner play music as well.

So far I have impressed quite a few girls with it. They think it's some of the coolest shit they've seen.

None of them have sucked my dick yet tho, but I did touch one girls boobies once.

I have gone to parties but I just can't do it. How do people even hook up in bars? I can get a hot girl to dance, the girl looks to her friends for approval they all nod their heads, we dance, but after that I just leave cause I don't know what to do.

You kiss her neck. At that point if you never had a chance she'll storm off. If she's into you then she'll go along with it and you move to her lips.

If she's already dancing with you, there's very little risk of her freaking out over an unexpected kiss on the neck. At worst you'll get a drink splashed on you.

>Getting as far as the dancing stage
You lucky fuck

>lol girls r dum
>tips fedora

Seriously, how many other girls exclusively read Slashdot, Anandtech, and Wired? She was interesting like that.

You in ohio?

Neither now nor then.

I'm assuming you mean you can get a girl to dance on you. Do like the other user said, kiss her neck. Obviously don't just go straight from casual dancing to kissing her neck, but if she has her ass on you and your bodies are pressed together you can go for it. If she reacts positively, ask if she wants to come to your place. Fuck her, be polite and take her number if she offers but delete it afterwards unless you wanna make her a fuck buddy.

Nightclubs are a hell of a lot easier than bars if you're looking to hit and quit. If you hit up a popular nightclub (bonus points if it's near a college campus) and you're not 35 years old or autistic, odds are you'll have plenty of asses to choose from. Literally make your way to a girl and try to get her to dance on you. If she's put off by your approach, give a brief apology and move to the next girl. You'll find one eventually.

It's honestly not that hard. The big thing is trying to find the line between not approaching at all and approaching too quickly, which can give off a creepy rapey vibe. It helps to be attractive but if you're a 5/10 don't go in to a club expecting to pull a 10/10.

>room mate breaks her vibe because she's a nympho and masturbates 3 times a day
>offer her my dildo
>nah no vibe, no good
>get old broken ps3 controller out
>tear it down
>shove parts into it where the rigidity shaft is, use hot glue and super glue to shove batteries in and a make shift switch
>we have sex with it

It was really awkward because she was my room mate and we were already sharing clothes and were kinda best friends, but i didn't wanna really be her girlfriend so it was literally best friends with benefits for awhile, then she went all crazy and shit and ran off, left half her shit and didn't pay rent.

If sports cars are tech, it worked out well.

Pretty sure a girl dated me so that I would code for her shitty startup. Never again.

I'm really weird when it comes to women. I'm great at starting relationships but terrible at just pulling ass. Like I can ask a woman about the book she's reading and we'll date for a year, but if I try to chat up some drunk slut who's eyeing me in a bar I always crash and burn.

The only flings/hookups I have had were ones where both of us were basically playing playing bf/gf for that one week/month/whatever.

are you a guy or a girl?

I mostly program for fun in C and I always show my gf whatever I do, explain to her what I learned from it, little problems I had to solve etc. I always thought she wasn't really listened and I'm boring her, until I had a conversation with a friend of hers who told me that she's talking about the stuff I explain to her and how I'm turning her into a nerd etc. It's really cool that I can talk about stuff I'm actually interested in.

This actually work for you? I drive a sports car and I get tons of compliments, usually from older woman (like too old to date, not milfs) but chicks my age think it's too small/noisy/bumpy/windy/etc.



I wouldn't want to date women who judge people by their car. How shallow.

All women are shallow whores.


everyone is shallow dipshit.

all that matters is what you can do.
Your shitty ideals and emotions are meaningless.

also no wonder Sup Forums is full of winfaggots.
half of you fucks are just dumb normie faggots based on this thread.

Did someone hurt you user?

That's terrible. I wish I was watching with you.

>t. numale cucks fresh outta reddit

So, yes?

Are you butthurt because it's true?

I had a blackberry in high school when blackberrys were still the cell phone to have. My mom ended up with 2 from her work and they couldn't cancel the extra. It got me two blowjobs.

The thing is I don't even care for meaningless sex. I'd much rather just cuddle with some qt and get to know her rather than hit it and never see her again. Makes going to nightclubs really fucking awkward when someone comes to you, insists on grinding you dick and all you'd want to do is sit down and talk with her.

I do find it hilarious how butthurt some women get when you turn them down though.


If you're pedantic about it they aren't but I get where you're coming from.
Women care more about social cohesion and relationships more than anything else.
Evolutionary Biologists agree, don't bother them about it.

>bring a girl home
>sees my T61 on the desk
>turns 360 degrees and walks away

h-hold me, Sup Forums

Yes bitches always cream themselves when I say I wokr at a startup and use Scala.

So, you bait and fuck kids? Are you a priest?

Since my apartment is pretty tiny, I replaced all of my bulbs with rgb led spotlights. Every chick I've shown it to loves it, especially if we're rolling or tripping. I don't know if that really counts, other than that, when I was in high school, I burned a bunch of /vr/ games and emulators to some CDs and passed them around during my computer lab period. Did the same thing with tor to circumvent the school's web filters too. I would have girls come over to my desk and vidya with me all class long, near the end of the year, we would bring in usb 360 controllers and have Smash 64 matches on the projector.

Girls always loved the 3D gimmick on my old HTC EVO 3D.


I bought a yi because I fell to /csg/ meme. Turns out it's the best 40 bucks I've spent online. As for the pi, I use them for slide presentation and there's no way I'm gonna bring my laptop just for 10 minutes (15 max) project presentation

>this thread
girls are only interested in tech if it looks nice/has a stupid gimmick

I hide my power level too much, family thinks I'm 'good with computers', but everyone else doesn't unless I tell them

cant do that because i dont own any apple devices