What do? It started by its own. I don't fucking want windows 10

What do? It started by its own. I don't fucking want windows 10

clean install and delete the fucking w10 updates you faglord

Installing Gentoo works too

Don't accept the EULA when prompted, this is will revert back to windows 7.

>posting another 'lol its upgrading by itself XD' thread

f*cking epic XD

1 deinstall windoze
2 ???
3 profit

>It started on it's own

Fuck guys, I had an important word document when this shit happened. Please tell me it isn't lost.

I called the bluff and shut off my computer and everything is fine.

I think lol.

>j-just change these default setting, hide these random KBs, and delete these services so the OS i payed for stops nagging, it's f-fine

>It started on it's own

I bet you install adware that comes bundled with installers as well, normie cuck


yes you do

are you the same fag that makes these threads?
how many do you make a day?

I don't know, I may have pressed enter just when it prompted me to update. I know earlier it gave me a 15 minute countdown to when it would begin updating, which I closed. Fucking hell I just want my word saves to not be lost.

I swear I am not meming user

neds moar shaking plox




well memed my good friend, well memed indeed

>guyz it upgraded by itself epic XD
Sure it did. Fuck off back to Sup Forums.


Later in w10 settings (not control panal the w8 metro style settings)
Updates thing
Rollback option there

w10 is good, just go with it


I've never been on your shitty board before, why whould I be making this shit up?

You created a meme user
Thank your camera for that

The fedora tippers will never accept how good Windows 10 is. It has automatic virus protection, automatic updates, and best of all it's FREE! Eat that, Mr. Stallman.

Free as in gratis =/= Free as in libre

best hihg-tier post I've seen on Sup Forums

Who the fuck is Cortana? This is so gay.


What, like a Windows 7 rollback?

Cortana is just like Ok Google but with extra poo
Also this

Yes its a w7 rollback


Okay guys, all is well, Word autosaved my files. What now, do I keep it?

If you want
Savr the word file
Go to w10 settings app (not conrol panel)
Click updates tile
Option should be there for a rollback

keep the files in your documents folder and keep duplicating every file in that folder until the disk is full. I'm curious if that'll stop automatic downloads.

If you don't mind the botnet, keep it.

Have you tried turning Windows auto updates off?

>red titlebar

I think windows reserves a seperate partition for that

> buying products from companies that do automatic updates.