Shit tier battle station thread

I'll start.

Other urls found in this thread:

Back before i moved. Now the tv is on a chair in my bedroom with the same little dell acting as a basic stream watching setup. I have a real battlestation, but its not shit, just depressing.




That's a beautiful desk if that's real wood.


shit tier? boi here i come

Any recommendations for good mouse mats?

not shit tier.
i'm not saying anything about this because you're talking about moving.
your 'speaker stands' are retarded, and will fuck up the floor board. Are those two 1.5inch square pieces of wood on each stand? Is it even sturdy?

OP here. I just ordered this one:

Thank you. :)

you know what i thought would always be cool for a battle station?

get a reproduction case of something like a mac 2, put a lcd in it, mini itx style build inside it, with original keyboard.
little terminal computer but with modern specs


We said shit tier battle station not shit tier camera holy fuck.

>gook flag in house
Kill yourself.


white trash/10

My shit, yet $100 battle station.


Digging that kb no lie.

Almost got an old springer, but it's not possible to finds one without a num pad.

Damn, way off. Nice.

>tfw cena is going to take the US title next monday


Thanks dude, I found it in a public school warehouse... with almost all of the keycaps and the ps2 cable.I Got it for free, took it home, cleaned it, plugged it and works wonders!

Yeah dude that thing will last you another 75 years. Lucky bastard you are!

Seriously though, that curved slope on those things is so hawt. They literally project the keys to your fucking fingers. God damn they are secksy.



I like it man. I love that cramped look with multiple monitors. Reminds me of one of my japanese animes.

My desk gets here the 25th. My parents decided to use the one I had elsewhere in the house while I was gone for college. So this is what I'm using for now. I've found turning the chair 90° and resting my legs on the bed works best kek.

Know that feel bro.
I actually just put one leg cross over the others knee to sit at something similar.

Feels bad man.



Not to bad just some wire management would help.
Awesome desk.
Pretty comfy weeb.

OP here. I did my best and this is a new rig I just built 4 days ago. I've routed my 5.1 and shit so many times since I moved into my new place a month ago that I just said fuck it. It's funny because it's neater now than it was. Where the sub is (all the wires leading) is where my tower used to be before I went mini-ATX, which I in no way regret, this mini-ATX shit is awesome for for any of you realistic builders who enjoy the hobby and like staying ahead of the curve (and not needing to go full retard on spending $800 on +10 bonus points).

The desk is from WalMart tho to those who like it. It's black glass and it cost me $93.

Update - my Corsair Air Series case fan just literally died on me.. Fuck this.

>bloom effect
>different monitors
>cloth $60 chair

Nailed it.

why not just do the coxwizard leg-on-desk position

Ayy m9, what the art piece on the tablet?
Your knees must hate you
Cute as ever octocutie

Also mobile shitposting station
Drawing on tablets suck, it was even a Samsung note with S pen. At least it hield up somewhat.

I see. I'm about to get a cintiq for my gf, she does the same... fandom of art

I too enjoy little systems. But the glass desk is pretty meh.
Thanks bb adorable shitpost station.

R8 pls?

Fixed orientation

Needs some clean up and management. Will look way better.


I was thinking of getting either a Yiynova 22u v3(one in white) or a Cintiq 13 HD myself.


My shit station

OP here. Thanks all for participating. Add me on steam.

I make a decent amount of $

But I really want to create a community of nice individuals to game with. Been eyeing up DOOM desu.

I play CS:GO and whatnot though.

I am alone. Seriously I am pathetic.Be my friend or something I guess.

which one are you

I am Kaminari Kathstrofik

I am pathetic. I just want friends.


Shitstations you say?

I see its blurry, but the new Android file transfer popup is annoying. Another time where I just want to use my old shitphone again.

OP here; Thanks guys,it was a nice distraction from being 100% alone in the world.

I appreciate it.

I am going to an hero. Didn't post on Sup Forums because we know how that goes. Just wanted to tell you I love you

good bye.


What kind of lights you got?

>forced to sit in uncomfy position
>doesn't sit criss cross apple sauce in chair

Kek, do you want an umbrella in your drink?


looking good. i loved nightcrawler.

fake niggas move around


nice k/b

not v. comfy

looking good as usual.
did you make that stand for the vertical monitor?

nice aesthetic

i fucking love Seinfeld dude


how tall are you dude, what the fuck. that chair is made for an alium

Here is mine

Who needs dick if you can have crabbys right?



Comfy as fuck


>arcade stick

you play fighting games, user?


Desk lights are IKEA Dioder
Case lights are NZXT Hue+

It's an IKEA Markus, I'm 5'8" Chair goes all the way up to my head.

manlets plz go


Themed battle station threads are pointless on Sup Forums because the same old autists will post the same old photos of theirs regardless of their relevancy to the topic at hand. They think any BST thread = generic BST thread, which is completely retarded and invalidates the whole point of having a theme.




Sehr extrem süß.

Ich will auch welche haben...

They are hard to find, but I had luck, the seller where I got my last one has another. A bit expensive, but worth for my army recruitment, I'd love to see my bed full of Wunderschöne.

That's some fucking degeneracy right there.

I can make more if you want me to. This can't be worse than socks and cocks.

Also, r8 my GPU.

I love you


because you post pictures of cute plushies

Then look out for German threads, I'm always posting them there. I'll also make some b8 webms which I will post in dick threads.

>Pro-tip: These are 'dick'.

Shit tier reporting in



o-okay i'll look out for you~

I have that case, it's going into the trash, was barely used. It could not fit a water-cooler perfectly without taking out some things. Went and bought another case.

That picture actually made me kek. Good job.

It got a shit ton of coolers, why would you need a water-cooler. Do you have an AMD CPU?

you're making me blush, senpai.
Also why did you tape your thumb?

lmao I have that same shitty desk. what a piece of junk

Where did you get that image? You know you're dealing it with the ascended master Shree Edwardsee?

I cut it when cutting bread and it bleeds like hell, I taped in some paper so it won't drip on my peripherals.

Where do I adopt one of these sweet hearts


I really don't know, i found another one on Ebay lately. You can rarely find one. You could otherwise search on Alibaba or Taobao, I bet some Chinese seller / producer has these. The importer of the Großdick one (The biggest) is "Asiatex Van Dillen".

>Where did you get that image?
i might have been hiding in your closet and took that picture while you were distracted taping you finger

Where can i buy those?

I wonder who would save these.

At least keep it Sup Forums related.
As I said above, there is no direct source for them. The last ones I saw in a shop were in German Kik and Plus, but Plus doesn't exist anymore.