Best HTML Editor

What is it?


brackets coo... mayb not best doe


microsoft word and notepad

vim or atom

GNU Emacs

Google Chrome

Anything with emmet/zen-coding plugin.
I like vim, because I really like vi-style keybindings, but as long as you have emmet, it doesn't matter all that much.

how did you guys learn HTML?
I heard it's one of the hardest programming languages

>using anything other than Notepad

same, i'm sticking with x86 assembly and C++

i started with something easy like c++ or assembly, and moved upwards from there to python and then html

Emacs or vim to edit (if emacs, use evil-mode, web-mode, and emmet-mode. Use firefox to fuck around with viewing the site (execellent dev tools)

With emmet-mode you can do shit like this:

table+ (ctrl-j)[x=y m=l] (ctrl-j)

and it will automatically give you this (with your cursor inside the b tag)

>Firefox dev tools are excellent
Are you fucking high nigga?

Agree with Emacs and vim though.

javascript:document.body.contentEditable = 'true'; document.designMode='on'; void 0

Inspect element

Notepad doesn't have syntax hightlighting.

Anything with syntax highlighting

order pizza


