Primary USB monitor?

Is there a USB plug &p lay style monitor I can use as my primary monitor? I need to keep my desk clear many times, so having a stationary monitor isn't ideal for me.

Literally google Portable Monitor you lazy fuck

>plug & play

As opposed to Monitors you have hand crank before each use?

Yeah basically, when you plug em in and tighten em

Just get a monitor arm

Wow thanks, Sup Forums is full of shitheads. Literally every thread you guys open up here can be answered that way you aspie

They are called "fields monitors".

the usb ones suck, get a real display that uses hdmi or something that actually exists

Yes and they're all retards

Sup Forums isn't tech support.

[spoiler]Sup Forums isn't actually very tech savy[/spoiler]

OLPC sold pretty poorly.

Check out Gechic monitors, USB powered with HDMI connection.
Or get another desk.

On the contrary, you just need to know how to ask properly. Namely:
1) you post your tech support question
2) immediately samefag reply some "witty" and "funny" reply
3) screencap the thread
4) post the screencap as OP in "Sup Forums humour" thread
5) post "i don't get it."
6) some poor soul will explain you the solution
7) enjoy the board culture

They're expensive as fuck for literally no reason. Don't bother.

Not really though creating one is possible at least for 720p resolution or lower. Raw 720p 60FPS video has a bitrate of about 1Gbps and USB 3.0 has a real world max speed of about 1.6Gbps.

You will need to find out if it will display post info or not. If not, there is not much point in being a usb monitor as primary.

as cool as a solution like that would be, really just wallmount your monitor

never change, Sup Forums

Curses! I've been found out!

startech usb3 to hdmi $80

>because using a GPU is too mainstream.

Get an iPad Pro and buy Duet from the app store, enjoy your 4k premium portable USB monitor.

No, it does not send full decoded video over the cable.

Reminds me of times using parallel port for a text only monitor...

what is the worst candy and why is it peppermint bark

>long vga cable
>cable tied to an extension cord

>being this retarded

Kill yourself, dumbfuck.