Is this the only usable browser on OS X?

Is this the only usable browser on OS X?

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no, cant even play fucking WEBM in it

chromium, firecux all the way

You obviously haven't used either on OS X. I don't need your input so fuck off.

literal first thing i did when i bought my imac last week was download chrome.

Suggesting Chrom(ium)e or Firefox on OS X these days is unacceptable. It's like using an awful cross platform app. They drain your battery and look like shit.

You didn't take it home or get it out of the box first?
But in all honesty Chrome is a bad browser on OS X, what exactly is wrong with Safari?


you would know wht I've used, retard

and the other one...

>thinks his opinion matters

Firefox is a laggy POS even with no addons enabled. You willing to deal with that rather than forgo webms speaks of your retardation

VLC plug-in. Safari is the only browser to use if you're conscious about battery life.

I have few issues with firefox, but "lags" isnt among them

>opening new tab to watch a fucking webm
just stfu

>I have few issues with firefox, but "lags" isnt among them
Now you're just shitposting, aren't you?

>doesn't work on my toaster so must not work at all
>I would rather not do something I enjoy than enjoy it
>calling others retarded

I dont understand the "lag meme". I bet its because "smooth scrolling" is enabled by default in firefox.

Shitposter confirmed

I appreciate you posting that. I knew there was something I had forgotten to turn off.

People actually use Safari? Just use Chrome seriously, you get webkit + extensions + good looking chrome (topbar, interface)...

I personally like IceCat/Firefox more, but stick to Safari when I'm on battery since the former tends to kill it quickly.

Look, OP, browser wars on Sup Forums are almost as old as the hardware in your Macintosh. I see a Safari logo and I smile. It is IE/lolOpera tier web browsing. You aren't fooling anyone here except the newfriends.

Smooth scrolling being on/off doesn't affect how shit Firefox is.


>still thinks macbooks ship with a powerpc cpu and can't run anything but whats installed on them
you do know all recent macs have and i5 with a good integrated chip (that is more than decent for everything that is not heavy rendering (aka muh gaymes).

And you haven't used OS X in a day of your life. I have an rMBP, it's hardly a toaster. Every browser on OS X is shit except for safari/webkit, which is why I use windows. Fuck off.

Opera is actually good now, since its a chromium fork.

the only thing I dont like is not having a black UI option (and being a chinese botnent).

>inb4: I already tried vivaldi and its shit, despite having black ui

Chrome makes no attempt to fit in on any OS, it's ugly and has lower quality dev tools. Fuck that shit.

>owns a Macbook
>thinks it can't make toast

well, I use it for Sup Forums browsing. I obviously use Safari too for sites which I want to be logged in keychain.

and I use chromium because of the godtier dev tools ane extensions.


>has lower quality dev tools
its literally the only browser which allows you to edit and save JS, SASS and CSS documents in the browser itself.

Contemporary Opera =\= lolOpera

I am talking about the lolOpera that was the KDE of web browsers. Everything you could think of, but not even being able to show you the web without breaking it. That lolOpera.

Can't beat them join them? This entire topic is shit.

hurr durr which is best

Nothing wrong with Opera. I like it since integrated adblock allows me to save some ram over uBlock, and I have shit 4GB minis only. Other then that, all pros and cons of chromium apply.

For cucks it is

No you illiterate piece of shit. Firefox barely scrolls on OS X yet runs without any problems on bootcamp on teh exact same machine. Just fuck off since you obviously haven't the slightest idea what I'm on about.

Also you post makes no fucking sense.

>Also you post makes no
>barely scrolls
>can't configure his fancy touchpad faggotry
How does it feel being so stupid with such a high-tech piece of advanced technology?

>can't configure his fancy touchpad faggotry
Are you schizophrenic?



how do i make safari close the tab it opens when it downloads certain files? you know, they end up leaving an empty tab just sitting there?

it's some IE-tier behavior, even chrome auto-closes download tabs

ah, the opera shills are getting crafty. but not crafty enough


I've used Safari as my main browser since 2012 but I switched to Chrome a few months ago. It's really ugly compared to Safari and there are some annoyances (e.g. the download bar) but at least everything just works™.

The thing is that no one gives a shit about desktop Safari – there isn't even a decent adblocking solution for it so I just ended up using a hosts file which is not perfect. I'm kinda amazed how no one has made a content blocker extension that doesn't break stuff yet.

Disgusting piece of trash, literally Apple's IE. Its only use is to download Chromium on first boot.

who /safari technology preview/ here?

safarifags can't even into webm

Shitty VLC for shitty webm.

>tfw a daw uses less power than a web browser


so, you can edit SCSS files in safari and save them directly to your source folder (automatically, without having to pinpoint like a retard to the file destination [like you did in your SS])???

just fuck off, and keep using your shit browser. it'll just make me more productive in comparison to shit tier devs like you

enjoy closing tabs manually

>look over function

>drain your battery


>he doesn't know about the three-finger click

would you use MS Edge/MS IE on Windows? Nope. Because everyone knows IE is shit and Edge has nothing (extensions, features... nope).
Same goes for Safari. Why would you use a shitty browser limited to one platform? Use chrome/ff and be happy on all OSs.

>I'm not a homosexual because I don't take penises up my anus, I allow the penis to slide into my anus!.

>he doesnt know about the 1 finger click on the webm preview image (works only in firefox, chrome and other browsers which are not safari though)

Not a web dev so I had to do some digging but Safari supports source maps that enable correct editing of SCSS and other generated CSS. The save directory issue I could see being problematic, however I don't really see the draw of using the tiny little editor in the dev tools, surely the source file is on disk you'd edit it using a 'real' editor?

Also your CSS is shit.

>STILL doesn't loop the .webm

Where as Chrome runs out of memory and closes them all for you? I'm confused.

All you need is a way to initiate this javascript while the webm is open:

you're sounding suspiciously like a linuxfag right about now

Why aren't videos on Sup Forums in a non-retard format?

>BLOATLC Media Player Browser Bloat-In
no thank you


because webm is actually really gud. it should replace the .gif. smaller file sizes on average, plus features like support for seeking, pause, play, subtitles and moar

it's a really great format, and apple best start supporting it.

put a feature request in to the Safari team

I just tested safari, believing you that it is not shit.. and yes, you can use sourcemaps to find the css in the source files, but you cant edit SCSS in it.

I personally find it much faster to edit in the browser, specially when changing already existing rules. and the only browsers that can do this, are chromium based browsers

I think he means that Sup Forums should use H.264 like every other site. I kind of doubt Apple will ever support WebM though, but we'll see now that even Edge supports it (not in stable yet though).

how the fuck would i do that?

open my javascript console and enter that overtime a webm opens?

>I think he means that Sup Forums should use H.264 like every other site.
you want chinese moot to pay for licences to apple and microsoft?

You don't need to pay in order to support the technology.

also, dont forget to set mousewheel scroll from 5 to 55

there, no more "lag" on firefox

if u say firefox is laggy, you are a computer illiterate

it's still bloated, and made by gay tranny SJW's

FF29 is the last great web browser of our time.

nice meme

firefox is less bloated than chrome

also, google is a sjw company

The main reason to use H264 is that it's decoding is hardware accelerated and VP9/8 is not. If you watch a lot of videos or videos in high resolution this is a big issue. On your average Bobs laptop, .webm 1080p on youtube will actually consume one core constantly to decode. This is bad for system performance and tragic for battery life. Unless this is fixed you will not see mass adaptation of webm as a format, especially with presence of H265.

Never happened. Never will

wait, whats that cmd D:

What's the difference at the moment?

>os x

If you mean the following, it is just me amusing myself?
@echo off

cecho {\u07 \u07}{71}{\u003C}--------{79}Creating the image{71}--------{\u003E}{8A}{#}{\n}

C:\users\ron\prog\utility\screenCapture.exe poops.png ""
cecho {\u07}{0A}{\t}{\u003C}-------Done-------{\u003E}{#}{\n}

cecho {\u07 \u07}{71}{\u003C}-------{79}Applying the gayness{71}-------{\u003E}{8A}{#}{\n}

C:\Users\Ron\Port_Apps\ImageMagick\convert.exe poops.png ( +clone -background black -shadow 50x50x50x50+10+10+10+10 ) +swap -background none -layers merge +repage poop.png
cecho {\u07}{0A}{\t}{\u003C}-------Done-------{\u003E}{#}{\n}

del poops.png
move poop.png C:\Users\Ron\desktop\

cecho {\u07 \u07}{71}{\u003C}--------{79}Thanks for sharing{71}--------{\u003E}{8A}{#}{\n}


Do you guys get a small delay when switching to https Sup Forums tabs with Safari? Happens also at

It's the best battery and speed-wise but lacks lots of shit so i'm using Opera

>old opera was lolopera
>new opera is good

Your hurting me user ;_;

Is that really Chromium or just Chrome Canary?

I believe you are confusing monikers with memes. lolOpera was the real deal. The current ``Opera'', although lol worthy, is called Chrapera.

canary, dont like manual updating

>Also your CSS is shit.
its not my css idiot. why the fuck would I wast writing stylesheets when I can just take them from wherever

Tried every single browser, and I keep coming back. More battery life, no lagshit, smooth.
The no webm is a major annoyance but not as much as stuttering chrome.

It's the faster one. I would use that OP.

Anyways most browsers work pretty ok on OSX, don't see what the problem is

haha ok neat

nice meme

Safari is great, but I end up using Chrome sometimes 1. because Safari+youtube+f.lux don't play well together, 2. webm 3. youtube pop-out extension (only for Chrome) 4. Duolingo works smoother in Chrome

How does this work?

>i need a shitty crutch to do what everyone else can do with a simple left click

Mactardism, not even once.