Why do people here use GNU/Linux as a Desktop OS? Isn't the OS meant to be used as a Server OS?

Why do people here use GNU/Linux as a Desktop OS? Isn't the OS meant to be used as a Server OS?

Nah, CentOS or BSD for servers. Linux is for desktops.

this bait thread has been reposted twice today and it's still getting unironic replies

why is Sup Forums so fucking full of gullible plebs

Don't listen to this shill. It's meant for servers but autists like the fag 2 posts above me believe Linux is for desktops

Yes, yes it is. They need to fill their void in life by maintaining their half baked broken piece of shit operating systems

>for free software

>free software
Since when was Linux free? Last time I checked trying to download a distro was not possible unless you donated so how is that free?

You're tempting me to download a fish-meme picture to use as reply, don't do that please.

>says the tripfag filling the void in his life by attention whoring on an user board

epic troll!!!!!!!!!

>not tipping the distro
Eurofags. Every time.

Remember to sage folks.

Have you tried programming on Windows?
>Python is shit on it
>Impossible with c
>Shitty with Java
>Ruby gems are autistic with Windows
Linux has everything except good video editing and drawing tools and extensive vidya.

I don't even use Linux. I'm just here to congratulate OP on being a sick nasty troll master.

What's wrong with using it for the desktop?

Why do people here use Windows NT as a Desktop OS? Isn't this OS meant to be used as a Server OS?


>drawing tools
Krita is fucking nice, if you only like to draw!
If you want to modify existing images or something like that though...

Bumperino haha don't let the may may die!!!


Bumping for this. Great question which OP has ignored completely.

if you don't even care about who controls your computing, please go and stay go

pajeets are strong today

>Isn't the OS meant to be used as a Server OS?

>pathetic basement dweller who begs for attention on a mongolian basket weaving site
>making fun of anyone


I do not use GNU/Linux. I use the Linux operating system.

I did hurt your feelings I guess. Stop projecting.

Freedom is a buzzword