Year is now 2016 and GNU/linux still using X garbage

>year is now 2016 and GNU/linux still using X garbage

X is not garbage, but it's not for consumer desktops, but they are working on replacements for that anyways now.

>i fell for the cuckland meme

They've been spouting "WAYLAN"D for 10 fucking years.

muh 1.0

Xorg for life, fucker.

>it's not for consumer desktops
What is it for then?
Don't start with network transparency because that's been a broken farce ever since Motif went out of use.

>he's not using Wayland

Why don't you contribute and start developing for wayland then?

Oh right, you just barely learned about the existence of X from one of those "X is a pile of shit" videos on youtube and thought It might be a good ruse material.



I find X useful, someone with a netbook running it and only uses facebook probably does not.

> I have no idea how computers work


Love that pic


I was excited about getting rid of screen tearing and xorg.conf when I heard about wayland 6 years ago. What the hell happened. Why everything so fucking slow.

You can use Wayland TODAY.

No, Richard, it's 'Linux', not 'GNU/Linux'. The most important contributions that the FSF made to Linux were the creation of the GPL and the GCC compiler. Those are fine and inspired products. GCC is a monumental achievement and has earned you, RMS, and the Free Software Foundation countless kudos and much appreciation.

Following are some reasons for you to mull over, including some already answered in your FAQ.

One guy, Linus Torvalds, used GCC to make his operating system (yes, Linux is an OS -- more on this later). He named it 'Linux' with a little help from his friends. Why doesn't he call it GNU/Linux? Because he wrote it, with more help from his friends, not you. You named your stuff, I named my stuff -- including the software I wrote using GCC -- and Linus named his stuff. The proper name is Linux because Linus Torvalds says so. Linus has spoken. Accept his authority. To do otherwise is to become a nag. You don't want to be known as a nag, do you?

(An operating system) != (a distribution). Linux is an operating system. By my definition, an operating system is that software which provides and limits access to hardware resources on a computer. That definition applies whereever you see Linux in use. However, Linux is usually distributed with a collection of utilities and applications to make it easily configurable as a desktop system, a server, a development box, or a graphics workstation, or whatever the user needs. In such a configuration, we have a Linux (based) distribution. Therein lies your strongest argument for the unwieldy title 'GNU/Linux' (when said bundled software is largely from the FSF). Go bug the distribution makers on that one. Take your beef to Red Hat, Mandrake, and Slackware. At least there you have an argument. Linux alone is an operating system that can be used in various applications without any GNU software whatsoever. Embedded applications come to mind as an obvious example.

Thanks for listening.

And not being able to copy/paste, use redshift, global shortcuts, gaming with nvidia dirvers, etc.? This is not how I want to use mi pc.

Also I'm a KDE user and is not ready. Gnome neither.

Man this copypasta is getting ridiculous, is that Sup Forumsfags actually believe? Same with the other GNU/Linux one...

This. The driver issue is a pretty major one and there's the problem - reliance in the closed-source arena before progress can be made.

Will Wayland fully replacing make desktop Linux a reality.

Can you please send him this in an email and post results?

> Impling that is the sole problem that stops the Linux desktop from succeeding

>Added a Wayland platform library,, to allow Wayland compositors that support EGLDevice, EGLOutput, and EGLstreams to share EGL buffers with Wayland applications.
Top GNU!

It's not the sole problem, but a major one.

This doesn't mean it works fine by default. It's nvidia you know.

Call me a noob but why isn't X good enough? I use it with i3 and haven't had any complaints.

Have you tried using it for a full modern desktop enviroment? It's awful

I haven't used xorg.conf for five years and haven't had screen tearing for at least three. What's the issue, m8?


Optimus laptop. I have to get my hands dirty with all this xorg shit.

>screen tearing for at least three

You can't fix the tearing with xorg and/or bad drivers conpletely. And in the best case at the cost of performance.

But why user, why?

(Also fair enough I have not)

X is too complicated for what it's being used for.

Back in the day X shipped with a ton of functionality that basically made it into its own DE/WM/graphical stack, in the past 2 decades application developers have discovered that X kinda sucks at all of these things and they stopped using X for them. These days applications use libraries outside of X for all of these complicated things and they're only using X to push the results to the screen. X is basically being used as a framebuffer. The issue with this is X doesn't know that its being used like this and it still assumes that it needs to perform all kinds of operations on each frame which introduces graphical artifacts and can add a ton of latency to each frame. X developers cannot "fix" X because this functionality is a part of X's specs, if they fix it then it breaks applications and at that point you're no longer using X so there's no longer any need to continue using the X codebase.

The Wayland model is basically X re-imagined. All of the X display server is eliminated. The only thing left is a lightweight protocol that applications can communicate through. The "window manager" becomes the "display server" with the wayland model. Application devs were already doing this to begin with the only thing that really changed was X was removed from the stack.

Linux is using Android DESU. It's also the most popular OS in the world. (No I don't care about your autistic "It's not the true honest and original Linux kernel" shit)

But there is one hurdle to implementing wayland. DEs have to add compositing and input handling and other stuff to their window managers which is sorta difficult. GNOME3 will likely finish up sometime in the next year, KDE5 will probably follow shortly afterward. MATE, Cinnamon, xfce4 will probably borrow GNOME3's stuff and get it working after a few years. On the application side implementing wayland support is likely many times easier than using X.

Ahh, I remember when X was just a 33KB app for forwarding graphics...

i have been using wayland ever since gnome 3.18. it's rather usable since 3.20.

Well 8 years ago they did run glxgears on Wayland.
Look how far it has come since then!

The problem with wayland is that it's too god. LIke functional programming languages.


X has been hated since its inception.

Wayland is what OS X had for over a decade.


he's probably using ndivia

X garbage is good enough for casual desktop use.

Oh man that picture knocked me off! (Burzum fan here and that is probably my favourite of his albums)

damn thats a nice meme

Off yourself you sperg.

>not ready
it's really damn near

Wayland is done its original development. Right now there are ass tons of bugs and missing features the biggest being compatibility issues with x11 ironically enough.

So is it possible to have Wayland by default? I installed the latest NVIDIA driver that was supposed to have Wayland support but couldn't get to a desktop using it.

afaik it only works correctly on FOSS drivers

No you don't.
Make a config file according to the arch wiki for the intel graphics and then make vsync equal to 3 and tear free video on.
And, look it's fixed!

Oh, wait. You're not used to that are you. Here:
Nvm, fixed it.

The proprietary driver already has Wayland support but the Wayland people won't merge the patches.

Network transparency is actually a broken farce specifically because of the same faggots that made wayland.

>hurr lets make X "modern"

It's Dr. Stallman to you!

Wayland is interesting in that it's only for GNU/Linux, and not for other Unixes.

Lol you want it to be faster faggot, then fucking contribute.


I have a bad news for you buddy...

quite right my friend, i laughed out loud

Is Wayland named after the mythological smith? I wonder how SJWs will react when they find out it's named after a rapist

The wayland tards completely dropped the ball on this one. I'd rather put my hopes on fucking mir at this point.

At least they never did this


Maybe it's time to switch to freebsd.

Does Compton not work in Wayland?

Compton is specific to X I believe.

There are very few wayland compositors right now. There's mutter (gnome's), greenisland (broken piece of shit from papyros), weston, and that's about it. I think there's one more but I don't recall its name.

There's sway and orbment which use a tiling layout like i3

sway runs on top of weston, I think the same is true of orbment but I don't know.

What's wrong with X? It's compatible and extensible, it works. It's mature and stable. You can even play gaymes on it.

Go back to b8 school.

I can use MS-DOS to interface with even a modern day Linux desktop, how is this not compatible?

You're just a kid, what would you know?

X11 has had, in its age, all KINDS of new features added on without losing backward compatibility.

Please explain how it's not compatible and extensible or be branded a poo in loo shill.

it runs fine until you plug your laptop into your tv

OK pajeet

Not an argument kid. Nothing personal.

X11 will live forever. The US Government will ensure this.

It's mainly because xdg-shell (the protocol you need to make a Wayland compositor do the thing desktop users expect) is not stable yet or complete yet. xdg-shell/mutter shares developer(s) which is why GNOME is so far ahead.

Wayland is named after the town in Massachusetts, similar to how Plymouth was named.

This doesn't make sense at all. How can the Wayland developers merge code into Nvidia's PROPRIETARY driver? If you mean Nvidia want to make changes to Wayland to support their driver and the developers won't merge it, this means Nvidia doesn't support Wayland.

Fuck off tripfag

lmaoing @ file name

You don't game on X silly, a shitlord would only game using X, games access the screenspace and buffer by themself. Even windowed games draw in buffer and X just decorates it, at least if you want any performance on a *nix system with 3D at all.

You use X to compose the screen you dummy

X is absolutely garbage.

DRI was an objectively good thing.
Fuck off.

There's so much I use daily no other composer could do. Are you a dildo?

You do know other things then X can access the framebuffer, you silly? Even totally without X.



burzum is trash

X is fine they just don't want it to turn into a clusterfuck of hacks, growing pains and bloat.

Much like the entirety of Windows

X works great on servers.

>freedesktop hates fragmentation
>freedesktop deprecates one of the most unifying parts of *nix desktops in favor of one that only does linux/systemd and needs different screen shot programs for each compositor