Just finished fucking my bitch. Looked up and saw this. What do?

Just finished fucking my bitch. Looked up and saw this. What do?

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good post


kys and install lincucks

>Not using Windows 8.1
>The best multi-purpose Operating System in the world

You can game, you can program, you can CAD, you can do graphics and video editing in industry applications aka not GIMP and Blender.

Not using win10™ the best multi purpose OS

MS is only 44% done, bend over again.

get a fucking better OS OP don't use the fag OS get XP/OSX/LINUX

The good news is, at this point your computer is still 56% not utter garbage.


with ubuntu, you carry on using your PC while it upgrades


really that sounds really neat can my grandma use it?

Click decline when it asks if you accept the EULA and it will revert to Windows 10.

If you clicked accept like a fucking retard, hit the Windows Key and type "Recovery" and open Recovery Options. There should be an option to revert to Windows 7.

Same thing happened to me, I ended up calling windows a cunt on twitter.

It's about the only thing you can do now, as far as I know. I'm at 29%, any way to stop it?


There is no accept or decline, it just updates now without permission unless you specifically opt out in the 15 minute period before it decides to update.


>wincuck butthurt
Oh I'm laughing

why didn't you uninstall the windows updates that were designed to make this happen?

Everyone I know with bare minimum computer knowledge figured out how to get rid of the upgrade icon

Once it boots into 10, if you go into settings > recovery, there is an option to go back to 7. It reverts surprisingly well.

If you give her some basic instruction, sure.

There was a popup at the end of my install that said "Accept Decline" and I clicked Decline and it reverted it.

No it took me long enough teaching my abuela windows.

welcome to the family

You can skin Linux to look similar to windows but it's not perfect.

You cannot use hydra

What im seeing?

hail hydra

>doesn't happen unless you explicitly tell it to happen
>OP posts bullshit and everybody buys into it anyway

Mines is at 77%, will I have this option?

It definitely happens regardless of your consent. We have a few laptops on our corporate network that "updated" while offsite. It just ignored the GPO settings entirely.

Stop talking shit, the same thing happened to me. Google "windows10 without permission" and you will see piles of stories like these.

Install gentoo

how do you make the clock take that tiny amout of space? mine's fucking huge


You should, almost every piece of software these days has an "accept" or "decline" option.

But if for some reason it doesn't, you can go into recovery options and revert everything back.

OP is fucked.
To prevent this google "Never10".

Microsoft made Windows 10 a critical update in the last day or two. My friend who went through the process of blocking and removing all Windows 10 related updates, disabled recommended updates, woke up this morning to his computer on Windows 10.

>set computer to install recommended updates automatically
>windows installs it automatically

Fuck off retard. "Click no to every security update" morons like you who can't even manage a basic fucking setting are the exact reason why updates need to be forced on idiots who can't into computer.


>set computer to install recommended updates automatically
Are you mentally handicapped? GPO enforcement of updates means they are only allowed to come from a corporate source. I'm not talking about your pansy-ass desktop.

He has small taskbar icons enabled

Dumb faggot.

your gpo config is wrong

my resolution is 1920x1080
i have small icons enabled

let it install. windows 10 is great. if i used a desktop right now i'd be on it.

see. they love windows 10 already. they want what you have


>too stupid to set up GPO properly
>herpaderp imma ramdomly click som shiz that shud do it

You're lucky MS is taking care of your shit for you now instead of letting you wallow around in your own stupidity.

An example outside my own org.

Does it hurt being that stupid?

>linked MS support article clearly spells out how to properly set up updates
>clickbait new site claims it does it anyway

Does it hurt being that stupid?

Finish the install and take the ass rape, enjoy your start menu ads, etc.

sudo rm -rf /

russian ransomeware running in a vm


dude, that type of great white behavior is actually common

they are not just chewing on the boat because they think its a big fish
they are actively trying to sink your boat and kill you. they totally know what they're doing

they will even purposly flip over small boats just to eat everyone inside.

what you should actually do(if still on 7/8/8.1):
disable os upgrading in gpedit
uninstall all windows 10 updates

We have it configured to point to our WSUS servers. Still have issues.

>installed win 7 enterprise version years ago
>never even got the w10 offer because not eligible

>retards literally making life hard on themselves

Is ther emore than 1? my windows 7 only has one and I just unchecked an dput to hidden. never had the icon due ot that

You obviously need to be fired for incompetence.

I like how you say that from your dorm room. We'll talk when you get some real experience under your belt.

Just keep blaming others for your own stupidity and and fuck ups kid, you'll go real far in life. LMAO

yes. google for a full list but there are quite a few which are related to w10. i think its just kb3035583 or something thats the main one but there are others which are suspicious

Enjoy shitting yourself when you promised you could prevent Win10 installs in a corporate environment. "But muh GPOs are configured correctly" No, that will not stop it.

I didn't say it was impossible, I said we have issues with it. You have to review every update to make sure it doesn't happen (which fun fact: we have since been doing).

Keep crying. I'm sure your boss will see it your way rather than hiring even a pajeet who will do your job better.


>i can't do my job properly so i'll call him Sup Forums

>Comes to Sup Forums from Sup Forums and is convinced he has any clue how to perform system administration tasks
I'm literally wasting time posting responses to your dumb ass. You don't have experience, you're convinced you know everything, shit if I didn't know better I'd think you're underage.

>>can't even set up GPO properly and is convinced he has any clue how to perform system administration tasks
I'm literally wasting time posting responses to your dumb ass. You don't have experience, you're convinced you know everything, shit if I didn't know better I'd think you're underage.

This is why you turn off windows update.

>Figured out ctrl+c ctrl+v
Aww, I'm so proud of you!

For your next lesson I want you to try opening the start menu, can you do that? Can you open the start menu?


Seemed legit, but then it wasn't.

>Figured out ctrl+c ctrl+v
Aww, I'm so proud of you!

For your next lesson I want you to try opening GPO, can you do that? Can you open the GPO?

I don't get why you're getting so upset at him because you can't do your job right.

I do my job perfectly, Microsoft releases updates in a sketchy way. You do have to test each update to make sure it won't add the autoupdater because they've hidden it with security updates.

You're bad at this as well.

An example:

If you are headed into the IT field do your research.

> According to Woody Leonhard over at Infoworld, the update pushes a banner on Internet Explorer 11's New Tab Page advertising the company's new operating system Windows 10.

>This appears to be only the case for non-domain joined machines

So not only are you an incompetent retard who cant into GPO. You're an illiterate retard to and have to reading comprehension of a Pajeet. No wonder pajeets are getting hired left and right when you're all they have to measure up to.

Things that never happened the post

I think you mean, "Just finished getting fucked like a bitch." I mean, seriously, it's 2016. You can come out of the closet. Stop being such a coward.


that's it