Do y'all fucks remember the open office mouse

do y'all fucks remember the open office mouse

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never heard of it m9
not even a newfag

yet another case study of open source's inability to do design or any high level planning like usability studies or heuristics.

op here, it is vintage Sup Forums thread time

the OOM was some third party company and eventually the open office team was like, no you can't use our logo/name on that atrocity



Do you remember this piece of shit?

i can't believe any of those ever sold

i remember when a review of it came out
such a disaster.

do you remember the mozilla phone concept?
the one with the projectors and shit

muh freedumb

Buttons instead of the click pads we have on mouses seems like a better idea to me. Not sure about the rest though... what is that on the side, a joystick?


Where can I buy this? I need it in my collection so I can put it in a box and never use it.

>the FSF actually advertised this as an alternative to the iphone 3G

high lel

it was supposedly sold as the warmouse meta

good luck

>We have a choice. The FreeRunner doesn't yet do as much as the iPhone and it's certainly not as pretty. But in terms of potential, the fact that it's supported by a worldwide community of people rather than a single greedy, dishonest and secretive entity puts it light-years ahead. We can trade our freedom and our money to get something flashy on the surface, or we can spend a little more money, keep our freedom, and support a better kind of business. If we want businesses to be ethical, we have to reward the ones that are. By not enriching companies that want to take away our freedom and by rewarding those that respect us, we will be helping to bring about a better future.
Wow, okay FSF.

Why can't freetards design anything worthy of value?


Who is that?
He's pretty qt, I wanna lick his boipucci.

It's Michael Cera, the founder of Facebook.

Such a qt


No. Not really.

this is Sup Forums tier


That dirt on the button. Eewww

Top kekkles.


these look pretty cool

in a retromodernist way