I just came back from India. The shitting streets are an actual thing. Wholy fuck it was terrible...

I just came back from India. The shitting streets are an actual thing. Wholy fuck it was terrible. India get in here and explain yourself.

Other urls found in this thread:


Wasn't this supposed to be on Sup Forums?


Shit is so cash, flowing down the street, rivers of money

>streets are technology

I'm sorry

Reminds me of youtube.com/watch?v=mPne-q4ynts

Why the fuck is this guy in India? Why is he going to Pakistan? What's with people and wanting to go to the assholes of the world?

What did you do here?


>travel to hungary to visit gf
>met her mom
>is a divorced 40 Y/o hippie some kind of Hollywood cliché
>very into Chakra, cosmic energy and that shit
>uh ok that's cool I guess
>months after she traveled to India
>I didn't know anything about Indian memes
>she seems very happy about it
>read about poo in loos, mass raping, public urination, the corpses in the Ganges, cow shit and pee everywhere
>"it was very spiritual and disconnected from society, a great experience" she always posted in her facebook after coming back
I still don't understand the appeal to shat shit hole

poverty porn, noble savages

I live there by which I mean here.

Top kek, I thought that only applied to Africa
Szia Nagy lany szeretlek kis szivem?

Why Hungarian though?

Is a nice language, or what you mean?


india is truly a shithole and indians are some wretched niggers

Take that back. Its not that bad.

reminder that your PC parts were probably made in India and so they likely have poo on them

Welcome back Mr Cook

The real question is; what were you doing in India?

Baking potatoes


Don't know, he seems to just pass through.

More interesting, what is OP doing there?


Delete yourself


underrated post