Will sex robots really happen in the future?

Will sex robots really happen in the future?

They are already a thing.
They just dont act/look entirely human yet.

the moment they can, they will.

japan will do it

Why? Are you too beta to get a real woman?

>Why? Are you too beta to get a real woman?
>Will sex robots really happen in the future?

No, I just like to have options.

I already have one

No, because feminazis will kill them before they even go mainstream, I bet 100 yuros on it.

Hopefully we can get lolibots before I die.

Fuck off pedo

Don't you have a sister? That's the only option you need.

Men don't "get" women.
It's the women who pick the men and only like the top 20% of men, the rest are for "settling down" (aka my bio clock is ticking and I'm starting to get uglier).
There's no real debate here. Multiple studies have shown that women are more picky than men, I believe there was an OKCupid survey done and 40% or 60% (can't remember) of men were rated zero by the women, that's HALF of the male population of OKCupid being considered completely undesirable. There is a biological explanation for this. Women have a limited number of eggs to get fertilized while men prodice sperm until they die aka they can procreate until death. So the women with the limited eggs has to pick the best mate with the best genetics in order to ensure the survival of her offspring, men on the other hand don't really have to care about the genetics of whoever they're impregnating because they'll always have another woman to impregnate and another chance so to speak, it's basically hypergamy at its finest. This is also why men are naturally considered expendable while the women are treated as treasure and diamonds, it also explains why men have such a variety of tastes and fetishes whereas women all basically want the same man, because they have the luxury of choice.

>autistic people don't "get" other people.

I hope this is pasta

Normies get out of my Sup Forums

>tfw no EDI gf

o man

There's a shining beacon of hope, the more women I met the more I see that are against feminism

Probably when your mom retires. Well, assuming you don't have a sister.


There are already sex robots. Pic related. They aren't completely human-like yet, but they do exist.

>implying an emotionally reckless, nagging parasitic leech that becomes increasingly physically unattractive as time goes on can compete with a sex robot
>implying sex robots aren't a solution to this


>not milfbots
You deserve to be executed, pedo.

>get a real woman
Who the hell wants to have a lousy, money-operated narcissistic shrew at his side?

In the future? sure. Near future? I don't think so. Just imagine the cost and the technology required for those things to be actually good. Even if you manage to get one, imagine the cost of maintaining one with all the moving parts and all. Hell, just imagine how much they would physically weight and what materials would they be made of.

Sure but it depends if feminists get them banned.

yes. mexican putaninis on drugs.

it's already a thing, and more affordable than you might care to admit.

Women are born with millions of "eggs", as you call them. Enough for multiple lifetimes.

>variety of tastes and fetishes whereas women all basically want the same man
If you had ever been with women, you'd know they have *very* varying tastes and fetishes, often more extreme than men.

>If you had ever been with women, you'd know they have *very* varying tastes and fetishes, often more extreme than men.

>basically only rape or 50 shades of grey fetish
>so diverse
>so extreme

And niggers, and men the age of their dads. And British accents.

I don't think you can call sexual attraction to people with certain features a fetish. I'm attracted to redheads with green eyes and big tits the most, but it isn't a fetish

Just buy a used one, basically the same thing but in better condition :^)

>Women are born with millions of "eggs", as you call them. Enough for multiple lifetimes.
Women can't give birth to millions of children though.

Men just need to impregnate women, which takes a few minutes at best. Women need to spend 9 months carrying the child.

The numbers are stacked against them.

>not blondes with green eyes and small tits
Why do you deny yourself the god tier?

>basically only rape or 50 shades of grey fetish
tfw it's true

all women I know get off on the thought of being choked, forced or "used" during sex

My real girlfriend farted tonight and it smelt like someone had shoved shit up my nostrils. Give me a sex bot any day.

>Men just need to impregnate women, which takes a few minutes at best.
You have a problem, mister? We have tablets for that.

No. It seems you will die as a faggot.

Not robots, but VR sex with fleshlight-like fake pussy is going to be big. You could just download any VR modeled celebrity/pornstar and have VR sex with her.

Sex is so friggin gross why are you all so obsessed with it?

because i need to fug

i wanted to say clones or synths would be easier to make but this user
is right.

i am gonna fuck T-X and Alien in my lifetime!

already happen right now, you just too picky, every robot is beatiful in the inside
there was a thread in /gif about machines and stuff

to be free, i wish


>are you too beta to pay for a real woman's lifestyle?

Why do those "arms" keep reaching under her? I don't get it

They apply paint to her boobs. It's like applying ink on a stamp.

They apply paint to her tits and they paint the paper below. I suggest you check your eyes btw.

a fetish, by its definition, is a sexual attraction to something that is not a sexual part. For example feet, shit, blood or canned coffee.

Make it happen nerds!
I'll buy it.

There already are.

They're called women.

>sex robots are finally reality
>witing exploit
>sex bot net
>sex bots now handcuffs you, shits in your face and take a selfie
>selfie gets send to all contacts in email account unless you pay 500 dollar within 2 hours

$10 Billion to whoever integrates Apple Siri and RealDoll

How can a robot shit, dumbfuck?

There was a paper? Damn, I didn't see it through all the artifacts

With the "Scatophilia 200" plug-in, stupid nigger.

>mfw sister is a VR model

too rich for my blood


Why would a women be against gender equality?

Feminism isn't about gender equality, it's about female supremacy.

>it's about female supremacy
we already have that though

Does your virtual girlfriend approve your your real girlfriend?

>guys why don't you get a defective product? are you too beta?
kek I'll get my perfect waifu in my lifetime, I'd rather not waste my life with defective products.

Got one, going back to straight black hair, tall slim after this one


gelbooru flim13

Id rather have a furry gf than a disgusting pig to cuddle with at night

That is what we in india like

>tfw no house maid sex bot to take care of your every needs



creepy as fuck

she is using aimbot
fucking pleb
ban him
VAC ban 4life

Kill yourself senpai. You are infected with normals.

Please tell me there's more



They will/have but they'll never be more than a niche product made in such a small volume that they'll never be improved much IMO

muh dick

Search for synthetic by aplgrl

>Tastes and fetishes

>why is biocunt so angry?

Nigga can you not even save a picture?

No, hopefully in the future such thing as gender will cease to exist just like the need for sex and everyone will just be an entity of the collective mind.

O shit

This desu familia

I can't really imagine what the hell must be wrong with you to want anything like a sex robot, but give it another 10, 20 years.


I guess you don't keep up with the news...

robots are for loving and hand holding, they are not youre waifus!

>taking dirty pictures helped push polaroids
>porn helped push VHS
>'private' movies helped push camcorders

Sex is hell of a motivator. Its inevitable that this will happen.

I don't trust it. Throw it out the airlock.


Reality hurts?

I literary stopped caring about finding a girlfriend because I know that sexbots (without AI) can already be built and that VR will make mass production and software development financially viable
