Lying or fluffing a resume if you can back it up with experience (from personal projects). What does Sup Forums think?

Lying or fluffing a resume if you can back it up with experience (from personal projects). What does Sup Forums think?

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You got to do what you got to do. You gotta take the poo to the loo.

Uh, how do you think people get employed?
HR departments look for the best liars, not the best people.

>Lying or fluffing a resume if you can back it up with experience
It's not lying if you can back it up...

How do I back up freelancing? I can prove my knowledge but how do I answer detailed questions about clients and such?

Maybe you could just put your personal projects on your resume.

Nobody gives a shit about that. It seems like if you haven't worked for $ in return then your experience doesn't count.

So just say you did it for a client

So basically put freelancing there. What I said How do I answer detailed questions about clients though?

i don't think most recruiters actually know what they're doing.
i have years of experience in one database, but they still ask me "do you have experience in X database"?
I really don't think they're different enough to justify asking... unless you're talking about mongo or a different type of structure...

You regard client privacy as paramount and decline to speak about your private clients.

Will they actually ask you detailed questions about clients though? If they do, you can say you signed an NDA or something about client privacy privileges.

They ask about a couple samples, websites I did for clients. What do I say?

lmao okay.

Show them the same thing any public user can see, that's what really counts anyway. Also, if the organization you worked for is a professional entity you could always ask them if you can use them as a reference.

If your clients are mostly brony porn websites or something you might be out of luck though.

Don't you already have projects that you've done? Show them those.

totally fine

buy a burner phone from the gas station and use it as a reference to your job with the fake qualifications/experience

either give it to a friend you trust or change your voice when they call

done and done, recruiters don't really do any deep digging at all

>lmao okay.

Spotted the unemployed college kid. Most employers don't care about personal projects because they don't value that as "real" experience. It's definitely a plus but not as much as you think.

Hello my Machiavellian friend. Have you done this?

I have indeed done this. I've also listed friends as past supervisors. I did this to get out of customer service and into IT

$20 for the phone and some minutes, those minutes are good for 90 days, get the job and toss the phone, you're golden

Don't forget to also
>create fake references