Want to learn about some PL/SQL

>Want to learn about some PL/SQL
>Look up for some youtube videos about it
>Almost all of them made by Pajeets and Pajeetas

I thought it was a meme, why are Indians so abundant on programming?

Because they are intelligent

Why the fuck do you use youtube? READ the Oracle documentation

It's a semi-skilled job that requires almost no infrastructure.

On a related side-note, the demand for Indian call centers is so larger that India has had to outsource some of them.

B-but maybe he's a visual learner

To where? Detroid?

>look up SAP guides
>low audio quality Rashni Patel
>look up German SAP guides
>no videos
It is almost as if no one on YT knows shit about ERP systems.

So...? Learn PL/SQL from Indians. What the fuck is your problem?

Or maybe you're an idiot if you need a fucking video to use some pajeet tier software.

I thinks that's OK when you're first learning program, but once you know how everything flows, and works its best to just look up the documentation.

Better read a book.

>Getting ready to update a POWER6 iSeries from V7R1 to V7R2
>200 page instruction manual on how to prepare to upgrade
>100 page memo on all the changes between revisions
>At least 100 more pages on how to actually run the upgrade (which you ready erry tiem just incase the IBM beards pulled a fast one on you with the procedures)
>Spend several hours later debugging poorly documented RPG programs because you missed some obscure change from the memo and find out you need to make a bunch of changes
>Google won't save you now

At least their support is good. All the internet wisdom is segmented between old mailing lists that aren't relevant anymore, mixed bag IBM docs online and then pajeets with their youtube videos.

hearing their accent makes me want to rip my ears off

Because we all fucking hate it here, fuck India. You think we like living in poverty doing nothing but farming and labor jobs with no chance to ever go to college, sometimes not even high school? We all desperately want to leave and doing underpaid programming jobs over the net at least gets us away from farming and labor (we think the pay is awful too).

You'd do the same.

>want to learn about databases
>enroll in SQL class at state college
let me introduce the TA's
Rajeesh, Pajeet and aahhaladita.

I looked it up out of curiosity. Also, SAP isn't curryware, it is krautware. There's a lot of money in SAP jobs.

Well I'm sorry that the free education you're getting from this historically convenient and fast information superhighway isn't up to your fancy personal tastes, you first world lord, you.

The Indian governemtn should subsidize emmigration so that families move out.

>SQL class
Are semesters 5 hours? There is not much to it.


SQL is like learning a new language with 20 words in it.

>The Indian governemtn should subsidize emmigration so that families move out.
Not really. It should stop dicking around and improve/spend more on education. But it won't because we have the most retarded politicians on earth. You think trump is bad? Imagine a room full of people dumber than trump, that's our politicians.

India is overpopulated. It's poor because it doesn't have enough resources to exploit for everyone to have a good job.

PL/SQL is a complete language. All CS programs have a database course.

pl/sql or t-sql are legit languages though fampai

I don't care what you want to do or how shit your life is.
You cab fuck right off.

Also we're full.

it's ok i found better a better language

also get down off of your high horse, you first world lord you. if you want to call me a faggot just do it i don't have all day

If you decide to look up tutorials on Youtube don't complain that all you can find are Indians. Go look up documentation and not a site where Pajeeets aggregate. It's not like you can learn PL/SQL by watching a random video.

>India is overpopulated.

>It's poor because it doesn't have enough resources to exploit for everyone to have a good job.
Not really true. It's poor because our politicians are dumbasses that can't spend money wisely. Like on contraception/sex education and beating the shit out of rich/middle class people for not paying their fucking taxes for starters.

There are a billion of them

>I don't care what you want to do or how shit your life is.

>You cab fuck right off.
no u

>Also we're full.
Maybe a little cramped but it's nothing compared to India, consider yourselves blessed. Look boss I'm just saying India fucking sucks and people want out. Unfortunately there are a few of us who realized we could make coin over the net, deal with it. Also it's not like all 1.2 Billion of us want to write shitty scrips and programs for hours. Over 90% of us don't even know what a simple batch script is let alone even write one.

Even the ones that know how to code rarely move to the US, we don't like being around land whales to be honest it feels like you're all diseased or something.

Great so fuck off and stay there pajeet.

Thanks captain but over 50% of us have never used a computer, 90% don't know what a batch script is, and of the remaining 10% out of the population that COULD become programmers, less that 1% will ever become good enough go make coin.

>Great so fuck off and stay there pajeet.
Too late unfortunately. My parents emigrated here and I was born a US citizen. I'm here to stay you racist fuck. How do you think I was able to communicate with you all so well these last few posts in this mumbling monkey language?

>Why are there so many Indian tutorial videos

Because other races are greedy and don't think about others after finding a solution to an issue.
