Thinking of switching from Linux mint to some Arch based distro, to explore the posibilities of AUR

Thinking of switching from Linux mint to some Arch based distro, to explore the posibilities of AUR.

Used Qemu to try Manjaro, I didn't quite liked the distro, and now I'm trying Antergos, don't know yet if I'm going with gnome or with cinnamon.

What is there to know about these distros. Any one uses them around them?

I've used Antergos Cinnamon for a year and it's awesome and it's pretty light on the resources. I would suggest Cinnamon (from my own experience). I'll be installing Antergos KDE in a couple of hours probably and could tell you how that goes. I've used KDE on Antergos, but not for very long, because I've upgraded my PC.

Manjaro and Arch user here. Some minor technical details aside, Manjaro is basically the same thing as Antergos, except for what's preinstalled on it. Why would you use the other if you didn't like the former?

Actually, the reason I didn't like Manjaro is that KDE didn't quite convinced me. Although I love the theming they have.

I'm too used to Cinnamon, but I need to change to something else because it's used to crash, and become irresponsive.
I have to switch back and forth to CLI to make it responsive again.

I'm now trying the Gnome flavor, it still feels unconfortable, but I objectively think it's a good desktop environment to get used to.

Also, Manjaro takes 8GB in installation. Something seems off, It's way too much space.

I want to explore the Arch world, but I don't see myself installing Arch just yet.

All Arch-based distros fucking suck. Antergos and Manjaro are disasterous from both aesthetical and technological standpoints. If you're put off by the need of tinkering stuff, you shouldn't. It really isn't hard at all to get fully featured Arch installation by reading few pages of _their_ wiki, especially if you're going for complete DE like GNOME or KDE. If you're looking for out-of-the-box distro, just stick to Ubuntu (Unity), Fedora (GNOME) and openSUSE (KDE).

>Actually, the reason I didn't like Manjaro is that KDE didn't quite convinced me.
Then use the XFCE flavor. There's no better DE out there anyway.
>Manjaro takes 8GB in installation
A lot of it is KDE

>but I don't see myself installing Arch just yet
Why? It's basically what you got with Manjaro except it doesn't have the kernel and graphics tools.

Antergos IS arch.
>aesthetical standpoints

Get either manjaro or antergos
You only need to sudo pacman -S gentoo after install and you'll be fine

I run Antergos on a workstation.It's a decently skinned Arch install to abstract away the installer and updating but keep in mind rolling release = you will constantly have to update software every single day and eventually something will likely break, so get backups (see tarsnap, dropbox)

Why not just arch?
The installation process is almost as easy as the automated installers of manjaro and antergos, but you don't get the strange problems you always get when using an automated installer

Too much time needed for configs. I installed it a few times and I know. With Antergos is faster and gives me the same result or better, in less time.

Antergos is the shit.

>Why? It's basically what you got with Manjaro except it doesn't have the kernel and graphics tools.

>Why just not arch?

I didn't feel like installing arch, and deciding everything just yet. I like to challenge myself gradually with this one.

As soon as I learn to install everything I need to work, I'll make the switch to Antergos.

>If you're put off by the need of tinkering stuff, you shouldn't.

I really like tinkering, and I'm keen on learning the inner workings of the distro.
Having to fix things is not a problem, is a thing I'd love to learn.

>Antergos is the shit

You mean is shit, or it is the good shit?

Not him but Antergos is awesome. It's a quick and painless way to introduce you to Arch and let you try it out. I run plain old Arch now but when I went to give pacman a shot, Antergos was a great way to start.

Yes, Antergos is great. It even has a minimal install option. I would love to see a hardware detection like the one in Manjaro or an option for kernel manipulation, also like the one on Manjaro.

Don't be a retard, just install arch. Antergos is configured too much and things get fucked when you want to change wm, etc


Eww, no! Slackware has become unstable and it uses Pulseaudio.

I prefer manjaro because openrc version
The others are systemd cancer


>didn't quite liked

>hardware detection like the one in Manjaro.

What is that? Driver auto installs or something?

That's actually something that has me worried, do I have to manually install the drivers for every single component?

For example, Manjaro had drivers for the qxl emulated videocard, but Antergos didn't, and thats currently being a PITA.

>give pacman a shot.

Pacman looked like a cool cousin of apt-get, but I'm actually more interested in AUR. That's the main reason i want to switch besides justtrying something new.

For what I've experienced, both yaourt and pacman are more organized than apt-get when it comes to dependencies, but pacman has way less software than apt-get, and AUR has just every single piece of software, but you need to be lucky and/or stubborn to install it.

Is it always that complicated to install things from AUR, or is it the Qemu layer that is fucking my shit up?

When I wrote that I thought, "I don't think it's said that way, but let's slap it in and see what happens."

Why not just give OpenSUSE Tumbleweed a try OP?

They have tons of third party community packages you can install it in Yast.

It's not installing drivers automatically. It just detects the hardware and offers a proprietary driver for your GPU for example. That's nice to have and would like to see it on Antergos, but I'm not sure if it's possible.

Suck a cock you sissy faggot
OP, either use Leap or ignore SUSE altogether. Tumbleweed a shit

Looks good, but again, AUR.

Which features does OpenSUSE tumbleweed have, that arch doesn't?

Regarding my current encounter with Antergos:

It has this thing that is killing me: it limits the size of the /tmp folder.
I'm trying to install Atom-editor in a 30GB VM. I know it needs 10GB bacus npm, but yaourt keeps telling me that there is no more space in disk.

Anybody knows how to circumvent this, or just get rid of the limitation?

In Manjaro, I had to manually create partitions because it made a partition for /tmp by default. But this time with antergos I did the same and it still doesn't work.

Even downloading the 79MB .deb file sometimes tells me there is no space.

I've been using Antergos as my daily driver for around three months now, and it's honestly been the best experience I've had with Linux in years. Everything just werks, install process went perfectly and thus far no major bugs (minor issues with Gnome occasionally due to updates, but they tend to get fixed within a week or two).

>I didn't like the way the DE looked out of the box so I changed to a whole new distro
Why do idiots do this. You choose a distro based on things like repository state and size, package manager, init.

Chill out dude. I discarded Manjaro because I wasn't going to use octopi anyway, and the only flavors available, KDE and Xfce, I didn't like them.

Wouldn't have made sense to rice it right away. Not yet. When I get a sense of it, we'll see.

I thought Antergos would put me closer to the Arch world. For now, I like the "Antergos is Arch with installer for newbies" thing

The only issue I've had with installing things from AUR have been when packages don't properly register files they've created, and then a package which uses that file fails to install because the installer aborts it when it sees that the file already exists but can't figure out if it's safe to overwrite.

This isn't really an issue though because then you just do pacman -Qo and delete the file if it turns out no one owns it.

Now ApricityOS popped up in one of my browser tabs, so I gave it a look.

Man, sure is eye candy, but I'm actually curious about these SBackup, Syncthing, and TLP things.

I find it so cool that they come preinstalled.
Anyone using Apricity around here?

>web 2.0 shit all over the site

fuck no