Fiber internet advertised

>fiber internet advertised
>15mbit down / 1mbit up
kill me Sup Forums

one day, ausbro, one day

One day, Lonbro, one day

Fibre is spelt fibre in Australia, not 'fiber'

One day anonfag, one day

>pay for a 8 Mb/s adsl
>get 7.8 Mb/s

>Now it's down to 6 Mb/s
>Time to upgrade
>Change ISP
>Pay the same for a 20 Mb/s adsl
>Get 7 Mb/s and a better ping

>Pay for the same 20 Mb/s adsl
>Get 2 Mb/s

Stop overselling the fucking shitline assholes.
I've been browsing since 2006, you don't have more band? You don't sell more band. Fucking jews.
I pay more than 10 years ago and have 1/4th the bandwidth.
With no hope of improvement.

Fucking privatized monopoly of the lines.

>not having minimum guaranteed speed in the contract

Actually it was

>Pay MORE for the same 20 Mb/s adsl

forgot the more in the rage


There is a thing like "we garantee that we will give you what the line can give you", but then they can change that value at will so they can not be sued.

Local law allows for this workaround, all ISPs have the same kind of contract.

i don't know how or why i live, to be honest.


I'm about to be going from 3.5mbps down / 0.6mbps up to 1000 mbps down / 1000 mbps up

feels pretty fucking good

if you get x speed on an adsl line, switching ISPs probably won't make more than .5mbps difference unless you're getting shit speeds despite having low attenuation and it's obvious the ISP is actively throttling your bandwidth

I know. That's the worse part of this hell.
And I know that they most probably aren't brining fiber to this part of town. Lovely.

My only solution is to go live somewhere else, but with no stable job this isn't going to happen soon.

I feel your pain, BT said laying fibre to our area wasn't "economically viable", but fortunately after a year or so, our residents' association got together and spoke to a private fibre company. They agreed that if there was enough interest (which there was), they'd get fibre to all our houses.

The prices are pretty sweet, too.
£60/mo for 1000mbps
£35/mo for 100mbps
£22/mo for 20mbps

They'll also give you 25% off those prices if you sign up for 12 months to start with. Slightly cheaper if you move your line rental to them as well.

Now I just gotta hope they'll give me a /29 subnet like every other ISP I've been with.

Things in Italy are a bit more tricky.
All the lines were laid down in the 60's or 70's by the state-controlled Telecom.
Then it was privatized (is that a word?) but it kept the control on all the lines.
Other ISP just pay to borrow bandwidth on the same line and resell it, and no other private company can lie down fiber, in this horrible "ex-state/now-private monopoly" hybrid.

I don't even live in some boons, just the outer area of a pretty big city, and yet there isn't enough interest to warrant improving the lines, and no competition to force improvements.
Truly hell.

That's far closer to the situation in Britain than you'd think. Aside from the part about other companies laying fibre, which is still rare, as it's hella expensive to do.

British Telecom got privatized in the 80's (bless u thatcher), but still owns all the telecoms infrastructure. Virgin is the only other residential company with their own network, but they have a fraction of BT's coverage. Everyone else, including Virgin in areas where they don't have coverage, piggybacks on BT's lines, paying them for the service.

I myself live on the outskirts of a city centre, but apparently our road just doesn't matter to BT. Ironically, it might even be better if I did live in the sticks, as there's been a lot of government incentives to get BT to lay fibre there.

Oh, you're right. Seems pretty familiar.

That was my ADSL speed till today. The techs just dropped by to upgrade..

It was the fastest ADSL speed at the time I signed up


Meanwhile in France...
(This is a home, private consumer line)


be grateful faggot, we pay 30$/month for 8 mbit down 2 up

Speak for yourself, I pay $30/month for less than that

lol pleb

I can't go back after getting fiber. It's so fast and stable.

stop posting your faggy ovh servers, that's not even a home connection.

What if i work here and unlike you dumbfags i have a job.

% chance your statement is true: 1
% chance you're butthurt because I called you out for your bullshit: 99

OVH is a ISP too in France

since when?

still shit, nobody cares about your work connection.


Idk, it's OVH Telecom.

It's actually been a long time. They're pretty decent from what I heard.
That said, we still don't give a fuck about that guy's work connection.

How do you manage getting shit speeds like these with Orange AND in the Paris region?
Are you in deep rural Seine et Marne or something?

>have fibre
>speeds dropping slowly from 90MB/s when installed down to this now


Yvelines actually and from only 15km of Paris. The whole town has fiber except my neighborhood.

Didn't know thanks. Still he is bullshitting about working there lol.

>1mbit up
BIT? 1 mega BIT? Fuck that is slow.

I live there too. What the fuck? Even at my parents' rural as fuck area they have better Internet (near Montfort l'Amaury, 40 Mb/s with VDSL2)

>15km away from Paris
Versailles/Le Chesnay area? I heard they just started deploying fibre internet there. Hang in there!

I live in the area yes. Fiber is not even scheduled here because I live in a house.

frog friend