Is Sup Forums attractive to females?

Is Sup Forums attractive to females?

Only of the 2D Variety

on a rare occasion, they do show up.
for the most part, it smells too much like sweat and semen in here for them

If they are lesbians...

well OP is a faggot so he's not looking for romance.


the girlfriend feigns interest in my abilities because they make money (front end dev)

who dis mango grill?

My gf sometimes browses g.
Her brother introduced her before we even met.

She visits g and int occasionally.

>the girlfriend
show her tits


my gf calls me a weeb/a nerd for going on here
i don't tell her about my Sup Forums days

My GF always tells me I'm attractive and cute.

In reality, I know im a 5/10 on my bests days.

Only 2D ya

this too

>my gf
>My GF
>My gf
>the girlfriend

but it's true user

not really. But when I feel lonely I go upstairs and have dinner with my mom.

I used to have a GF, I was not ready for how needy she was. I gave her an out and she took it.
now I have all this time to devote to 2D.

You sound lonely

why talk to other women when your gf is a distro

where do I download MakiOS?


This is a normalfag site now, what did you expect?

I would date jenny if she was an anime girl. too bad there are no cute kickass robot girls in anime like jenny.

>consumerism board

there are some, you have to dig around for them though. ask /m/

I have 3 gf, and 1 bf.


The only important thing to females is money.

There is no such thing as love.

Prove me wrong.

neck yourself tripfag


I can't tell if you meant to say "attractive" or "attracted"

Either way the answer is no

post legs

you're literally the worst tripfag ever

>I gave her an out
what was it?

My first girlfriend probably spent more time on Sup Forums than I did. Like, literally--I met her on Sup Forums. Built her own computers, messed with Linux, etc.

Some girls are indeed coprophiliacs.

Sol is multiple posters. The original was a shitposter on /fit/. He then posted a screencap of his browser, which included a reply modal. Obviously the reply modal contained his trip. It was game over from then on

I ignored her messages a lot, pretended to be busy. it helped she didn't live too close to me so she couldn't visit on a whim. eventually she just said she was dating someone else, and I said "ok".

I spend most of my time on Sup Forums, so yes.

I repair laptops for a living.


That's the most beta way possible to break up with a girl.

Macbooks, mostly, by chance? do you have a youtube channel?

Not him, but it's an easy out.

Shitty consumer HP laptops that are a pain in the ass to disassemble, mostly.

And no. Youtube is for faggots.

>replying to anyone using a trip
>making an effort to learn their names

you're part of the problem.

what can I say, it's who I am. she liked how teasing me made me spill spaghetti, thought it was cute. I've gotten more outgoing since then though.

The only acceptable reply to a tripfag is any variant of telling them to kill themselves.

no you thick plastic bitch, you're supposed to ignore them. God dammit you really are the problem.

OR OR just make everyone anonymous in settings and avoid having a tripcode trigger 1 million times a day.

I have 27 years and I know by fact that I haven't been attractive to any female ever.

I try to make peace with the fact that I'm dying Virgin but is hard to accept.

What don't you like about Jenny?

Don't know. I don't go out and do anything that isn't routine, and fairly predictable, either way.

I wouldn't say I'm likely to be attractive, nor would I say I'm unattractive. I just am. It's as though I'm not part of that world, whether through my actions or limitations in my awareness. I don't think about it directly too often. I also don't really engineer my appearance for myself, or anyone else. It's possible what I consider "maintenance" many would think is base, if not wanting.

People can detect subtle signals that there's something wrong with you. I've made little effort to deliberately control their perception.

Who is Aigis, Saikano, Chobits, Yurizaki..

have you considered prostitutes?

I find it that many girls think I am attractive

Watch more anime.

I made a hitpost about this earlier. My one friend said "this isn't technology" and complained about how much porn and anime there was, and my gf knows /of/ Sup Forums but doesn't really show any interest, she just leaves it alone.

i had this, but then she dumped me


Just go find a hooker

It won't be at all fulfilling, but it'll get you to stop being serious about your virginity and you'll find it easier to approach women

I'll draw you robots user

No idea. I'm more attractive than most of the people in the street. But I noticed the people at my university are very attractive in general compared to people on the street. Here in the Netherlands smart kids go to different high schools than dumb kids and I think it really led to some genetic selection.

I get approached by ugly girls sometimes, but I always rejected them because I dont see the point in dating an ugly person. I dont have high standards, but my future gf does need to be blonde and petite at least.


looks like a gem

I got my first kiss when I was almost 27 and I've had a bunch of girlfriends and flings since then. Just do it man, there are tons of ugly weird guys with nice girlfriends.

Also, don't go to a hooker. A guy whose only contact with women is through whores is more awkward than a virgin who's dated a little.

my gf loves me but gets pissy when we visit topics of my affinity for Sup Forums, anime, but then seems to love how i am pretty tech savvy. needs to make up her mind lol. i'm a standard Sup Forums fag desu

she acts like im way attractive although i am probably 7.5/10 by my standards (bifag) and she an 8/10. she has lasting esteem issues from being overweght in high school though

i like being a cute boy and like older sturdy men and traps, not run of the mill gay guys though, they actually generally put me off.

good thing my gf likes to rim+peg me :3

>prove me wrong

i love maki

>not being a wizard

>being a wizard

>not being a wizard

Girls flirt with me a lot. might be because I'm tall, overly kind, and my friend who goes to bars with me looks like a hobgoblin. also things like hugs lasting uncomfortably too long with female friends, and them harping on about my physical features.

I don't know what to do with social stuff though, so I go back here and shitpost instead.

>greentexting my greentext

hablas español bien, señor


>using greentext


Back to wiz chan you sad sad little man

you can't unsee it now, can you?~


>go to a bar for the first time in two years
>have been drinking about 3 liters of booze
>girl stands next to me and puts an ice cube on my forehead
>dont even realise she's been doing that for ten seconds or so and move on
>my friend asks why I didnt do anything because she was hot
>ehh do what
>turn back and notice another guy is drawing her away
ooga booga


But you're not wrong, user.

>not being a female


